Organisation: K6 Department of Women's and Children's Health

Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi, 171 77 Stockholm


K6.Barnonkologi och Barnkirugi.Bartholdson


Sara Abu AjamiehPhD student
Malin af PetersensPhD Student
Margareta af SandebergAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Borja Agirre MikelarenaAffiliated to research
Stefania AlivertiAffiliated to research
Samara AlmAffiliated to research
Markus AlmströmAffiliated to research
Stavroula AnastasopoulouAffiliated to research
Annika Anderssonsenior lab manager
Cecilia Arana HåkansonPhD Student
Lisa ArvidssonAffiliated to research
Mahtab AvijganPhD student
Gustav AxelssonPhD Student
Hajar Ali Mohammed Ba OmarPhD Student
Magdalena Barbachowskapostdoctoral researcher
Cecilia BartholdsonAffiliated to research
Ninib Baryawnoprincipal researcher
Oscar Bedoya ReinaAffiliated to research
Nima Behnam Makoisystem developer
Nicola BellAffiliated to research
Anna BerggrenAffiliated to research
Elisabet Bergstenresearch specialist
Tomas BexeliusAffiliated to research
Isabelle BillsteinPhD student
Klas Blomgrenprofessor/senior physician
Magdalena BoijePhD Student
Petra BoströmPhD Student
Lola BoutinAffiliated to research
Anna Lena BrorssonAffiliated to research
Nele Brusselaersresearcher
Cornelia ByströmPhD Student
Cecilia CaldemanPhD Student
Lena-Maria CarlsonAffiliated to research
Olivia ChammasAffiliated to research
Clara Chamorro JimenezAffiliated to research
Cecilia ChrapkowskaPhD Student
Ihhwa ChunPostdoctoral studies
Yanhua CuiPostdoctoral studies
Rosa Cusato Sörnäsadministrator
Hanna DanielssonPhD Student
Michaela Dellenmark-BlomAffiliated to research
Pernilla DillnerPhD Student
Cecilia Dybergassistant professor
Christina Egnell GustafssonAffiliated to research
Linnea EkPhD Student
Staffan EksborgProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Bethel Embaieclinical assistant
Helene Engstrand LiljaAffiliated to research
Sabina EnlundPhD student
André FisahnAffiliated to research
Karin Floodproject manager
Anna FogelströmPhD Student
Magdalena FossumAffiliated to research
Adamantia Fragkopoulouassistant professor
Björn FrencknerProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Tony FriskAffiliated to research
Ulrika FörbergAffiliated to research
Désirée Gavhedsenior research specialist
Kleopatra GeorgantziAffiliated to research
Joshua GertlerPhD Student
Tuva GislePhD Student
Antonio Gonzalez SanchezOther
Pernilla GrillnerAffiliated to research
Unnur Gudnadóttirpostdoctoral researcher
Anna GunnarsdottirAffiliated to research
Thi Cam Tu HaAffiliated to research
Anu HaavistoAffiliated to research
Hala HabashPhD student
Celine HafkesbrinkPhD student
Ingrid Hagberg-van't HooftAffiliated to research
Johan Hilmer HamrinAffiliated to research
Nan Sophia HanPhD student
Femke Harteveldclinical assistant
Gustav HedbergPhD Student
Gustaf HellspongPhD Student
Hans HemmingssonPhD Student
Jan-Inge Henterprofessor, senior
Nikolas Heroldassistant professor
Henrik HjelmgrenAffiliated to research
Gundela HolmdahlAffiliated to research
Anders HolmquistPhD Student
Kristina Susana Ihrmark LundbergPhD Student
Kirsi JahnukainenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Melissa JakobssonPhD Student
Angel JiaPhD Student
John Inge Johnsenprincipal researcher
Jenny Juhlinresearch coordinator
Yolande Séverine KlootsemaAffiliated to research
Per Kognerprofessor/senior physician
Mikael Koskelapostdoctoral researcher
Ulrika KreicbergsAffiliated to research
Eva Jamilie KroschelAffiliated to research
Anette Langebäckresearch specialist
Erik LarssonAffiliated to research
Sofia LevénPhD Student
Ingrid Lilienthalclinical assistant
Emelia Ljungadministrator
Linda LjungbladPostdoctoral studies
João Pedro Alves-Lopesassistant professor
Karin Lyckeresearch coordinator
Päivi LähteenmäkiAffiliated to research
Anna Löf GranströmAffiliated to research
Tiago MacedoExternal scholarship
Lovisa MalmqvistPhD Student
Johan MalmrosAffiliated to research
Jose MarchanPhD student
Mats Marshall Heymansenior lecturer/senior physician
Nina Maussierteaching assistant
Leah Mchughpostdoctoral researcher
David MenassaAffiliated to research
Carmen Mesas BurgosAffiliated to research
Jelena MilosevicAffiliated to research
Pamella Miranda de MouraPostdoctoral studies
Nina MogensenAffiliated to research
Agneta Månsson-Brobergadjunct lecturer
Karina MördrupPhD Student
Rakan Naboulsipostdoctoral researcher
Amal NazaraliyevAffiliated to research
Phillip Newtonprincipal researcher
Anna Nilssonprofessor/senior physician
Agneta Nordenskjöldprofessor, senior
Jenny OddsbergAffiliated to research
Thale Kristin OlsenAffiliated to research
Sheila OrwaAffiliated to research
Trausti OskarssonAffiliated to research
Ahmed Osmanassistant professor
Jörg OttePostdoctoral studies
Mikko PakarinenAffiliated to research
Niklas PalAffiliated to research
Elena PalleriAffiliated to research
Kajsa Palmkvist KaijserPhD Student
Barbora PátkováPhD Student
Adena PepichAffiliated to research
Marcela PereiraAffiliated to research
Pernilla PergertAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Cecilia PetersenAffiliated to research
Alexander PhillipsAffiliated to research
Giusy PizzirussoPhD student
Alkinoos PolychronopoulosPhD student
Efthalia PrekaPhD student
Emmi Puuvuoripostdoctoral researcher
Maria Querol CanutAffiliated to research
Amanda Ramilo AmorAffiliated to research
Susanna RantaAffiliated to research
Carina RinaldoAffiliated to research
Carlos Rodriguesclinical assistant
Dennis RootsiPhD student
Daniel RossiAffiliated to research
Yana RuchiyPhD student
Shanie Saghafian-HedengrenAffiliated to research
Karin SalehiAffiliated to research
David SchmidtAffiliated to research
Shahrzad Shirazi FardAffiliated to research
Maria Sjöborg AlpmanPhD Student
Agnes Luise SortebergPhD student
Jakob Stenmansenior lecturer/senior physician
Justine StevensAffiliated to research
Jan-Bernd Stukenborgsenior lecturer
Anna StålbergAffiliated to research
Fredrik SundquistPhD Student
Konstantin SvechnikovAffiliated to research
Malin SveijerPhD Student
Petter SvenbergAffiliated to research
Anna SvenningssonAffiliated to research
Jan SvenssonAffiliated to research
Stefan SöderhällAffiliated to research
Linnea SöderströmPhD Student
Salim TamimiPhD Student
Shahid Tararsystem developer
Eva TiseliusPhD student
Diana TreisAffiliated to research
Catarina TrägerAffiliated to research
Ioanna TseaPhD student
Nikolaos Tsesmetzispostdoctoral researcher
Conny Tümmlerpostdoctoral researcher
Hannah van BunningenAffiliated to research
Päivi Ventovaaralecturer
Manouk VerhoevenPhD student
Anna VerméPhD Student
Tatiana von Bahr GreenwoodAffiliated to research
Sofia WallinAffiliated to research
Xueyao WangPhD Student
Charlotte WeinerAffiliated to research
Tomas Westerprofessor/senior physician
Malin Wickströmprincipal researcher
Helena WiganderAffiliated to research
Mari WilhelmssonAffiliated to research
Marika WrightAffiliated to research
Yifan YangPhD student
Lili Zhengsystem developer
Ruihan Zhoupostdoctoral researcher
Changlian ZhuAffiliated to research
Wentao ZhuAffiliated to research
Katarina ZivkovicAffiliated to research
Elisabet ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research
Elin Östadjunct lecturer