
Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Klin Mikrobiologi Ujjwal Neogi, 141 52 Huddinge


Rui BenfeitasAffiliated to research
Marieke BoeckerAffiliated to research
Prem Prashant ChaudharyAffiliated to research
Alejandra EscósAffiliated to research
Iva Filipovicresearch specialist
Soham Guptaassistant professor
Magdalini Lourdasenior research specialist
Ujjwal Neogisenior lecturer
Negin Nikouyanresearch assistant
Vinay PawarAffiliated to research
Sefanit RezenePhD student
Kamlendra SinghAffiliated to research
Vikas SoodAffiliated to research
Anoop Ambikanpostdoctoral researcher
Mukesh Varshneyresearcher