
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Östman, 171 77 Stockholm



Lars AkslenAffiliated to research
Tove Bekkhuspostdoctoral researcher
Wiem Chaabane SivlérAffiliated to research
Hanna DahlstrandAffiliated to research
Vanessa DrosdekAffiliated to research
Monika Ehnmanresearch specialist
Josefin FernebroAffiliated to research
Magnus FrödinPostdoctoral studies
Hayrettin GuvenAffiliated to research
Kristina HellmanAffiliated to research
Mercedes Herrera TorresAffiliated to research
Linglong Huangclinical assistant
Ophélie le ChapelainPostdoctoral studies
Alfonso Martin BernabeAffiliated to research
Alessandro MegaAffiliated to research
Elisabet Rodriguez Tomaspostdoctoral researcher
Charlotte RolnyAffiliated to research
Josefin Severin KarlssonAffiliated to research
Carina StrellAffiliated to research
Yanhong SuPhD Student
Lina WikPostdoctoral studies
Li Yipostdoctoral researcher
Pia Österlundadjunct professor
Arne Östmanprofessor