
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Kogner/Johnsen, 171 77 Stockholm


Oscar Bedoya ReinaAffiliated to research
Tomas BexeliusAffiliated to research
Cecilia Dybergassistant professor
Kleopatra GeorgantziAffiliated to research
Gustav HedbergPhD Student
Kristina Ihrmark LundbergPhD student
John Inge Johnsenprincipal researcher
Per Kognerprofessor/senior physician
Jelena MilosevicAffiliated to research
Thale Kristin OlsenAffiliated to research
Niklas PalAffiliated to research
Alkinoos PolychronopoulosAffiliated to research
Diana TreisAffiliated to research
Catarina TrägerAffiliated to research
Ioanna TseaPhD student
Xueyao WangPhD Student