Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Stukenborg, 171 77 Stockholm
Hajar Ali Mohammed Ba Omar | PhD Student |
Yanhua Cui | Postdoctoral studies |
Anu Haavisto | Affiliated to research |
Femke Harteveld | clinical assistant |
Kirsi Jahnukainen | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Mikael Koskela | postdoctoral researcher |
João Pedro Alves-Lopes | assistant professor |
Tiago Macedo | External scholarship |
Leah Mchugh | postdoctoral researcher |
Cecilia Petersen | Affiliated to research |
Justine Stevens | Affiliated to research |
Jan-Bernd Stukenborg | senior lecturer |
Konstantin Svechnikov | Affiliated to research |
Mari Wilhelmsson | Affiliated to research |
Yifan Yang | PhD student |