
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Herold, 171 77 Stockholm


Borja Agirre MikelarenaAffiliated to research
Magdalena Barbachowskapostdoctoral researcher
Linnea EkPhD Student
Sabina EnlundPhD student
Désirée Gavhedsenior research specialist
Hala HabashPhD student
Johan Hilmer HamrinAffiliated to research
Jan-Inge Henterprofessor, senior
Nikolas Heroldassistant professor
Yolande Séverine KlootsemaAffiliated to research
Eva Jamilie KroschelAffiliated to research
Anette Langebäckresearch specialist
Ingrid Lilienthalclinical assistant
Agneta Månsson-Brobergadjunct lecturer
Rakan Naboulsipostdoctoral researcher
Shahrzad Shirazi FardAffiliated to research
Maria Sjöborg AlpmanPhD Student
Agnes Luise SortebergPhD student
Malin SveijerPhD Student
Nikolaos Tsesmetzispostdoctoral researcher
Tatiana von Bahr GreenwoodAffiliated to research
Katarina ZivkovicAffiliated to research