Organisation: K7 Department of Oncology-Pathology
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning, 171 77 Stockholm
K7.Forskning.Juhlin |
Balazs Acs | Affiliated to research |
Susanne Agartz | laboratory engineer |
Nupur Agarwal | biomedical scientist |
Lars Akslen | Affiliated to research |
Ayodele Alaiya | Affiliated to research |
Henrik Alfredéen | PhD Student |
Kanar Alkass | Affiliated to research |
Myra Almén | research assistant |
Erik Almhagen | Affiliated to research |
Freja Alpsten | PhD student |
Yehya Al-Saffar | PhD Student |
Renske Altena | Affiliated to research |
Amandine Anastácio | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Andersson | PhD Student |
Maria Andersson | Affiliated to research |
Silvia Angori | Postdoctoral studies |
Zandra Ankers | PhD Student |
Eduardo Araujo | research infrastructure specialist |
Maria Arceo | clinical assistant |
Arman Ardalan | bioinformatician |
Anna Asklid | Affiliated to research |
Elin Asp | PhD student |
Ghazaleh Assadi | Affiliated to research |
Luay Aswad | bioinformatician |
Olga Axell | Affiliated to research |
Hanna Axelsson | project manager |
Haris Babacic | postdoctoral researcher |
Smaranda Bacanu | Postdoctoral studies |
Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz | adjunct professor |
Lucas Baldran | PhD student |
Kaveri Banerjee | Postdoctoral studies |
Sevim Barbasso Helmers | Affiliated to research |
Mariana Barroso | PhD student |
Margarita Bartish | Affiliated to research |
Armando Bartolazzi | Affiliated to research |
Konstantin Barylyuk | Affiliated to research |
Elisa Basmaci | coordinator |
Felipe Beccaria Casagrande | postdoctoral researcher |
Tove Bekkhus | postdoctoral researcher |
Hamza Benmakhlouf | Affiliated to research |
Lydia Bennedich Kahn | Affiliated to research |
Per Nicklas Berggren | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Jonas Bergh | professor |
Emelie Bergman | Affiliated to research |
Anna Bergqvist | PhD student |
Olena Berkovska | PhD student |
Cecilia Besev Swing | PhD Student |
Stina Betts | Affiliated to research |
Julie Bianchi | research coordinator |
Neda Bigdeli | biomedical scientist |
Madeleine Birgersson | Postdoctoral studies |
Einar Björgvinsson | PhD Student |
Karl Björkström | Postdoctoral studies |
Hannah Björn Andtback | PhD Student |
Solenne Bleuse | Postdoctoral studies |
Lisa Blixt | PhD Student |
Jorrit Boekel | software programmer |
Caroline Boman | PhD Student |
Riikka Bornhede | Affiliated to research |
Ceren Boyaci | PhD Student |
Rui Mamede Branca | senior research specialist |
Klas Bratteby | Affiliated to research |
Eike-Benjamin Braune | researcher |
Petra Bullova | research specialist |
Helena Bäckvall | project manager |
Albano Caceres Verschae | postdoctoral researcher |
Paula Camargo Romera | PhD student |
Xiaofang Cao | research infrastructure specialist |
Duohui Cao | laboratory engineer |
Lina Cao Zhang | External scholarship |
Joseph Carlson | Affiliated to research |
Åsa Carlsson Tedgren | Affiliated to research |
Miguel Castresana Aguirre | postdoctoral researcher |
Wiem Chaabane Sivlér | Affiliated to research |
Christina Chalkiadaki | research assistant |
Sherwin Chan | assistant professor |
Ayushi Chaurasiya | Postdoctoral studies |
Xinsong Chen | research specialist |
Pierre Cheung | postdoctoral researcher |
Taeyang Choi | research engineer |
Riccardo Cinotti | PhD student |
Gabriella Cohn Cedermark | Affiliated to research |
Eugenia Colon | Affiliated to research |
Vincenzo Condello | assistant professor |
Jeff Raúl Cortés-González | PhD Student |
Fernando Cossio Ramirez | research engineer |
Fernanda Svedman | Affiliated to research |
Mireia Cruz de Los Santos | PhD student |
Peng Cui | research specialist |
Simon Dahlander | PhD Student |
Hanna Dahlstrand | Affiliated to research |
Basile Dalarun | PhD Student |
Tina Dalianis | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Asaf Dan | PhD Student |
Oscar Danielsson | clinical assistant |
Arash Darzian Rostami | PhD student |
Alana Eduarda de Castro Panzenhagen | Postdoctoral studies |
Caroline de Flon | Affiliated to research |
Luigi de Petris | Affiliated to research |
Jo de Vos | PhD student |
Mehdi Dehghan Manshadi | postdoctoral researcher |
Brett Delahunt | Affiliated to research |
Karin Dembrower | Affiliated to research |
Teresita Díaz de Ståhl | senior research specialist |
Jose Luis Diaz Resendiz | PhD student |
Christopher Dirks | PhD student |
Katalin Dobra | professor/senior physician |
Anastasia Drakou | PhD Student |
Vanessa Drosdek | Affiliated to research |
Henrik Druid | professor |
Jelle Dylus | research assistant |
Ulrika Edbäck | Affiliated to research |
Franziska Edvinsson | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Lars Egevad | professor/senior physician |
Suzanne Egyhazi Brage | senior research specialist |
Monika Ehnman | research specialist |
Sandra Eketorp Sylvan | Affiliated to research |
Simon Ekman | professor/senior physician |
Maria Elmberg | Affiliated to research |
Anna Embring | Affiliated to research |
Akram Emdadi | postdoctoral researcher |
Martin Enge | principal researcher |
Helen Eriksson | administrator |
Hanna Eriksson | Affiliated to research |
Louise Eriksson | Affiliated to research |
Tom Erkers | senior research specialist |
Amirhesam Eskafinoghani | Affiliated to research |
Marcus Fager | PhD Student |
Sandra Falck | Affiliated to research |
Marianne Falk | Affiliated to research |
Johan Falkenius | Affiliated to research |
Marianne Farnebo | senior lecturer |
Wei Feng | Postdoctoral studies |
Josefin Fernebro | Affiliated to research |
Mélodie Ferrat | Postdoctoral studies |
Mariia Feshyna | PhD student |
George Field | PhD student |
Emilie Flaberg | Affiliated to research |
Tommy Fornander | Affiliated to research |
Jenny Forshed | principal researcher |
Theodoros Foukakis | senior lecturer/senior physician |
Bo Franzén | Affiliated to research |
Johan Franzén | PhD Student |
Rikard Fred | research infrastructure specialist |
Signe Friesland | Affiliated to research |
Jan-Erik Frödin | Affiliated to research |
Magnus Frödin | Postdoctoral studies |
Helge Gad | principal researcher |
Annica Gad | lecturer |
Luca Gaessler | External student |
Giovanna Gagliardi | Affiliated to research |
Jiwei Gao | Affiliated to research |
Chen-ying Gao | Postdoctoral studies |
Adrian Garcia Moreno | Postdoctoral studies |
Luis Carlos Garcia Ramos | research engineer |
Konstantinos Georgiadis | postdoctoral researcher |
Marc Antoine Gerault | PhD student |
Soma Ghasimi | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Mohammed Ali Ghazal | PhD Student |
Laura Gheorghe | system developer |
Leonard Girnita | principal researcher |
Eva Gripenholm | Affiliated to research |
Michael Gubanski | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Greta Gudoityte | PhD student |
Denise Guggenheimer | Affiliated to research |
MIN GUO | Affiliated to research |
Johan Gustavsson | Affiliated to research |
Hayrettin Guven | Affiliated to research |
Anita Göndör | principal researcher |
Jessica Hacheney | PhD student |
Mariam Haffa | Postdoctoral studies |
Felix Haglund | principal researcher |
Cecilia Haglund | PhD Student |
Maan Haj Rachid | system developer |
Yesim Haliloglu | Postdoctoral studies |
Osama Hamida | PhD Student |
Lotta Hansson | Affiliated to research |
Xia Hao | postdoctoral researcher |
Ulrika Harmenberg | Affiliated to research |
Johan Hartman | professor/senior physician |
Leonard Hartmanis | postdoctoral researcher |
James Haslam | PhD student |
Thomas Hatschek | Affiliated to research |
Cecilia He | PhD Student |
Elham Hedayati | Affiliated to research |
Mattias Hedman | Affiliated to research |
Kia Heimersson | Affiliated to research |
Maria Helde Frankling | Affiliated to research |
Hildur Helgadottir | senior research specialist |
Thomas Helleday | professor |
Samuel Hellgren | PhD Student |
Kristina Hellman | Affiliated to research |
Martin Henriksson | research engineer |
Mercedes Herrera Torres | Affiliated to research |
Ellen Heurlin | PhD Student |
Sarah Hickman | Postdoctoral studies |
Koyi Hirsh | Affiliated to research |
Linn Hjelmgren | PhD student |
Olof Hjorthorn | Affiliated to research |
Marie Hjälm-Eriksson | Affiliated to research |
Mohammad Hojat Farsangi | Affiliated to research |
Karin Holmsten | Affiliated to research |
Evert Homan | senior research specialist |
Kie Horioka | Postdoctoral studies |
Femke Hormann | postdoctoral researcher |
Laleh Hosseini | Postdoctoral studies |
Kiana Hosseinpour Moghaddam | PhD student |
Linglong Huang | clinical assistant |
Rita Hutyra-Gram | laboratory engineer |
Per Hydbring | lecturer |
Martin Hysek | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Petra Hååg | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Lars Åke Häggarth | Affiliated to research |
Veronica Höiom | senior research specialist |
Anders Höög | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Christopher Illies | Affiliated to research |
Johan Isaksson | Affiliated to research |
Rozbeh Jafari | principal researcher |
Libuse Janská | PhD student |
Kenbugul Jatta | Affiliated to research |
Faith Jawdat | PhD Student |
Ann-Sofie Jemth | principal researcher |
Yanyu Jiang | clinical assistant |
Sofia Joelsson | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Gry Johansen | Affiliated to research |
Annelie Johansson | Affiliated to research |
Henrik Johansson | senior research specialist |
Nathanael Johansson Andrews | Affiliated to research |
Aina Johnsson | Affiliated to research |
Markus Jonsson | system developer |
Karolina Juhani | Affiliated to research |
Christofer Juhlin | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Emma Jussing | Affiliated to research |
Christina Kalderén | Affiliated to research |
Olli-Pekka Kallioniemi | professor |
Caroline Kamali | PhD Student |
Yaroslav Kaminskiy | PhD student |
Reza Karimi | Affiliated to research |
Claes Karlsson | Affiliated to research |
Kasper Karlsson | assistant professor |
Emelie Karlsson | research coordinator |
Kristin Karlsson | Affiliated to research |
Karam Kas Elyas | PhD Student |
Gurwinder Kaur | PhD student |
Naima Kayser Leeoza | administrator |
Behnaz Khalilzadeh-Binicy | Affiliated to research |
Narsis Kiani | senior research specialist |
Rolf Kiessling | professor, senior |
Loránd Kis | Affiliated to research |
Santeri Kiviluoto | Affiliated to research |
Karin Kjulin | Other |
Una Kjällquist | Affiliated to research |
Johanna Klinge | research engineer |
Parviz Kokhaei | Affiliated to research |
Solrun Kolbeinsdottir | clinical assistant |
Emir Konuk | project manager |
Yvonne Koop | Affiliated to research |
Ourania Kostopoulou | senior research specialist |
Andreas Koulouris | PhD Student |
Maria Kouvaraki | Affiliated to research |
Isabelle Krakowski | Affiliated to research |
David Krantz | Postdoctoral studies |
Berglind Harper Kristjánsdóttir | Affiliated to research |
Britta Krynitz | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Hanna Krynska | Postdoctoral studies |
Anna Kwiecinska | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Henrik Lampikoski | Affiliated to research |
Ellinor Langels | Affiliated to research |
Olle Larsson | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Ola Larsson | principal researcher |
Catharina Larsson | professor |
Sara Lazzari | Affiliated to research |
Ophélie le Chapelain | Postdoctoral studies |
Byung Ho Lee | postdoctoral researcher |
Janne Lehtiö | professor/clinical chemist |
Per Lek | research coordinator |
Tobias Lekberg | PhD Student |
Lena Lennartsson | research engineer |
Isabelle Leo | clinical assistant |
Laura Levi | laboratory manager |
Rolf Lewensohn | professor, senior |
Wenyu Li | postdoctoral researcher |
Sen Li | Postdoctoral studies |
Tianyi Li | postdoctoral researcher |
Annelie Liljegren | Affiliated to research |
Yingbo Lin | Affiliated to research |
Olina Lind | Affiliated to research |
Sara Lindberg | Affiliated to research |
Karin Lindberg | Affiliated to research |
Elias Lindbäck | PhD Student |
Carin Elisabeth Ingegerd Lindén | Affiliated to research |
Bertil Lindmark | Affiliated to research |
Birgitta Lindqvist | laboratory manager |
Magnus Lindskog | Affiliated to research |
Linda Lindström | principal researcher |
Jan Lindström | Affiliated to research |
Xingrong Liu | statistician |
Lisa Liu | Affiliated to research |
Cissi Liu | PhD Student |
Cheng-De Liu | PhD student |
Maeve Long | research specialist |
Monika Lukoseviciute | PhD student |
Arian Lundberg | Affiliated to research |
Jeanette Lundin | Affiliated to research |
Andreas Lundqvist | professor |
Jiawen Lyu | postdoctoral researcher |
Sara Lööf | project manager |
Brune Magdalena | Affiliated to research |
Barbara Mahler | Affiliated to research |
Tamoghna Mandal | postdoctoral researcher |
Georgios Manikis | Postdoctoral studies |
Theodora Manolakou | postdoctoral researcher |
Narges Manouchehri | Postdoctoral studies |
Zaid Mansur | Affiliated to research |
Soumitra Marathe | Postdoctoral studies |
Anna Marklund | Postdoctoral studies |
Marcela Marquez-Holmberg | Affiliated to research |
Alfonso Martin Bernabe | Affiliated to research |
Daniel Martinez Molina | Affiliated to research |
Alexios Matikas | Affiliated to research |
Agnes Mattsson | PhD Student |
Jonas Mattsson | Affiliated to research |
Alessandro Mega | Affiliated to research |
Jeroen Melief | Affiliated to research |
Håkan Mellstedt | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Clas Mercke | Affiliated to research |
Georgios Mermelekas | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Tamas Micsik | Consultant/Hired personnel |
Flora Mikaeloff | postdoctoral researcher |
Michael Mints | Affiliated to research |
Pragyan Mishra | Postdoctoral studies |
Anton Mittendorf | PhD Student |
Roudabeh Mohammadi | research assistant |
Pardis Mokhtary | Affiliated to research |
Emilia Morales | Affiliated to research |
Oliver Mortusewicz | principal researcher |
Ali Moshfegh | Affiliated to research |
Ninni Mu | Affiliated to research |
Tom Mulder | Affiliated to research |
Suvesh Munakarmi | Postdoctoral studies |
Alessandra Muni | PhD student |
Hanna Ingelman-Sundberg | Affiliated to research |
Lidiya Mykhaylechko | Postdoctoral studies |
Kira Mårtensson | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Michael Nagy | PhD student |
Brendan Ng Wei-Jie | PhD Student |
Joni Josja Nijveldt | PhD Student |
Mahnaz Nikpour | Affiliated to research |
Sten Nilsson | Affiliated to research |
Hanna Nilsson | project coordinator |
Krishnatej Nishtala | research infrastructure specialist |
Monica Nister | Affiliated to research |
Pär Nordlund | professor |
Per Norell | Other |
Anders Näsman | Affiliated to research |
Tobias Näsman | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Aine O Reilly | Affiliated to research |
Rolf Ohlsson | professor, senior |
Meis Omran | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Anca Oniscu | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Eva Onjukka | Affiliated to research |
Laura Orellana | assistant professor |
Lukas Orre | principal researcher |
Cristian Ortiz-Villalon | Affiliated to research |
Ricardo Palanco Zamora | PhD Student |
Marzia Palma | Affiliated to research |
Yanbo Pan | senior research specialist |
Konstantinos Papadakis | research assistant |
Andri Papakonstantinou | Affiliated to research |
Valeriy Paramonov | postdoctoral researcher |
Se Whee Park | PhD student |
Sylvya Pasca | PhD student |
Johan Paulsson | Affiliated to research |
Linda Persson | Affiliated to research |
Karl Pettersson Palm | PhD student |
Therese Pham | research engineer |
Pavel Pisa | Consultant/Hired personnel |
Serena Gaetana Piticchio | postdoctoral researcher |
Valentin Poltorachenko | Affiliated to research |
Edvin Porovic | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Francesca Portelli | PhD Student |
Federico Pozzani | PhD student |
Gabriela Prochazka | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Oryn Purewal-Sidhu | Affiliated to research |
Xuekang Qi | Postdoctoral studies |
Heshuang Qu | postdoctoral researcher |
Mindaugas Raitelaitis | clinical assistant |
Anderson Ramos | research specialist |
Eva Ramqvist | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Simon Rapple | administrator |
Saman Rassam | system developer |
Georgios Rassidakis | adjunct professor |
Ali Razzak | system developer |
Leila Relander | Affiliated to research |
Sara Renberg | Affiliated to research |
Arturo Reyes Palomares | assistant professor |
Lucía Rico Pizarro | PhD student |
Charlotta Riese | PhD Student |
Magdalena Ríos Romero | Postdoctoral studies |
Stephanie Robertson | Affiliated to research |
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Muñoz | research assistant |
Elisabet Rodriguez Tomas | postdoctoral researcher |
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg | adjunct professor |
Charlotte Rolny | Affiliated to research |
Konstantinos Rounis | Affiliated to research |
Kankana Roy | postdoctoral researcher |
Carlos Rubio | Affiliated to research |
Dmitrii Rudakovskii | system developer |
Sean Rudd | principal researcher |
Per Rydberg | research specialist |
Caroline Rönnlund | PhD Student |
Samar Saadeldin Abdelmotalab Omer | research assistant |
Anupriya Sadhasivam | bioinformatician |
Leonie Saft | Affiliated to research |
Dag Salaj | Affiliated to research |
Dimitrios Salgkamis | PhD student |
Mattie Salim | Postdoctoral studies |
Erik Samén | Affiliated to research |
Johanna Sandgren | head of unit |
Kumar Sanjiv | principal researcher |
Michail Sarafidis | Affiliated to research |
Domenico Scaramozzino | postdoctoral researcher |
Caroline Schagerholm Stanev | PhD student |
Susanne Schlisio | senior lecturer |
Sandro Schmidli | clinical assistant |
Niklas Schultz | principal researcher |
Karina Schultz | PhD Student |
Haiko Schurz | postdoctoral researcher |
Martin Scobie | research engineer |
Brinton Seashore-Ludlow | senior research specialist |
Justin Seby | PhD student |
Fotios Sergouniotis | PhD Student |
Josefin Severin Karlsson | Affiliated to research |
Hana Shabana | Affiliated to research |
Alia Shamikh | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Osheen Sharma | PhD student |
Nidhi Sharma | Postdoctoral studies |
Jianyu Shen | PhD Student |
Hao Shi | Postdoctoral studies |
Ioannis Siavelis | postdoctoral researcher |
Adam Sierakowiak | Affiliated to research |
Emmanouil Sifakis | bioinformatician |
Jonathan Siikanen | Affiliated to research |
Noora Sissala | PhD student |
Marcus Skribek | Affiliated to research |
Ana Slipicevic | project manager |
Nicholas Smith | Postdoctoral studies |
Fabio Socciarelli | Affiliated to research |
Karolina Solhuslokk Höse | PhD Student |
Praveen Raj Somarajan | bioinformatician |
Christian Sommerauer | postdoctoral researcher |
Sanna Steen | Affiliated to research |
Hannah Stigsdotter | PhD student |
Fredrik Strand | Affiliated to research |
Charlotte Strandgren | Postdoctoral studies |
Peter Strang | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Carina Strell | Affiliated to research |
Katerina Stripling | Affiliated to research |
Nona Struyf | laboratory technician |
Yanhong Su | PhD Student |
Wenwen Sun | Postdoctoral studies |
Fredrika Svahn | Affiliated to research |
Ann Svensson | biomedical scientist |
Krzysztof Szkop | Postdoctoral studies |
Asimina Talanti | Affiliated to research |
David Tamborero | principal researcher |
Rebecka Teglind | PhD Student |
Salomon Tendler | Affiliated to research |
Mallikarjuna Thippana | Postdoctoral studies |
Jacob Thurell | Affiliated to research |
Nick Tobin | lecturer |
Maria Angeliki Toli | Affiliated to research |
Le Tong | Affiliated to research |
Thuy Tran | principal researcher |
Tribukait Bernhard | Affiliated to research |
Dora Trogrlic | research assistant |
Georgios Tsakonas | Postdoctoral studies |
Nikolaos Tsiknakis | PhD student |
Apostolia Tsirikoglou | research specialist |
Julia Tutzauer | postdoctoral researcher |
Amos Tuval | postdoctoral researcher |
Evangelos Tzoras | PhD student |
Vilhelmina Ullemar | Affiliated to research |
Anders Ullén | adjunct professor |
Helena Ullgren | Affiliated to research |
Jabezie Umuhire | PhD student |
Alexander Valdman | Affiliated to research |
David van Bruggen | postdoctoral researcher |
Sofi Vikström | PhD Student |
Kristina Viktorsson | senior research specialist |
Lisa Villabona | Affiliated to research |
Xenia Villalobos Alberu | research coordinator |
Irene Villanueva Sanz | PhD Student |
Fernanda Villegas-Navarro | Affiliated to research |
Jenny von Salomé | project coordinator |
Gunnar Wagenius | Affiliated to research |
Karin Wallander | Affiliated to research |
Malin Wallander | Affiliated to research |
Emelie Wallin | Affiliated to research |
Keng-Ling Wallin | Affiliated to research |
Olov Wallner | research engineer |
Kang Wang | clinical assistant |
Xiaohao Wang | PhD Student |
Yanlu Wang | Affiliated to research |
Ulrika Berglund | Affiliated to research |
Kathleen Watt | Postdoctoral studies |
Agnes Wefer | Affiliated to research |
Cheng Wei | Affiliated to research |
Kristina Weibring | Affiliated to research |
Weng-Onn Lui | professor |
Peter Wersall | Affiliated to research |
Sandra Wessman | Affiliated to research |
Stina Wickström | principal researcher |
Elisee Wiita | research engineer |
Lina Wik | Postdoctoral studies |
Susanne Wikblad | administrator |
Ulla Wilking | Affiliated to research |
Nils Wilking | Affiliated to research |
Klas Wiman | professor |
Amare Wolide | Postdoctoral studies |
Ioanna Xagoraris | PhD Student |
Emmanouella Michaela Xanthopoulou | PhD student |
Hanjing Xie | Affiliated to research |
Yiyi Xu | PhD Student |
Jeffrey Yachnin | Affiliated to research |
Muyi Yang | postdoctoral researcher |
Qiao Yang | PhD Student |
Yajie Yang | PhD Student |
Ying Yang | Postdoctoral studies |
Li Yi | postdoctoral researcher |
Vasilios Zachariadis | Affiliated to research |
Mahshid Zarrineh | Postdoctoral studies |
Joanna Zawacka-Pankau | Affiliated to research |
Ioannis Zerdes | Affiliated to research |
Si Min Zhang | research specialist |
Simin Zhang | clinical assistant |
Jian Zhao | research specialist |
Wen Zhong | PhD Student |
Qianyu Zhou | PhD student |
Jiacheng Zhu | PhD Student |
Katarzyna Zielinska-Chomej | laboratory engineer |
Brita Zilg | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Jens Zimmerman | PhD Student |
Athanasios Zouzos | PhD Student |
Mark Zupancic | Affiliated to research |
Kristofer Ågren | PhD student |
Ingegerd Öfverholm | Postdoctoral studies |
Susanne Öhlin | biomedical scientist |
Anders Österborg | Affiliated to research |
Pia Österlund | adjunct professor |
Päivi Östling | principal researcher |
Arne Östman | professor |
Nazli Ezgi Özkan | research infrastructure specialist |