Organisation: K7 Department of Oncology-Pathology

Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning, 171 77 Stockholm




Balazs AcsAffiliated to research
Susanne Agartzlaboratory engineer
Nupur Agarwalbiomedical scientist
Lars AkslenAffiliated to research
Ayodele AlaiyaAffiliated to research
Henrik AlfredéenPhD Student
Kanar AlkassAffiliated to research
Myra Alménresearch assistant
Erik AlmhagenAffiliated to research
Freja AlpstenPhD student
Yehya Al-SaffarPhD Student
Renske AltenaAffiliated to research
Amandine AnastácioAffiliated to research
Daniel AnderssonPhD Student
Maria AnderssonAffiliated to research
Silvia AngoriPostdoctoral studies
Zandra AnkersPhD Student
Eduardo Araujoresearch infrastructure specialist
Maria Arceoclinical assistant
Arman Ardalanbioinformatician
Anna AsklidAffiliated to research
Elin AspPhD student
Ghazaleh AssadiAffiliated to research
Luay Aswadbioinformatician
Olga AxellAffiliated to research
Hanna Axelssonproject manager
Haris Babacicpostdoctoral researcher
Smaranda BacanuPostdoctoral studies
Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantzadjunct professor
Lucas BaldranPhD student
Kaveri BanerjeePostdoctoral studies
Sevim Barbasso HelmersAffiliated to research
Mariana BarrosoPhD student
Margarita BartishAffiliated to research
Armando BartolazziAffiliated to research
Konstantin BarylyukAffiliated to research
Elisa Basmacicoordinator
Felipe Beccaria Casagrandepostdoctoral researcher
Tove Bekkhuspostdoctoral researcher
Hamza BenmakhloufAffiliated to research
Lydia Bennedich KahnAffiliated to research
Per Nicklas BerggrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Jonas Berghprofessor
Emelie BergmanAffiliated to research
Anna BergqvistPhD student
Olena BerkovskaPhD student
Cecilia Besev SwingPhD Student
Stina BettsAffiliated to research
Julie Bianchiresearch coordinator
Neda Bigdelibiomedical scientist
Madeleine BirgerssonPostdoctoral studies
Einar BjörgvinssonPhD Student
Karl BjörkströmPostdoctoral studies
Hannah Björn AndtbackPhD Student
Solenne BleusePostdoctoral studies
Lisa BlixtPhD Student
Jorrit Boekelsoftware programmer
Caroline BomanPhD Student
Riikka BornhedeAffiliated to research
Ceren BoyaciPhD Student
Rui Mamede Brancasenior research specialist
Klas BrattebyAffiliated to research
Eike-Benjamin Brauneresearcher
Petra Bullovaresearch specialist
Helena Bäckvallproject manager
Albano Caceres Verschaepostdoctoral researcher
Paula Camargo RomeraPhD student
Xiaofang Caoresearch infrastructure specialist
Duohui Caolaboratory engineer
Lina Cao ZhangExternal scholarship
Joseph CarlsonAffiliated to research
Åsa Carlsson TedgrenAffiliated to research
Miguel Castresana Aguirrepostdoctoral researcher
Wiem Chaabane SivlérAffiliated to research
Christina Chalkiadakiresearch assistant
Sherwin Chanassistant professor
Ayushi ChaurasiyaPostdoctoral studies
Xinsong Chenresearch specialist
Pierre Cheungpostdoctoral researcher
Taeyang Choiresearch engineer
Riccardo CinottiPhD student
Gabriella Cohn CedermarkAffiliated to research
Eugenia ColonAffiliated to research
Vincenzo Condelloassistant professor
Jeff Raúl Cortés-GonzálezPhD Student
Fernando Cossio Ramirezresearch engineer
Fernanda SvedmanAffiliated to research
Mireia Cruz de Los SantosPhD student
Peng Cuiresearch specialist
Simon DahlanderPhD Student
Hanna DahlstrandAffiliated to research
Basile DalarunPhD Student
Tina DalianisProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Asaf DanPhD Student
Oscar Danielssonclinical assistant
Arash Darzian RostamiPhD student
Alana Eduarda de Castro PanzenhagenPostdoctoral studies
Caroline de FlonAffiliated to research
Luigi de PetrisAffiliated to research
Jo de VosPhD student
Mehdi Dehghan Manshadipostdoctoral researcher
Brett DelahuntAffiliated to research
Karin DembrowerAffiliated to research
Teresita Díaz de Ståhlsenior research specialist
Jose Luis Diaz ResendizPhD student
Christopher DirksPhD student
Katalin Dobraprofessor/senior physician
Anastasia DrakouPhD Student
Vanessa DrosdekAffiliated to research
Henrik Druidprofessor
Jelle Dylusresearch assistant
Ulrika EdbäckAffiliated to research
Franziska EdvinssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lars Egevadprofessor/senior physician
Suzanne Egyhazi Bragesenior research specialist
Monika Ehnmanresearch specialist
Sandra Eketorp SylvanAffiliated to research
Simon Ekmanprofessor/senior physician
Maria ElmbergAffiliated to research
Anna EmbringAffiliated to research
Akram Emdadipostdoctoral researcher
Martin Engeprincipal researcher
Helen Erikssonadministrator
Hanna ErikssonAffiliated to research
Louise ErikssonAffiliated to research
Tom Erkerssenior research specialist
Amirhesam EskafinoghaniAffiliated to research
Marcus FagerPhD Student
Sandra FalckAffiliated to research
Marianne FalkAffiliated to research
Johan FalkeniusAffiliated to research
Marianne Farnebosenior lecturer
Wei FengPostdoctoral studies
Josefin FernebroAffiliated to research
Mélodie FerratPostdoctoral studies
Mariia FeshynaPhD student
George FieldPhD student
Emilie FlabergAffiliated to research
Tommy FornanderAffiliated to research
Jenny Forshedprincipal researcher
Theodoros Foukakissenior lecturer/senior physician
Bo FranzénAffiliated to research
Johan FranzénPhD Student
Rikard Fredresearch infrastructure specialist
Signe FrieslandAffiliated to research
Jan-Erik FrödinAffiliated to research
Magnus FrödinPostdoctoral studies
Helge Gadprincipal researcher
Annica Gadlecturer
Luca GaesslerExternal student
Giovanna GagliardiAffiliated to research
Jiwei GaoAffiliated to research
Chen-ying GaoPostdoctoral studies
Adrian Garcia MorenoPostdoctoral studies
Luis Carlos Garcia Ramosresearch engineer
Konstantinos Georgiadispostdoctoral researcher
Marc Antoine GeraultPhD student
Soma GhasimiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mohammed Ali GhazalPhD Student
Laura Gheorghesystem developer
Leonard Girnitaprincipal researcher
Eva GripenholmAffiliated to research
Michael GubanskiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Greta GudoitytePhD student
Denise GuggenheimerAffiliated to research
MIN GUOAffiliated to research
Johan GustavssonAffiliated to research
Hayrettin GuvenAffiliated to research
Anita Göndörprincipal researcher
Jessica HacheneyPhD student
Mariam HaffaPostdoctoral studies
Felix Haglundprincipal researcher
Cecilia HaglundPhD Student
Maan Haj Rachidsystem developer
Yesim HalilogluPostdoctoral studies
Osama HamidaPhD Student
Lotta HanssonAffiliated to research
Xia Haopostdoctoral researcher
Ulrika HarmenbergAffiliated to research
Johan Hartmanprofessor/senior physician
Leonard Hartmanispostdoctoral researcher
James HaslamPhD student
Thomas HatschekAffiliated to research
Cecilia HePhD Student
Elham HedayatiAffiliated to research
Mattias HedmanAffiliated to research
Kia HeimerssonAffiliated to research
Maria Helde FranklingAffiliated to research
Hildur Helgadottirsenior research specialist
Thomas Helledayprofessor
Samuel HellgrenPhD Student
Kristina HellmanAffiliated to research
Martin Henrikssonresearch engineer
Mercedes Herrera TorresAffiliated to research
Ellen HeurlinPhD Student
Sarah HickmanPostdoctoral studies
Koyi HirshAffiliated to research
Linn HjelmgrenPhD student
Olof HjorthornAffiliated to research
Marie Hjälm-ErikssonAffiliated to research
Mohammad Hojat FarsangiAffiliated to research
Karin HolmstenAffiliated to research
Evert Homansenior research specialist
Kie HoriokaPostdoctoral studies
Femke Hormannpostdoctoral researcher
Laleh HosseiniPostdoctoral studies
Kiana Hosseinpour MoghaddamPhD student
Linglong Huangclinical assistant
Rita Hutyra-Gramlaboratory engineer
Per Hydbringlecturer
Martin HysekAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Petra Håågsenior research infrastructure specialist
Lars Åke HäggarthAffiliated to research
Veronica Höiomsenior research specialist
Anders HöögAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Christopher IlliesAffiliated to research
Johan IsakssonAffiliated to research
Rozbeh Jafariprincipal researcher
Libuse JanskáPhD student
Kenbugul JattaAffiliated to research
Faith JawdatPhD Student
Ann-Sofie Jemthprincipal researcher
Yanyu Jiangclinical assistant
Sofia JoelssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Gry JohansenAffiliated to research
Annelie JohanssonAffiliated to research
Henrik Johanssonsenior research specialist
Nathanael Johansson AndrewsAffiliated to research
Aina JohnssonAffiliated to research
Markus Jonssonsystem developer
Karolina JuhaniAffiliated to research
Christofer JuhlinAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Emma JussingAffiliated to research
Christina KalderénAffiliated to research
Olli-Pekka Kallioniemiprofessor
Caroline KamaliPhD Student
Yaroslav KaminskiyPhD student
Reza KarimiAffiliated to research
Claes KarlssonAffiliated to research
Kasper Karlssonassistant professor
Emelie Karlssonresearch coordinator
Kristin KarlssonAffiliated to research
Karam Kas ElyasPhD Student
Gurwinder KaurPhD student
Naima Kayser Leeozaadministrator
Behnaz Khalilzadeh-BinicyAffiliated to research
Narsis Kianisenior research specialist
Rolf Kiesslingprofessor, senior
Loránd KisAffiliated to research
Santeri KiviluotoAffiliated to research
Karin KjulinOther
Una KjällquistAffiliated to research
Johanna Klingeresearch engineer
Parviz KokhaeiAffiliated to research
Solrun Kolbeinsdottirclinical assistant
Emir Konukproject manager
Yvonne KoopAffiliated to research
Ourania Kostopoulousenior research specialist
Andreas KoulourisPhD Student
Maria KouvarakiAffiliated to research
Isabelle KrakowskiAffiliated to research
David KrantzPostdoctoral studies
Berglind Harper KristjánsdóttirAffiliated to research
Britta KrynitzAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Hanna KrynskaPostdoctoral studies
Anna KwiecinskaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Henrik LampikoskiAffiliated to research
Ellinor LangelsAffiliated to research
Olle LarssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ola Larssonprincipal researcher
Catharina Larssonprofessor
Sara LazzariAffiliated to research
Ophélie le ChapelainPostdoctoral studies
Byung Ho Leepostdoctoral researcher
Janne Lehtiöprofessor/clinical chemist
Per Lekresearch coordinator
Tobias LekbergPhD Student
Lena Lennartssonresearch engineer
Isabelle Leoclinical assistant
Laura Levilaboratory manager
Rolf Lewensohnprofessor, senior
Wenyu Lipostdoctoral researcher
Sen LiPostdoctoral studies
Tianyi Lipostdoctoral researcher
Annelie LiljegrenAffiliated to research
Yingbo LinAffiliated to research
Olina LindAffiliated to research
Sara LindbergAffiliated to research
Karin LindbergAffiliated to research
Elias LindbäckPhD Student
Carin Elisabeth Ingegerd LindénAffiliated to research
Bertil LindmarkAffiliated to research
Birgitta Lindqvistlaboratory manager
Magnus LindskogAffiliated to research
Linda Lindströmprincipal researcher
Jan LindströmAffiliated to research
Xingrong Liustatistician
Lisa LiuAffiliated to research
Cissi LiuPhD Student
Cheng-De LiuPhD student
Maeve Longresearch specialist
Monika LukoseviciutePhD student
Arian LundbergAffiliated to research
Jeanette LundinAffiliated to research
Andreas Lundqvistprofessor
Jiawen Lyupostdoctoral researcher
Sara Lööfproject manager
Brune MagdalenaAffiliated to research
Barbara MahlerAffiliated to research
Tamoghna Mandalpostdoctoral researcher
Georgios ManikisPostdoctoral studies
Theodora Manolakoupostdoctoral researcher
Narges ManouchehriPostdoctoral studies
Zaid MansurAffiliated to research
Soumitra MarathePostdoctoral studies
Anna MarklundPostdoctoral studies
Marcela Marquez-HolmbergAffiliated to research
Alfonso Martin BernabeAffiliated to research
Daniel Martinez MolinaAffiliated to research
Alexios MatikasAffiliated to research
Agnes MattssonPhD Student
Jonas MattssonAffiliated to research
Alessandro MegaAffiliated to research
Jeroen MeliefAffiliated to research
Håkan MellstedtProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Clas MerckeAffiliated to research
Georgios Mermelekassenior research infrastructure specialist
Tamas MicsikConsultant/Hired personnel
Flora Mikaeloffpostdoctoral researcher
Michael MintsAffiliated to research
Pragyan MishraPostdoctoral studies
Anton MittendorfPhD Student
Roudabeh Mohammadiresearch assistant
Pardis MokhtaryAffiliated to research
Emilia MoralesAffiliated to research
Oliver Mortusewiczprincipal researcher
Ali MoshfeghAffiliated to research
Ninni MuAffiliated to research
Tom MulderAffiliated to research
Suvesh MunakarmiPostdoctoral studies
Alessandra MuniPhD student
Hanna Ingelman-SundbergAffiliated to research
Lidiya MykhaylechkoPostdoctoral studies
Kira MårtenssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Michael NagyPhD student
Brendan Ng Wei-JiePhD Student
Joni Josja NijveldtPhD Student
Mahnaz NikpourAffiliated to research
Sten NilssonAffiliated to research
Hanna Nilssonproject coordinator
Krishnatej Nishtalaresearch infrastructure specialist
Monica NisterAffiliated to research
Pär Nordlundprofessor
Per NorellOther
Anders NäsmanAffiliated to research
Tobias NäsmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Aine O ReillyAffiliated to research
Rolf Ohlssonprofessor, senior
Meis OmranAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anca OniscuAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Eva OnjukkaAffiliated to research
Laura Orellanaassistant professor
Lukas Orreprincipal researcher
Cristian Ortiz-VillalonAffiliated to research
Ricardo Palanco ZamoraPhD Student
Marzia PalmaAffiliated to research
Yanbo Pansenior research specialist
Konstantinos Papadakisresearch assistant
Andri PapakonstantinouAffiliated to research
Valeriy Paramonovpostdoctoral researcher
Se Whee ParkPhD student
Sylvya PascaPhD student
Johan PaulssonAffiliated to research
Linda PerssonAffiliated to research
Karl Pettersson PalmPhD student
Therese Phamresearch engineer
Pavel PisaConsultant/Hired personnel
Serena Gaetana Piticchiopostdoctoral researcher
Valentin PoltorachenkoAffiliated to research
Edvin PorovicAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Francesca PortelliPhD Student
Federico PozzaniPhD student
Gabriela Prochazkasenior research infrastructure specialist
Oryn Purewal-SidhuAffiliated to research
Xuekang QiPostdoctoral studies
Heshuang Qupostdoctoral researcher
Mindaugas Raitelaitisclinical assistant
Anderson Ramosresearch specialist
Eva RamqvistAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Simon Rappleadministrator
Saman Rassamsystem developer
Georgios Rassidakisadjunct professor
Ali Razzaksystem developer
Leila RelanderAffiliated to research
Sara RenbergAffiliated to research
Arturo Reyes Palomaresassistant professor
Lucía Rico PizarroPhD student
Charlotta RiesePhD Student
Magdalena Ríos RomeroPostdoctoral studies
Stephanie RobertsonAffiliated to research
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Muñozresearch assistant
Elisabet Rodriguez Tomaspostdoctoral researcher
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallbergadjunct professor
Charlotte RolnyAffiliated to research
Konstantinos RounisAffiliated to research
Kankana Roypostdoctoral researcher
Carlos RubioAffiliated to research
Dmitrii Rudakovskiisystem developer
Sean Ruddprincipal researcher
Per Rydbergresearch specialist
Caroline RönnlundPhD Student
Samar Saadeldin Abdelmotalab Omerresearch assistant
Anupriya Sadhasivambioinformatician
Leonie SaftAffiliated to research
Dag SalajAffiliated to research
Dimitrios SalgkamisPhD student
Mattie SalimPostdoctoral studies
Erik SaménAffiliated to research
Johanna Sandgrenhead of unit
Kumar Sanjivprincipal researcher
Michail SarafidisAffiliated to research
Domenico Scaramozzinopostdoctoral researcher
Caroline Schagerholm StanevPhD student
Susanne Schlisiosenior lecturer
Sandro Schmidliclinical assistant
Niklas Schultzprincipal researcher
Karina SchultzPhD Student
Haiko Schurzpostdoctoral researcher
Martin Scobieresearch engineer
Brinton Seashore-Ludlowsenior research specialist
Justin SebyPhD student
Fotios SergouniotisPhD Student
Josefin Severin KarlssonAffiliated to research
Hana ShabanaAffiliated to research
Alia ShamikhAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Osheen SharmaPhD student
Nidhi SharmaPostdoctoral studies
Jianyu ShenPhD Student
Hao ShiPostdoctoral studies
Ioannis Siavelispostdoctoral researcher
Adam SierakowiakAffiliated to research
Emmanouil Sifakisbioinformatician
Jonathan SiikanenAffiliated to research
Noora SissalaPhD student
Marcus SkribekAffiliated to research
Ana Slipicevicproject manager
Nicholas SmithPostdoctoral studies
Fabio SocciarelliAffiliated to research
Karolina Solhuslokk HösePhD Student
Praveen Raj Somarajanbioinformatician
Christian Sommerauerpostdoctoral researcher
Sanna SteenAffiliated to research
Hannah StigsdotterPhD student
Fredrik StrandAffiliated to research
Charlotte StrandgrenPostdoctoral studies
Peter StrangProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Carina StrellAffiliated to research
Katerina StriplingAffiliated to research
Nona Struyflaboratory technician
Yanhong SuPhD Student
Wenwen SunPostdoctoral studies
Fredrika SvahnAffiliated to research
Ann Svenssonbiomedical scientist
Krzysztof SzkopPostdoctoral studies
Asimina TalantiAffiliated to research
David Tamboreroprincipal researcher
Rebecka TeglindPhD Student
Salomon TendlerAffiliated to research
Mallikarjuna ThippanaPostdoctoral studies
Jacob ThurellAffiliated to research
Nick Tobinlecturer
Maria Angeliki ToliAffiliated to research
Le TongAffiliated to research
Thuy Tranprincipal researcher
Tribukait BernhardAffiliated to research
Dora Trogrlicresearch assistant
Georgios TsakonasPostdoctoral studies
Nikolaos TsiknakisPhD student
Apostolia Tsirikoglouresearch specialist
Julia Tutzauerpostdoctoral researcher
Amos Tuvalpostdoctoral researcher
Evangelos TzorasPhD student
Vilhelmina UllemarAffiliated to research
Anders Ullénadjunct professor
Helena UllgrenAffiliated to research
Jabezie UmuhirePhD student
Alexander ValdmanAffiliated to research
David van Bruggenpostdoctoral researcher
Sofi VikströmPhD Student
Kristina Viktorssonsenior research specialist
Lisa VillabonaAffiliated to research
Xenia Villalobos Alberuresearch coordinator
Irene Villanueva SanzPhD Student
Fernanda Villegas-NavarroAffiliated to research
Jenny von Saloméproject coordinator
Gunnar WageniusAffiliated to research
Karin WallanderAffiliated to research
Malin WallanderAffiliated to research
Emelie WallinAffiliated to research
Keng-Ling WallinAffiliated to research
Olov Wallnerresearch engineer
Kang Wangclinical assistant
Xiaohao WangPhD Student
Yanlu WangAffiliated to research
Ulrika BerglundAffiliated to research
Kathleen WattPostdoctoral studies
Agnes WeferAffiliated to research
Cheng WeiAffiliated to research
Kristina WeibringAffiliated to research
Weng-Onn Luiprofessor
Peter WersallAffiliated to research
Sandra WessmanAffiliated to research
Stina Wickströmprincipal researcher
Elisee Wiitaresearch engineer
Lina WikPostdoctoral studies
Susanne Wikbladadministrator
Ulla WilkingAffiliated to research
Nils WilkingAffiliated to research
Klas Wimanprofessor
Amare WolidePostdoctoral studies
Ioanna XagorarisPhD Student
Emmanouella Michaela XanthopoulouPhD student
Hanjing XieAffiliated to research
Yiyi XuPhD Student
Jeffrey YachninAffiliated to research
Muyi Yangpostdoctoral researcher
Qiao YangPhD Student
Yajie YangPhD Student
Ying YangPostdoctoral studies
Li Yipostdoctoral researcher
Vasilios ZachariadisAffiliated to research
Mahshid ZarrinehPostdoctoral studies
Joanna Zawacka-PankauAffiliated to research
Ioannis ZerdesAffiliated to research
Si Min Zhangresearch specialist
Simin Zhangclinical assistant
Jian Zhaoresearch specialist
Wen ZhongPhD Student
Qianyu ZhouPhD student
Jiacheng ZhuPhD Student
Katarzyna Zielinska-Chomejlaboratory engineer
Brita ZilgAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Jens ZimmermanPhD Student
Athanasios ZouzosPhD Student
Mark ZupancicAffiliated to research
Kristofer ÅgrenPhD student
Ingegerd ÖfverholmPostdoctoral studies
Susanne Öhlinbiomedical scientist
Anders ÖsterborgAffiliated to research
Pia Österlundadjunct professor
Päivi Östlingprincipal researcher
Arne Östmanprofessor
Nazli Ezgi Özkanresearch infrastructure specialist