
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Rodriguez-Wallberg, 171 77 Stockholm


Amandine AnastácioAffiliated to research
Mariana BarrosoPhD student
Emelie BergmanAffiliated to research
Riikka BornhedeAffiliated to research
Anastasia DrakouPhD Student
Amirhesam EskafinoghaniAffiliated to research
MIN GUOAffiliated to research
Xia Haopostdoctoral researcher
Laleh HosseiniPostdoctoral studies
Yanyu JiangAffiliated to research
Gry JohansenAffiliated to research
Berglind Harper KristjánsdóttirAffiliated to research
Tobias LekbergPhD Student
Carin Elisabeth Ingegerd LindénAffiliated to research
Birgitta Lindqvistlaboratory manager
Arian LundbergAffiliated to research
Anna MarklundPostdoctoral studies
Hanna Nilssonproject coordinator
Monica NisterAffiliated to research
Arturo Reyes Palomaresassistant professor
Charlotta RiesePhD Student
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Muñozresearch assistant
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallbergadjunct professor
Fotios SergouniotisPhD Student
Hana ShabanaAffiliated to research
Vilhelmina UllemarAffiliated to research
Kristina WeibringAffiliated to research
Mujin YePhD Student
Jian Zhaoresearch specialist