
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 NOGRH Holzmann, 171 77 Stockholm


Tinna BirgisdóttirPhD Student
Anna BrammåsPhD Student
Katarina BremmeAffiliated to research
Peter ConnerAffiliated to research
Gyllencreutz ErikaAffiliated to research
Malin Holzmannadjunct senior lecturer
Ingela Hulthén VarliAffiliated to research
Peter LindgrenAffiliated to research
Sara MalerPhD Student
Charlotte Millde LuthanderAffiliated to research
Stig OllmarAffiliated to research
Sissel SaltvedtAffiliated to research
Anna SandAffiliated to research
Maria SennströmAffiliated to research
Pia TelemanAffiliated to research
Ylva Vladic StjernholmAffiliated to research
Ofra WersällAffiliated to research
Stina WretlerAffiliated to research