Organisation: K6 Department of Women's and Children's Health

Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Neonatologi, Obstetrik, Gynekologi och Reproduktiv hälsa, 171 77 Stockholm



Klara AbrahamssonPhD Student
Malin AhrneAffiliated to research
Susanna AlderAffiliated to research
Twana Alkasaliasassistant professor
Amelia Almlöf Kalmaruadjunct lecturer
Sofia Alsinglecturer
Emil AnderssonAffiliated to research
Annette Aronssonresearch specialist
Cecilia ArvidsonAffiliated to research
Sonja BaldursdottirAffiliated to research
Marco BartocciAffiliated to research
Ninni BergPhD Student
Veronica Berggrenadjunct lecturer
Nils BergmanAffiliated to research
Charlotta BergströmPhD Student
Staffan BergströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Tinna BirgisdóttirPhD Student
Isabella BizjakPhD Student
Johanna BlomgrenPhD student
Marie Bondesonadjunct lecturer
Kirsty BourretAffiliated to research
Anna BrammåsPhD Student
Karin Rebecka BrandellPhD Student
Matilda BredellPhD Student
Lovisa BrehmerAffiliated to research
Katarina BremmeAffiliated to research
Kristina CederbladAffiliated to research
Andrei ChilianuAffiliated to research
Kyllike ChristenssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Amanda Cleeveassistant professor
Peter ConnerAffiliated to research
Anette Daberiusresearch midwife
Karin DahlströmPhD Student
Emöke DeschmannAffiliated to research
Snorri DonaldssonAffiliated to research
Thomas DrevhammarAffiliated to research
Gabriella EdfeldtAffiliated to research
Malin EdqvistAffiliated to research
Åsa Ehlin von KartaschewPhD Student
Susanne Eismoadjunct lecturer
Emma EklundAffiliated to research
Gunvor Ekman-OrdebergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Jona Elings KnutssonAffiliated to research
Eva Elvinsenior lecturer
Karin Emtell Iwarssonresearch midwife
Margit Endlerassistant professor
Hedvig Engbergadjunct lecturer
Niklas EnvallAffiliated to research
Henrik FalconerAffiliated to research
Omid FaridaniAffiliated to research
Jamie FeusnerAffiliated to research
Christian FialaAffiliated to research
Emil FlatholmAffiliated to research
Angelique Flöter-Rådestadsenior lecturer/senior physician
Cecilia FridénAffiliated to research
Jakob FrieAffiliated to research
Ulrika Fundinresearch midwife
Landuleni Fäldt WahengoOther
Åsa Gottfridssonlecturer
Igor GovorovAffiliated to research
Johanna Granhagen Jungnerlecturer
Nina Groes KofoedPhD Student
Anna GudmundsdottirAffiliated to research
Okan Gultekinresearch assistant
Kolbrún GunnarsdóttirPhD Student
Anna Gustafssonassistant professor
Gyllencreutz ErikaAffiliated to research
Kerstin HagenfeldtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Elin Hallgrenadjunct lecturer
Anna Hallin ProvenzanoPhD Student
Anton HellbergPhD Student
Agnes Herreclinical assistant
Anna Hildenbrand MichelmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Malin Holzmannadjunct senior lecturer
Ingela Hulthén VarliAffiliated to research
Daniel HundeAffiliated to research
Sara ImbodenAffiliated to research
Ivika JaksonAffiliated to research
Wibke Jonassenior lecturer
Ulrika JoneborgAffiliated to research
Baldvin JonssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Kerstin JostAffiliated to research
Sandra Kahlbomadjunct lecturer
Asinja Eriab KapuruPhD Student
Catharina Karlssonadministrator
Carina Karlsson Bergqvistadjunct lecturer
Annica KempeAffiliated to research
Helena KilanderAffiliated to research
Anna Malin KjellbergAffiliated to research
Liza Klacksell Israelssonlecturer
Marie Klingberg Allvinprofessor
Katarzyna KopaczkaAffiliated to research
Pierre KuhnAffiliated to research
Hedvig KvantaAffiliated to research
Hugo LagercrantzProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Benjamin LassebroAffiliated to research
Veronica LedouxAffiliated to research
Mikaela LenellsPhD Student
Siri LilliesköldAffiliated to research
Angelica Linden Hirschbergprofessor/senior physician
Helena LindgrenAffiliated to research
Lena Lindgrenadjunct lecturer
Peter LindgrenAffiliated to research
Johanna Lindstedtresearch assistant
Emelie Looft-TrägårdhPhD Student
Eva LundströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Elisa Maria MaffioliAffiliated to research
Marlene MakenziusAffiliated to research
Sara MalerPhD Student
Cristina MattisonAffiliated to research
Patrick McGowanAffiliated to research
David MegyessiPostdoctoral studies
Charlotte Millde LuthanderAffiliated to research
Miriam Mintssenior lecturer/senior physician
Tenagnework Dilnessa MulualemPhD Student
Gustaf Mårtenssonresearch specialist
Sabine NaessénAffiliated to research
Nageswara Rao Boggavarapuassistant professor
Karthik NairPhD student
Eva NissenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Samson Nivins Sylaspostdoctoral researcher
Anna Norberg HardiePhD Student
Lisa Norénadjunct lecturer
Gunnar NorstedtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Daniela NoskoAffiliated to research
Louise Odelladjunct lecturer
Stig OllmarAffiliated to research
Jan OlofssonAffiliated to research
Linus OlsonAffiliated to research
Caroline-Aleksi Olsson MägiAffiliated to research
Nelly PadillaAffiliated to research
Kolbrun PalsdottirAffiliated to research
Kiriaki PapaikonomouAffiliated to research
Lalit Kumar Parameswaran Graceprincipal researcher
Mandira PaulAffiliated to research
Mariana PaulsonAffiliated to research
Rasha PolcerPhD Student
Mohammed Fatih RasulPhD Student
Zoia RazumovaAffiliated to research
Maria Refsgaardadjunct lecturer
Malin Ruukholmadjunct lecturer
Sahra SaidArabAffiliated to research
Daniel Salamonsenior research specialist
Sahar SalehiAffiliated to research
Caroline Salminen FrisendahlPhD Student
Björn SalomonssonAffiliated to research
Sissel SaltvedtAffiliated to research
Anna SandAffiliated to research
Sreenivasa Raghavan Sankavarampostdoctoral researcher
Meruert SarsenovaPhD Student
Isabella SchmehAffiliated to research
Maria SennströmAffiliated to research
Tewodros SeyoumPostdoctoral studies
Maral ShafeiPhD Student
Veronica SiljehavAffiliated to research
Hanna Tesfaye SisayPhD Student
Thilda Sjöblomadjunct lecturer
Lars SmedmanAffiliated to research
Isabelle Spataeducational administrator
Emma SteenAffiliated to research
Kristoffer Steinerclinical assistant
Eleni StergiouPhD student
Moa StrandbergPhD Student
Anna Stäkelecturer
Kristin SvenssonAffiliated to research
Liisa Svenssonlecturer
Gunnar SöderqvistAffiliated to research
Yiqun Tangclinical assistant
Jun TangPostdoctoral studies
Pia TelemanAffiliated to research
Björn Tingbergassistant senior lecturer
Sofia TornvallPhD Student
Line Trondsen HettebergPhD Student
Sarah Törnqvist De MasiPhD Student
Hanna Ulfsdottirassistant professor
Deborah UtjésPhD Student
Frida Viirmanpostdoctoral researcher
Ylva Vladic StjernholmAffiliated to research
Malin Voltaireadjunct lecturer
Noni WadströmPhD Student
Ulla WaldenströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Maja WeinrybPhD student
Michael Wellssenior lecturer
Ofra WersällAffiliated to research
Björn WestrupAffiliated to research
Martin Widschwendtervisiting professor
Karin WillstrandPhD Student
Emilija Wilsonassistant professor
Stina WretlerAffiliated to research
Anna WängborgPhD student
Diana ZachAffiliated to research
Alexander Zulligerbiomedical scientist
Ulrika Ådénprofessor/senior physician
Eva Åkermanpostdoctoral researcher
Emma ÖbergAffiliated to research
Maria ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research
Elin Östadjunct lecturer