K6 Department of Women's and Children's Health


Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, 171 77 Stockholm



Klara AbrahamssonPhD Student
Sara Abu AjamiehPhD student
Camilla Adlefinance officer
Randa Adnanfinance officer
Katja AdolphsonAffiliated to research
Tim AeppliPhD Student
Malin af PetersensPhD Student
Margareta af SandebergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Borja Agirre MikelarenaAffiliated to research
Hanna AgiusPhD Student
Emelie Ahlinadministrative officer
Johanna AhlströmHR partner
Malin AhrneAffiliated to research
Susanna AlderAffiliated to research
Lovisa AlehagenPhD student
Stefania AlivertiAffiliated to research
Twana Alkasaliasassistant professor
Samara AlmAffiliated to research
Amelia Almlöf Kalmaruadjunct lecturer
Markus AlmströmAffiliated to research
Sofia Alsinglecturer
Maria AltmanAffiliated to research
Elina Ampujaeducational administrator
Stavroula AnastasopoulouAffiliated to research
Annika Anderssonsenior lab manager
Ulf AnderssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Kerstin Anderssonresearch nurse
Emil AnderssonAffiliated to research
Luca Andronicopostdoctoral researcher
Anita AperiaProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Georgios ApostolidisPhD Student
Cecilia Arana HåkansonPhD Student
Henrik ArnellAffiliated to research
Annette Aronssonresearch specialist
Abishek Arorapostdoctoral researcher
Cecilia ArvidsonAffiliated to research
Lisa ArvidssonAffiliated to research
Aron ArzoomandPhD student
Marie AskenbergerAffiliated to research
Mahtab AvijganPhD student
Sofia Axelleducational administrator
Gustav AxelssonPhD Student
Hajar Ali Mohammed Ba OmarPhD Student
Sonja BaldursdottirAffiliated to research
Magdalena Barbachowskapostdoctoral researcher
Hugo Barcenillaresearch specialist
Cecilia BartholdsonAffiliated to research
Marco BartocciAffiliated to research
Åsa BartonekAffiliated to research
Ninib Baryawnoprincipal researcher
Oscar Bedoya ReinaAffiliated to research
Simon BegalloIT technician
Nima Behnam Makoisystem developer
Iro Beligianniresearch assistant
Nicola BellAffiliated to research
Ameya Bendrepostdoctoral researcher
Rutger BennetAffiliated to research
Ninni BergPhD Student
Anna BerggrenAffiliated to research
Steve BerggrenAffiliated to research
Veronica Berggrenadjunct lecturer
Gunnar BergmanAffiliated to research
Nils BergmanAffiliated to research
Kristian BergmanPhD Student
Elisabet Bergstenresearch specialist
Charlotta BergströmPhD Student
Hanna Bergströmeducational administrator
Staffan BergströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anna Karin Bernhardssonresearch nurse
Tomas BexeliusAffiliated to research
Charlotte Bieneck HaglindAffiliated to research
Isabelle BillsteinPhD student
Tinna BirgisdóttirPhD Student
Isabella BizjakPhD Student
Lars BjörkAffiliated to research
Karin BjörströmHR partner
Melissa Blackpostdoctoral researcher
Klas Blomgrenprofessor/senior physician
Johanna BlomgrenPhD student
Magdalena BoijePhD Student
Marie Bondesonadjunct lecturer
Anna BorgAffiliated to research
Petra BoströmPhD Student
Kirsty BourretAffiliated to research
Lola BoutinAffiliated to research
Anna BrammåsPhD Student
Karin Rebecka BrandellPhD Student
Matilda BredellPhD Student
Lovisa BrehmerAffiliated to research
Katarina BremmeAffiliated to research
Sabina BrinkleyHR partner
Hjalmar Brismarprincipal researcher
Petter Brodinprofessor/specialist physician
Sandra Brogårdehead of administration
Anna Lena BrorssonAffiliated to research
Eva Broströmadjunct professor
Nele Brusselaersresearcher
Sofia Buddgårdcoordinator
Cornelia ByströmPhD Student
Birgitta BöhmAffiliated to research
Stephanie BöhmAffiliated to research
Sven Bölteprofessor/psychologist
Cecilia CaldemanPhD Student
Anna CarleborgAffiliated to research
Lena-Maria CarlsonAffiliated to research
Pablo CarravillaAffiliated to research
Kristina CederbladAffiliated to research
Therese CedervallPhD Student
Francesco CenniAffiliated to research
Emma ChadwickAffiliated to research
Olivia ChammasAffiliated to research
Clara Chamorro JimenezAffiliated to research
Alexis Chasseurpostdoctoral researcher
Saikat ChatterjeeAffiliated to research
Yang Chensenior research specialist
Qi Chenclinical assistant
Andrei ChilianuAffiliated to research
Cecilia ChrapkowskaPhD Student
Kyllike ChristenssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ihhwa ChunPostdoctoral studies
Stefano CianfaraniAffiliated to research
Amanda Cleeveassistant professor
Giovanna CoceanoAffiliated to research
Christina CocoAffiliated to research
Peter ConnerAffiliated to research
Linnéa CorellPhD student
Yanhua CuiPostdoctoral studies
Minying CuiPhD Student
Rosa Cusato Sörnäsadministrator
Anette Daberiusresearch midwife
Maria DahlinAffiliated to research
Karin DahlströmPhD Student
Hanna DanielssonPhD Student
Kanjar DePostdoctoral studies
Leonard de Boerpostdoctoral researcher
Michaela Dellenmark-BlomAffiliated to research
Emöke DeschmannAffiliated to research
Pernilla DillnerPhD Student
Snorri DonaldssonAffiliated to research
Thomas DrevhammarAffiliated to research
Chrisanne DsouzaPostdoctoral studies
Cecilia Dybergassistant professor
Robin EbbestadPhD Student
Gabriella EdfeldtAffiliated to research
Sebastian Edmanpostdoctoral researcher
Johanna EdoffAffiliated to research
Malin EdqvistAffiliated to research
Christina Egnell GustafssonAffiliated to research
Åsa Ehlin von KartaschewPhD Student
Susanne Eismoadjunct lecturer
Linnea EkPhD Student
Kerstin EkbomAffiliated to research
Anna Matilda Ekesbo FreisingerAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma EklundAffiliated to research
Ann-Christine EklöfAffiliated to research
Gunvor Ekman-OrdebergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Staffan EksborgProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Peter ElfströmAffiliated to research
Ann-Christin Eliassonprincipal researcher
Håkan EliassonAffiliated to research
Jona Elings KnutssonAffiliated to research
Eva Elvinsenior lecturer
Bethel Embaieclinical assistant
Karin Emtell Iwarssonresearch midwife
Margit Endlerassistant professor
Hedvig Engbergadjunct lecturer
Helene Engstrand LiljaAffiliated to research
Sergej Engströmteaching assistant
Sabina EnlundPhD student
Niklas EnvallAffiliated to research
Annika EricsonPhD student
Marie ErikssonAffiliated to research
Håkan ErikssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Margareta ErikssonAffiliated to research
Alba Escalera Balserapostdoctoral researcher
Samuelle Fajutrao FalkPhD Student
Carmelle Fajutrao Vallesteaching assistant
Terje Falck-Ytterprincipal researcher
Henrik FalconerAffiliated to research
Omid FaridaniAffiliated to research
Vera FedosovaPhD Student
Jamie FeusnerAffiliated to research
Christian FialaAffiliated to research
Ariadna Figueras VeaAffiliated to research
Anastasia FiliouAffiliated to research
André FisahnAffiliated to research
Emil FlatholmAffiliated to research
Karin Floodproject manager
Angelique Flöter-Rådestadsenior lecturer/senior physician
Anna FogelströmPhD Student
Rikard ForlinPhD student
David ForsbergAffiliated to research
Hans Forssbergprofessor, senior
Magdalena FossumAffiliated to research
Adamantia Fragkopoulouassistant professor
Björn FrencknerProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anna FridellPhD Student
Cecilia FridénAffiliated to research
Jakob FrieAffiliated to research
Tony FriskAffiliated to research
Emelie FriskAffiliated to research
Jennifer Frithiofcoordinator
Julia Frostellteaching assistant
Ulrika Fundinresearch midwife
Catarina FurmarkPhD Student
Landuleni Fäldt WahengoOther
Ulrika FörbergAffiliated to research
Sandra Ganrud TednerAffiliated to research
Désirée Gavhedsenior research specialist
Karol GawelowiczPhD Student
Kristina Gemzell Danielssonprofessor/senior physician
Kleopatra GeorgantziAffiliated to research
Joshua GertlerPhD Student
Sonya GirdlerAffiliated to research
Tuva GislePhD Student
Alexandra GkourogianniAffiliated to research
Glenn GoldsteinAffiliated to research
Laura Gonzalezlaboratory technician
Antonio Gonzalez SanchezOther
Åsa Gottfridssonlecturer
Igor GovorovAffiliated to research
Johanna Granhagen Jungnerlecturer
Pernilla GrillnerAffiliated to research
Nina Groes KofoedPhD Student
Anna GudmundsdottirAffiliated to research
Unnur Gudnadóttirpostdoctoral researcher
Okan Gultekinresearch assistant
Anna GunnarsdottirAffiliated to research
Kolbrún GunnarsdóttirPhD Student
Eli GunnarsonAffiliated to research
Anna GunnerbeckPostdoctoral studies
Anna Gustafssonassistant professor
Elena Gutierrez FarewikAffiliated to research
Gyllencreutz ErikaAffiliated to research
Cenk GürdapPhD student
Thi Cam Tu HaAffiliated to research
Anu HaavistoAffiliated to research
Hala HabashPhD student
Marika HabbePhD Student
Henrique HadadPostdoctoral studies
Celine HafkesbrinkPhD student
Ingrid Hagberg-van't HooftAffiliated to research
Kerstin HagenfeldtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Lars HagenäsAffiliated to research
Maria HalldinAffiliated to research
Elin Hallgrenadjunct lecturer
Sigrun HallgrimsdottirPhD Student
Anna Hallin ProvenzanoPhD Student
Johan Hilmer HamrinAffiliated to research
Nan Sophia HanPhD student
Shahinez Hanna-Eliasresearch assistant
Femke Harteveldclinical assistant
John HasslingerPostdoctoral studies
Gustav HedbergPhD Student
Gunilla HedlinProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Johan Helanderteaching assistant
Anton HellbergPhD Student
Gustaf HellspongPhD Student
Hans HemmingssonPhD Student
Jan-Inge Henterprofessor, senior
Eric Herleniusprofessor/senior physician
Nikolas Heroldassistant professor
Agnes Herreclinical assistant
Olof HerttingAffiliated to research
Anna Hildenbrand MichelmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Tatja HirvikoskiAffiliated to research
Emma HjalmarssonAffiliated to research
Henrik HjelmgrenAffiliated to research
Tiina Holmberg BergmanPhD Student
Idun HolmdahlAffiliated to research
Gundela HolmdahlAffiliated to research
Anders HolmquistPhD Student
Linda HolmströmAffiliated to research
Mikael HolstAffiliated to research
Malin Holzmannadjunct senior lecturer
Annacarin HorneAffiliated to research
Oscar Horwathpostdoctoral researcher
Angela Hoyeradministrative officer
Yating HuangPhD Student
Ingela Hulthén VarliAffiliated to research
Daniel HundeAffiliated to research
Karl HybinettePhD Student
Kristina Susana Ihrmark LundbergPhD Student
Sara ImbodenAffiliated to research
Maria IngemanssonAffiliated to research
Martine IsachsenAffiliated to research
Johan IsakssonAffiliated to research
Rita Ivanchenkopostdoctoral researcher
Dan JacobsonAffiliated to research
Max Jacobssonteaching assistant
Kirsi JahnukainenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Melissa JakobssonPhD Student
Ivika JaksonAffiliated to research
Anna Jamesresearcher
Annika JansonAffiliated to research
Angel JiaPhD Student
John Inge Johnsenprincipal researcher
Kristina JohnsonPhD Student
Anette Johnssonlaboratory technician
Wibke Jonassenior lecturer
Ulrika JoneborgAffiliated to research
Baldvin JonssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ulf JonssonAffiliated to research
Kerstin JostAffiliated to research
Jenny Juhlinresearch coordinator
Maxime JulienAffiliated to research
Sandra Kahlbomadjunct lecturer
Nelli KalnakAffiliated to research
Diana KancsarAffiliated to research
Asinja Eriab KapuruPhD Student
Catharina Karlssonadministrator
Leif KarlssonAffiliated to research
Carina Karlsson Bergqvistadjunct lecturer
Kalliopi KazamiaPhD Student
Johanna KembePhD Student
None-Marie Kempadministrator
Annica KempeAffiliated to research
Aron KerenyiAffiliated to research
Nikolaos KiapekosPhD Student
Helena KilanderAffiliated to research
Anna Malin KjellbergAffiliated to research
Liza Klacksell Israelssonlecturer
Marie Klingberg Allvinprofessor
Yolande Séverine KlootsemaAffiliated to research
Per Kognerprofessor/senior physician
Jon Roald KonradsenAffiliated to research
Katarzyna KopaczkaAffiliated to research
Mikael Koskelapostdoctoral researcher
Eeva Koskimies-VirtaAffiliated to research
Anna KostarevaAffiliated to research
Ulrika KreicbergsAffiliated to research
Genia KretzschmarPhD Student
Eva Jamilie KroschelAffiliated to research
Lena Krumlinde SundholmAffiliated to research
Annika KruseAffiliated to research
Pierre KuhnAffiliated to research
Hedvig KvantaAffiliated to research
Ola Kvistpostdoctoral researcher
Hugo LagercrantzProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Svetlana Lajicadjunct professor
Luise LandrehAffiliated to research
Anette Langebäckresearch specialist
Anders Holsgaard LarsenAffiliated to research
Jan-Olov LarssonAffiliated to research
Elin Larssonprincipal researcher
Erik LarssonAffiliated to research
Anna LarssonPhD Student
Benjamin LassebroAffiliated to research
Anita Laurin NordlundAffiliated to research
Veronica LedouxAffiliated to research
Jelaine Legaspicommunications officer
Ann-Kathrine Lemoneducational administrator
Mikaela LenellsPhD Student
Sofia LevénPhD Student
Cecilia Lidbeckassistant professor
Niklas LidströmerAffiliated to research
Ingrid Lilienthalclinical assistant
Siri LilliesköldAffiliated to research
Angelica Linden Hirschbergprofessor/senior physician
Louise SteinhoffPhD Student
Anders LindforsAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Helena LindgrenAffiliated to research
Lena Lindgrenadjunct lecturer
Peter LindgrenAffiliated to research
Johanna Lindstedtresearch assistant
Therese LindströmAffiliated to research
Tommy LinnéAffiliated to research
Emelia Ljungadministrator
Henrik LjungbergAffiliated to research
Linda LjungbladPostdoctoral studies
Florens LohrmannPostdoctoral studies
Emelie Looft-TrägårdhPhD Student
João Pedro Alves-Lopesassistant professor
Ulrika Lorentzon FagerbergAffiliated to research
Carl LundebergPhD Student
Karl Lundin Remnéliuspostdoctoral researcher
Eva LundströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Joachim LuthanderAffiliated to research
Karin Lyckeresearch coordinator
Sofia LüningPhD Student
Päivi LähteenmäkiAffiliated to research
Anna Löf GranströmAffiliated to research
Ruth LöllgenAffiliated to research
Maria LöthbergPhD Student
Kristina LöwingAffiliated to research
Tiago MacedoExternal scholarship
Elisa Maria MaffioliAffiliated to research
Marlene MakenziusAffiliated to research
Sara MalerPhD Student
Lovisa MalmqvistPhD Student
Johan MalmrosAffiliated to research
Evgenia ManousakiAffiliated to research
Jose MarchanPhD student
Andrea MarkkulaAffiliated to research
Peter B MarschikAffiliated to research
Mats Marshall Heymansenior lecturer/senior physician
Francesca Mastropasquasenior research specialist
Mikaela Matifinance officer
Cristina MattisonAffiliated to research
Nina Maussierteaching assistant
Patrick McGowanAffiliated to research
Leah Mchughpostdoctoral researcher
David MegyessiPostdoctoral studies
David MenassaAffiliated to research
Andrea Merkerresearch specialist
Carmen Mesas BurgosAffiliated to research
Jenny MeyerPostdoctoral studies
Jaromir Mikessenior research specialist
Nina MilenkovicAffiliated to research
Josef MileradAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Charlotte Millde LuthanderAffiliated to research
Jelena MilosevicAffiliated to research
Miriam Mintssenior lecturer/senior physician
Pamella Miranda de MouraPostdoctoral studies
Matilda ModighPhD Student
Nina MogensenAffiliated to research
Tenagnework Dilnessa MulualemPhD Student
Lynnea Heather MyersAffiliated to research
Agneta Månsson-Brobergadjunct lecturer
Gustaf Mårtenssonresearch specialist
Karina MördrupPhD Student
Rakan Naboulsipostdoctoral researcher
Sabine NaessénAffiliated to research
Nageswara Rao Boggavarapuassistant professor
Josefine NailiAffiliated to research
Karthik NairPhD student
Amal NazaraliyevAffiliated to research
Erika Negrinilaboratory technician
Ricard NergårdhAffiliated to research
Janina Neufeldprincipal researcher
Phillip Newtonprincipal researcher
Ola Nilssonprofessor/senior physician
Anna Nilssonprofessor/senior physician
Nora NilssonAffiliated to research
Fredrik NilssonAffiliated to research
Agnes Nilssonteaching assistant
Jenny NilssonAffiliated to research
Elisabeth Nilsson Jobsresearch specialist
Andrea Nimanresearch assistant
Eva NissenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Samson Nivins Sylaspostdoctoral researcher
Hjalmar Nobel Norrmanresearch assistant
Anna Norberg HardiePhD Student
Agneta Nordenskjöldprofessor, senior
Felicia NordenstamAffiliated to research
Anna Nordenströmadjunct professor
Björn Nordlundadjunct senior lecturer
Lisa Norénadjunct lecturer
Svante NorgrenAffiliated to research
Gunnar NorstedtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Daniela NoskoAffiliated to research
Hansi NurmiAffiliated to research
Jenny OddsbergAffiliated to research
Louise Odelladjunct lecturer
Marika OksanenPhD student
Manuel Olivapostdoctoral researcher
Stig OllmarAffiliated to research
Jan OlofssonAffiliated to research
Thale Kristin OlsenAffiliated to research
Linus OlsonAffiliated to research
David Gustav Erik OlssonAffiliated to research
Caroline-Aleksi Olsson MägiAffiliated to research
Selma Olsson ÅkefeldtAffiliated to research
Sheila OrwaAffiliated to research
Trausti OskarssonAffiliated to research
Ahmed Osmanassistant professor
Jörg OttePostdoctoral studies
Lars Ottossonresearch specialist
Nelly PadillaAffiliated to research
Mikko PakarinenAffiliated to research
Niklas PalAffiliated to research
Elena PalleriAffiliated to research
Karin PalmbladAffiliated to research
Kajsa Palmkvist KaijserPhD Student
Kolbrun PalsdottirAffiliated to research
Kiriaki PapaikonomouAffiliated to research
Lalit Kumar Parameswaran Graceprincipal researcher
Barbora PátkováPhD Student
Mandira PaulAffiliated to research
Mariana PaulsonAffiliated to research
Adena PepichAffiliated to research
Marcela PereiraAffiliated to research
Pernilla PergertAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma PersadPhD student
Cecilia PetersenAffiliated to research
Katina PetterssonAffiliated to research
Alexander PhillipsAffiliated to research
Gabriel PitollatPostdoctoral studies
Giusy PizzirussoPhD student
Rasha PolcerPhD Student
Alkinoos PolychronopoulosPhD student
Eva PonténAffiliated to research
Efthalia PrekaPhD student
Nikita Primsanderteaching assistant
Una Prosellcommunications officer
Karin Pukk HärenstamAffiliated to research
Emmi Puuvuoripostdoctoral researcher
Linnea PåveniusPhD Student
Maria Querol CanutAffiliated to research
Franziska RagallerPhD student
Shyam RajagopalanAffiliated to research
Santhosh RajakumarAffiliated to research
Alexander RakowAffiliated to research
Naify Ramadanclinical assistant
Amanda Ramilo AmorAffiliated to research
Susanna RantaAffiliated to research
Mohammed Fatih RasulPhD Student
Zoia RazumovaAffiliated to research
Maria Refsgaardadjunct lecturer
Mikael ReimeringerAffiliated to research
Jan ReisingAffiliated to research
Stefan Reitznerassistant professor
Elina RenhornAffiliated to research
Carina RinaldoAffiliated to research
Johanna Ristolainen Spakpsychologist
Andrea RitosaAffiliated to research
Martin RitzénProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Elisabet Rodby-BousquetAffiliated to research
Carlos Rodriguesclinical assistant
Lucie RodriguezAffiliated to research
Dennis RootsiPhD student
Michael Rosendahlarchivist
Daniel RossiAffiliated to research
Yana RuchiyPhD student
Malin Ruukholmadjunct lecturer
Ludvig RybergAffiliated to research
Malin Ryd RinderAffiliated to research
Emil Rydell HögelinAffiliated to research
Caroline Rådestadeducational administrator
Edwin RåsbergPhD Student
Shanie Saghafian-HedengrenAffiliated to research
Sahra SaidArabAffiliated to research
Daniel Salamonsenior research specialist
Sahar SalehiAffiliated to research
Karin SalehiAffiliated to research
Alireza SalehiAffiliated to research
Caroline Salminen FrisendahlPhD Student
Björn SalomonssonAffiliated to research
Sissel SaltvedtAffiliated to research
Athina SamaraAffiliated to research
Anna SandAffiliated to research
Fredrik SandesjöPhD Student
Sreenivasa Raghavan Sankavarampostdoctoral researcher
Meruert SarsenovaPhD Student
Iuliia SavchukAffiliated to research
Ivanka Savic Berglundprofessor, senior
Alice SavoiaAffiliated to research
Jan SchlegelAffiliated to research
Isabella SchmehAffiliated to research
David SchmidtAffiliated to research
Ana Maria Segueleducational administrator
Thomas Sejersenprofessor/senior physician
Maria SennströmAffiliated to research
Tewodros SeyoumPostdoctoral studies
Erdinc Sezginassistant professor
Maral ShafeiPhD Student
Shahrzad Shirazi FardAffiliated to research
Yuri ShvarevAffiliated to research
Veronica SiljehavAffiliated to research
Morten Bilde SimonsenAffiliated to research
Hanna Tesfaye SisayPhD Student
Ellen Sjuleresearch assistant
Gunnar SjöbergAffiliated to research
Thilda Sjöblomadjunct lecturer
Maria Sjöborg AlpmanPhD Student
Lina SkoogPhD Student
Sebastian SköldblomAffiliated to research
Lars SmedmanAffiliated to research
Sven-Erik Sonessonsenior lab manager
Agnes Luise SortebergPhD student
Isabelle Spataeducational administrator
Julia StarckPhD Student
Emma SteenAffiliated to research
Kristoffer Steinerclinical assistant
Jakob Stenmansenior lecturer/senior physician
Eleni StergiouPhD student
Justine StevensAffiliated to research
Moa StrandbergPhD Student
Anna StrandqvistAffiliated to research
Ingrid Byng StrømAffiliated to research
Jan-Bernd Stukenborgsenior lecturer
Anna StålbergAffiliated to research
Anna Stäkelecturer
Tommy StödbergAffiliated to research
Meng Sunresearch specialist
Erik SundbergAffiliated to research
Heléne SundelinAffiliated to research
Fredrik SundquistPhD Student
Katja SundströmAffiliated to research
Konstantin SvechnikovAffiliated to research
Malin SveijerPhD Student
Petter SvenbergAffiliated to research
Anna SvenningssonAffiliated to research
Kristin SvenssonAffiliated to research
Jan SvenssonAffiliated to research
Liisa Svenssonlecturer
Taras Sychresearch specialist
Lars Sävendahlprofessor/senior physician
Olle SöderProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Cilla Söderhällsenior lecturer
Stefan SöderhällAffiliated to research
Sofia Söderquist KruthPhD Student
Gunnar SöderqvistAffiliated to research
Linnea SöderströmPhD Student
Lakshmikanth Tadepallysenior research specialist
Salim TamimiPhD Student
Kristiina Tammimiesprincipal researcher
Ziyang Tanpostdoctoral researcher
Yiqun Tangclinical assistant
Jun TangPostdoctoral studies
Shahid Tararsystem developer
Kristina TedroffAffiliated to research
Jobel TeklebrhanIT coordinator
Joël Tekoniemilaboratory technician
Pia TelemanAffiliated to research
Anna TelléusPhD Student
Ilaria TestaAffiliated to research
Åsa ThelausPhD Student
Anders TidbladAffiliated to research
Björn Tingbergassistant senior lecturer
Eva TiseliusPhD student
Yogesh TodarwalPostdoctoral studies
Sofia TornvallPhD Student
Diana TreisAffiliated to research
Line Trondsen HettebergPhD Student
Catarina TrägerAffiliated to research
Ioanna TseaPhD student
Nataliia Tsekhmestrukresearch assistant
Nikolaos Tsesmetzispostdoctoral researcher
Jennifer Turnerfinance officer
Conny Tümmlerpostdoctoral researcher
Sarah Törnqvist De MasiPhD Student
Hanna Ulfsdottirassistant professor
Anna Undeman AsarnojAffiliated to research
Deborah UtjésPhD Student
Agnes VallbergAffiliated to research
Hannah van BunningenAffiliated to research
Inti Vanmechelenpostdoctoral researcher
Mireille VanpéeAffiliated to research
Annelies Vant Westeindepostdoctoral researcher
Lilly VelentzaAffiliated to research
Päivi Ventovaaralecturer
Manouk VerhoevenPhD student
Anna VerméPhD Student
Harpa VidarsdottirAffiliated to research
Frida Viirmanpostdoctoral researcher
Charlotte ViktorssonAffiliated to research
Ylva Vladic StjernholmAffiliated to research
Brigitte VollmerAffiliated to research
Malin Voltaireadjunct lecturer
Tatiana von Bahr GreenwoodAffiliated to research
Amelie von FinckensteinAffiliated to research
Johan von HeidekenAffiliated to research
Ferdinand von Waldenassistant professor
Noni WadströmPhD Student
Aida Wahlgrenassistant senior lecturer
Ulla WaldenströmProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Lena WallensteenAffiliated to research
Sofia WallinAffiliated to research
Jun Wangsenior research infrastructure specialist
Xueyao WangPhD Student
Zhendong WangAffiliated to research
Michelle Wattspostdoctoral researcher
Florian WeberPhD Student
Charlotte WeinerAffiliated to research
Maja WeinrybPhD student
Michael Wellssenior lecturer
Marika WenemarkAffiliated to research
Annelie TörnblomAffiliated to research
Ofra WersällAffiliated to research
Tomas Westerprofessor/senior physician
Hanna WestergrenPhD Student
Björn WestrupAffiliated to research
Lena WettergrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ronny Wickströmadjunct professor
Malin Wickströmprincipal researcher
Martin Widschwendtervisiting professor
Helena WiganderAffiliated to research
Mari WilhelmssonAffiliated to research
Karin WillstrandPhD Student
Emilija Wilsonassistant professor
Lisa Wilssoneducation coordinator
Stina WretlerAffiliated to research
Marika WrightAffiliated to research
Teresa WulffAffiliated to research
Anna Wåhlinadministrative officer
Anna WängborgPhD student
Sabina Wärnberg GerdinPhD student
Ashraf Yahiapostdoctoral researcher
Yifan YangPhD student
Xuan Yeresearch assistant
Diana ZachAffiliated to research
Farasat Zamansenior research specialist
Eric ZanderAffiliated to research
Cecilia ZetterströmAffiliated to research
Yali ZhangPhD Student
Zhengpei ZhangPhD Student
Yunhan ZhaoAffiliated to research
Binbin ZhaoPhD Student
Lili Zhengsystem developer
Ruihan Zhoupostdoctoral researcher
Changlian ZhuAffiliated to research
Wentao ZhuAffiliated to research
Baohui Zhupostdoctoral researcher
Katarina ZivkovicAffiliated to research
Alexander Zulligerbiomedical scientist
Ulrika Ådénprofessor/senior physician
Alexandra ÅhblomPhD student
Eva Åkermanpostdoctoral researcher
Eva Jason ÅndellAffiliated to research
Per ÅstrandAffiliated to research
Eva ÅströmAffiliated to research
Lars Ährlund-RichterProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Emma ÖbergAffiliated to research
Maria Ödlingassistant professor
Maria ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research
Elisabet ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research
Elin Östadjunct lecturer
Katarina Övermo TydénPhD Student