
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Tedgren, 171 77 Stockholm


Erik AlmhagenAffiliated to research
Freja AlpstenPhD student
Yehya Al-SaffarPhD Student
Anna AsklidAffiliated to research
Hamza BenmakhloufAffiliated to research
Einar BjörgvinssonPhD Student
Åsa Carlsson TedgrenAffiliated to research
Simon DahlanderPhD Student
Emmy DalqvistPhD Student
Anna EmbringAffiliated to research
Marcus FagerPhD Student
Marianne FalkAffiliated to research
Giovanna GagliardiAffiliated to research
Mohammed Ali GhazalPhD Student
Michael GubanskiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mattias HedmanAffiliated to research
Kristin KarlssonAffiliated to research
Elias LindbäckPhD Student
Jan LindströmAffiliated to research
Eva OnjukkaAffiliated to research
Linda PerssonAffiliated to research
Iuliana StratulatPhD Student
Alexander ValdmanAffiliated to research
Fernanda Villegas-NavarroAffiliated to research
Peter WersallAffiliated to research
Jens ZimmermanPhD Student