Organisation: H5 Department of Laboratory Medicine

Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Klin Mikrobiologi, 141 52 Huddinge



Gustaf Ahlénproject manager
Karin AmilonAffiliated to research
Christian An Binh Nordentoftresearch assistant
Sofia AppelbergAffiliated to research
Jonathan Arias FuenzalidaAffiliated to research
Lisbeth BarkholtAffiliated to research
Rui BenfeitasAffiliated to research
Erik BobergAffiliated to research
Marieke BoeckerAffiliated to research
Silvia Botero KleivenAffiliated to research
Agnes Böhlin WienerAffiliated to research
Prem Prashant ChaudharyAffiliated to research
Erja ChryssanthouAffiliated to research
Sophie Curboassistant senior lecturer
Stephanie Devignotresearch specialist
Özlem DoganAffiliated to research
Linus EdlundAffiliated to research
Anna Ekwall-LarsonAffiliated to research
Lynda Enehadjunct lecturer
Alejandra EscósAffiliated to research
Hong FangAffiliated to research
Iva Filipovicresearch specialist
Lars Frelinresearcher
Inga FrödingAffiliated to research
Håkan GadlerAffiliated to research
Christian G. Giskeprofessor/senior physician
Soham Guptaassistant professor
Katie Healypostdoctoral researcher
Wilhelm HedinAffiliated to research
Marie HortlundAffiliated to research
Catharina Hultgrenassistant senior lecturer
Jose Inzunzaprincipal researcher
Aina IversenAffiliated to research
Elin JonesPhD Student
Nadir Kadrisenior research specialist
Anna Karlssonprofessor/specialist physician
Annika Karlssonsenior lecturer
Christian KjellanderAffiliated to research
Lena KlingsporAffiliated to research
Göran KronvallAffiliated to research
Hyesoo KwonPhD student
Katarina le Blancprofessor/specialist physician
Jia Qi Leeresearch assistant
Katia LefsihaneAffiliated to research
Ilona Lewensohn-FuchsAffiliated to research
Elin LooPhD Student
Magdalini Lourdasenior research specialist
Birgitta LytsyAffiliated to research
Andreas MatussekAffiliated to research
Öjar MeleforsAffiliated to research
Roua Mhiri Ep JelassiAffiliated to research
Ali Mirazimiadjunct professor
Vanessa Monteilresearch specialist
Patricia MuñozPostdoctoral studies
Daniela Nascimento Silvaresearch specialist
Ujjwal Neogisenior lecturer
Negin Nikouyanresearch assistant
Charlotta NilssonAffiliated to research
Carl-Erik NordProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ida NyqvistAffiliated to research
Anna OlofssonPhD student
Cristina OpricaAffiliated to research
Anna Pasettoresearch specialist
Sheetal PatpatiaAffiliated to research
Vinay PawarAffiliated to research
Jelena Pekicdivision coordinator
Sofja PoznakovsAffiliated to research
Janne PurhonenPostdoctoral studies
Mohammad Razaviresearch specialist
Sefanit RezenePhD student
David RönnqvistAffiliated to research
Gustaf SandhAffiliated to research
Ramona SantiniAffiliated to research
Kamlendra SinghAffiliated to research
Christin SisowathAffiliated to research
Johanna SnällAffiliated to research
Vikas SoodAffiliated to research
Annelie StrålforsAffiliated to research
Lara Sweetapplepostdoctoral researcher
Matti Sällbergprofessor/biomedical analyst
Chaitanya Tellapragada Achyutha Krishnaresearch specialist
Anoop Ambikanpostdoctoral researcher
Filippo TutiAffiliated to research
Måns UllbergAffiliated to research
Anders VahlneProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Mukesh Varshneyresearcher
Nora VestbergAffiliated to research
Martin VondracekAffiliated to research
Marita Wallenberg Lundgrendivision coordinator
Tsegaye Sewunet Wondimuresearch specialist
Huajing WuAffiliated to research
Jingyi Yanresearch specialist
Haidong Yaoresearch assistant
David YuPhD Student
Zhibing YunAffiliated to research
Xiaoshan Zhouresearcher
Anni-Maria Örmälä-Tiznadoassistant professor
Volkan Özenciadjunct professor