H5 Department of Laboratory Medicine


Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, 141 52 Huddinge



Ulrika AasaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Eleni AfentakiAffiliated to research
Birgitta AgerberthProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Maria Aguilera PalmaAffiliated to research
Gustaf Ahlénproject manager
Osama Saherpostdoctoral researcher
Staffan AhnveProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Shahnaz Akillecturer
Seher Alamlaboratory coordinator
Khaled AlmaneiPhD student
Suzan Al-mayahiPhD Student
Maria Joao Almeida e Silva PiresAffiliated to research
Mikael Altunresearcher
Karin AmilonAffiliated to research
Marjan Amirilaboratory coordinator
Christian An Binh Nordentoftresearch assistant
Annette AndersenAffiliated to research
Martin AndersonAffiliated to research
Göran AnderssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Agneta Birgitta Anderssonbiomedical scientist
Alexander Christofer AnderssonPhD Student
Marine AnderssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Annika AnderssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Michael Andängprincipal researcher
Sofia AppelbergAffiliated to research
Jonathan Arias FuenzalidaAffiliated to research
Ozan AricakAffiliated to research
Melker ArtborgAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Michel ArvidssonAffiliated to research
Charlotte Asker-HagelbergAffiliated to research
Annika AsplundAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Theresia Auréndivision coordinator
Ana BabnikAffiliated to research
Constance Sophia BadaliPhD Student
Jasamin Baghdadiadjunct lecturer
Julia Balewskaresearch assistant
Victoria BarclayAffiliated to research
Lisbeth BarkholtAffiliated to research
Cristiana BarradasAffiliated to research
Pia Bastholm RahmnerAffiliated to research
Safa Safin Hayder Bazaz Hidushpostdoctoral researcher
Rahel BefekaduAffiliated to research
Gustav BeijerPhD Student
Natalie Beitneradjunct lecturer
Rui BenfeitasAffiliated to research
Andrea BeninattoAffiliated to research
Lisa BenrejdalPhD student
Anna Berglöfresearch coordinator
Peter Bergmanprofessor/senior physician
Ulf BergmanProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Hermon Berhanehead of finances
Ingemar BjörkhemProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Marie Björklundfinance officer
Mikael Björnstedtprofessor/senior physician
Pontus BlombergOther
Erik BobergAffiliated to research
Marieke BoeckerAffiliated to research
Stephanie Boekeadjunct lecturer
Ksenia BoriskinaAffiliated to research
Silvia Botero KleivenAffiliated to research
Marina Botros Metryfinance officer
Karin Boumaassistant senior lecturer
Olof BreuerAffiliated to research
Ola BrodinAffiliated to research
Jakob Emanuel BruneAffiliated to research
Lars Bräutigamsenior research infrastructure specialist
Mikhail Burmakinresearch specialist
Erik BäcklinPhD student
Agnes Böhlin WienerAffiliated to research
Mattias CarlstenAffiliated to research
Mariana Castañeda Mesaresearch assistant
Prem Prashant ChaudharyAffiliated to research
Ping Chenprincipal researcher
Jiahui ChengPostdoctoral studies
Shea Nee Chewresearch assistant
Rosita ChristensenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Birger ChristenssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Erja ChryssanthouAffiliated to research
Raul CuellarPhD student
Sophie Curboassistant senior lecturer
Tomasz CzapikPostdoctoral studies
Marja-Liisa Dahlprofessor/senior physician
Daniele Dall'OlioAffiliated to research
Huy DangPhD student
Delia Danieleresearch assistant
Bengt DanielssonAffiliated to research
Olof DanielssonAffiliated to research
Vera Danklmaierresearch assistant
Zankruti Davepostdoctoral researcher
Michael Davorentechnician
Miguel Angel DazaAffiliated to research
Jenny Degerholm Langsmohead of administration
Stephanie Devignotresearch specialist
Ulf DiczfalusyAffiliated to research
Özlem DoganAffiliated to research
Xinran DongPhD student
Debra Doroteapostdoctoral researcher
Edona Dushiadjunct lecturer
Kristina Duvefeltlecturer
Harald EberhardtAffiliated to research
Linus EdlundAffiliated to research
Gösta EggertsenAffiliated to research
Birgit EiermannAffiliated to research
Sebastian EkAffiliated to research
Isabella EkhedenAffiliated to research
Tommy Eklundoperations technician
Lena Ekströmadjunct professor
Anna Ekwall-LarsonAffiliated to research
Samir EL Andaloussiprofessor
Emelie ElfvingOther
Erik Eliassonprofessor/senior physician
Omnia ElsharkasyPostdoctoral studies
Lynda Enehadjunct lecturer
Martin EngvallAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Magnus EricssonAffiliated to research
Linda EricssonPhD student
Lennart ErikssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Caroline ErikssonPhD student
Lisa ErikssonPhD student
mona EsbjörnssonAffiliated to research
Alejandra EscósAffiliated to research
Hatice EsenkayaAffiliated to research
Yesid Estupiñan Velasquezresearch specialist
Anwar Fadellecturer
Dipita FahimPhD student
Hong FangAffiliated to research
Nicki Farahzadifinance officer
Muntaha Fartooresearch coordinator
Rodrigo Fernandez Gonzaloprincipal researcher
Carlos Fernández MoroAffiliated to research
Eliza FilipiakPhD student
Iva Filipovicresearch specialist
Paulina FlisOther
Therése ForssénAffiliated to research
Alan K FotoohiAffiliated to research
Lars Frelinresearcher
Nicolai FrengenPhD student
Rafael FriasAffiliated to research
Inga FrödingAffiliated to research
Yawen Fupostdoctoral researcher
Jonas Fuxeresearcher
Irina Gacesiceducational administrator
Håkan GadlerAffiliated to research
Hanna Gadorfinancial officer
Juan Gaopostdoctoral researcher
Ann GardulfAffiliated to research
Francesca GattoPhD student
Stefan GaunitzAffiliated to research
Mahin Ghorbanipostdoctoral researcher
Christian G. Giskeprofessor/senior physician
Sophia Godaubiomedical scientist
Adrian GononAffiliated to research
Laia Gorchspostdoctoral researcher
Oksana GoroshchukAffiliated to research
Ali GorziAffiliated to research
Roberto Gramignolisenior research specialist
Radoslaw GrochowskiPhD student
Lourens GroenewaldAffiliated to research
Gudmundur GudmundssonAffiliated to research
Soham Guptaassistant professor
Dhanu GuptaAffiliated to research
Oskar Gustafssonclinical assistant
Lars L Gustafssonprofessor, senior
Thomas Gustafssonprofessor/senior physician
Manuela Gustafssonlaboratory coordinator
André Görgensresearcher
Lars Haagresearch coordinator
Thomas Hageroperations technician
Daniel Hageyresearch specialist
Vanessa Hallströmadjunct lecturer
Abdulrahman Hamasyresearch assistant
Magnus Daniel HanssonAffiliated to research
Emil HanssonAffiliated to research
Rahul Harshad NagadiaPhD Student
Moustapha Hassanprofessor, senior
Julia Hauensteinresearch assistant
Oliver George HayesPostdoctoral studies
Bing Heresearch specialist
Katie Healypostdoctoral researcher
Åsa Hedbergtechnical assistant
Ulla Hedebrantbiomedical scientist
Wilhelm HedinAffiliated to research
Leon HeffingerPhD student
Carmel HeilandPhD Student
Anders Helanderadjunct senior lecturer
Nina HeldringAffiliated to research
Anders HelldénAffiliated to research
Lena HernbergAffiliated to research
Elisa Heyrmanpostdoctoral researcher
Anders HjerpeProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Malgorzata Honcharenkoresearcher
Marie HortlundAffiliated to research
Wenqing HouPostdoctoral studies
Yizhou Huprincipal researcher
Yanjie HuangPostdoctoral studies
Kjell Hultenbyresearcher
Catharina Hultgrenassistant senior lecturer
Mattias Hällbrinkresearch specialist
Eva Idsund Jonssonbiomedical scientist
Hema Saranya IlamathiPostdoctoral studies
Jose Inzunzaprincipal researcher
Mark IssaPostdoctoral studies
Aina IversenAffiliated to research
Eva JanssonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Malin JohanssonAffiliated to research
Erica Johansson Afreixolecturer
Elin JonesPhD Student
Per Jonssoneducational administrator
Linnea SandelsAffiliated to research
Gustav Jörnåkerresearch assistant
Nadir Kadrisenior research specialist
Helen Kaiperesearcher
Anna Karlssonprofessor/specialist physician
Annika Karlssonsenior lecturer
Ann Kaufeldtadjunct lecturer
Julianna Kele Olovssonprincipal researcher
Zara Ahmad KhanPostdoctoral studies
Mehrnoush KhoshnevisAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Christian KjellanderAffiliated to research
Monika KlimkowskaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Lena KlingsporAffiliated to research
Busra Kocaturkhead of unit
Aleksandra KomazecAffiliated to research
Maja Kopelevadjunct lecturer
Maximilian KordesPostdoctoral studies
Göran KronvallAffiliated to research
Raoul KuiperAffiliated to research
Jonathan Kullmantechnician
Ewa Kurzejamskaassistant professor
Agne KvedaraitePhD Student
Hyesoo KwonPhD student
Sofiene LaarifPhD Student
Britta LandinAffiliated to research
Katarina le Blancprofessor/specialist physician
Jia Qi Leeresearch assistant
Katia LefsihaneAffiliated to research
Taavi Lehtoresearcher
Yu LeiAffiliated to research
Ilona Lewensohn-FuchsAffiliated to research
Shuhan LiAffiliated to research
Xiuming Liangresearch specialist
Sisi LiaoAffiliated to research
Hannes LindahlAffiliated to research
Camilla Linderadjunct lecturer
Helena LindgrenAffiliated to research
Jonatan LindhAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Rika LindhAffiliated to research
Annica Lindkvistassistant senior lecturer
Mikael LindvallConsultant/Hired personnel
Yong Liuresearch specialist
Maria LjungdahlAffiliated to research
Elin LooPhD Student
Magdalini Lourdasenior research specialist
Alen LovricPhD student
Sidinh Lucresearcher
Tommy Lundbergassistant senior lecturer
Doris Lund-Eglofflecturer
Birgitta LytsyAffiliated to research
Pernilla Långassistant senior lecturer
Anita Lövgren Sandblomlaboratory technician
Kristian LöwbeerAffiliated to research
Jens Magnussonassistant professor
Julia Mahunu Ngudieadjunct lecturer
Bahare Sara MakvandiPhD Student
Doste Rashid Mamandpostdoctoral researcher
Mirko Mandic´postdoctoral researcher
Salomé Isabel Marques MilagresAffiliated to research
Nerea Martín AlmazánPhD student
Andreas MatussekAffiliated to research
Öjar MeleforsAffiliated to research
Michael MelinAffiliated to research
Ann Mellquistadministrator
Victoria Menendez Benitolecturer
Magali MerrienAffiliated to research
Ricardo Mesquitapostdoctoral researcher
Roua Mhiri Ep JelassiAffiliated to research
Stephan Mielkeprofessor/senior physician
Ali Mirazimiadjunct professor
Vanessa Monteilresearch specialist
Sadia MonzurPostdoctoral studies
Matthias MoorPostdoctoral studies
Rodrigo Moralesassistant professor
Maria Morelló MiravetPhD Student
Mohammad MorsyAffiliated to research
Metoboroghene MowoePostdoctoral studies
Negin Mozafaripostdoctoral researcher
Patricia MuñozPostdoctoral studies
Anders Mutveiprincipal researcher
Robert Månssonresearcher
Daniela Nascimento Silvaresearch specialist
Antal NemethAffiliated to research
Ujjwal Neogisenior lecturer
My Nguyenlaboratory coordinator
Evgeniya NikolaevaAffiliated to research
Negin Nikouyanresearch assistant
Charlotta NilssonAffiliated to research
Jingyang NiuPostdoctoral studies
Carl-Erik NordProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Joel Nordinassistant professor
Anna NordlanderAffiliated to research
Annica Nordvall-Bodelllecturer
Anna-Carin NorlinAffiliated to research
Karolina NowinskiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ida NyqvistAffiliated to research
Anton NyströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Tuomas NäreojaAffiliated to research
Sandra OertherAffiliated to research
Kristina OhlsénAffiliated to research
Hannes OlausonAffiliated to research
Maria OlinAffiliated to research
Anna OlofssonPhD student
Richard OlssonAffiliated to research
Katarina Omholtlecturer
Cristina OpricaAffiliated to research
Marie-Louise OvesjöAffiliated to research
Paola PaciAffiliated to research
Caroline Palm Apergiresearcher
Georgios Panagiotidissenior lecturer/senior physician
Poomy Pandeylaboratory engineer
Spyridon PanteliosPhD student
Aikaterini PapadimitropoulouPhD student
Nikos PapadogiannakisAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Paolo Pariniprofessor/senior physician
Malgorzata Parniewskalecturer
Anna Pasettoresearch specialist
Sheetal PatpatiaAffiliated to research
Jaakko Patrakkaresearcher
Svetlana Pavlovaresearch technician
Vinay PawarAffiliated to research
Matteo Pedrelliresearch coordinator
Pouya Peighamifinance officer
Jelena Pekicdivision coordinator
Johanna PennanenHR partner
Sergio Pérez Díazpostdoctoral researcher
Elisabeth PerssonHR partner
Ludvig PeterssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Enrico PetrilloAffiliated to research
Madeleine Pettersson BergstrandAffiliated to research
Kim Pettersson BohlinPhD Student
Anton PohankaAffiliated to research
Clara PohlenPhD student
Tajpara PoojabahenAffiliated to research
Zuzana PotacovaAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Kaveh PourhamidiAffiliated to research
Sofja PoznakovsAffiliated to research
Varsha PrakashAffiliated to research
Ilya PrasolovAffiliated to research
Janne PurhonenPostdoctoral studies
Miguel QuintanaAffiliated to research
Mikaela Qvarfordtlecturer
Abidur RahmanAffiliated to research
Srinidhi Rangarajanresearch assistant
Bhavik RathodPhD student
Mohammad Razaviresearch specialist
Kathrin ReiserAffiliated to research
Manon Renaultresearch assistant
Stefanie Marie RenkenAffiliated to research
Shahideh RezaiAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sefanit RezenePhD student
Marlene RietzAffiliated to research
Thomas Charles RobertsAffiliated to research
Staffan Rosenborgadjunct lecturer
Anders Rosendahllecturer
Katri Rosenthal-AizmanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Samantha RoudiPhD student
Hussein Rubaiyassistant senior lecturer
Eric Rullmanresearcher
Helene Rundqvistresearcher
Håkan Rundqvistlecturer
Saif Rustameducational administrator
Monica Rydén AulinAffiliated to research
Alexia RylskiAffiliated to research
Julia RädlerPhD student
Johanna RönnqvistAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
David RönnqvistAffiliated to research
Laia SadeghiAffiliated to research
Makbule Sagicibiomedical scientist
Petra Salomonssonresearch midwife
Hugh SalterAffiliated to research
Felix SandbergAffiliated to research
Birgitta SanderProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Gustaf SandhAffiliated to research
Flora Farzaneh Sandoughchidivision coordinator
Ramona SantiniAffiliated to research
Laura Sanzpostdoctoral researcher
Dhifaf Sarhanassistant professor
Tarja Schröderbiomedical scientist
Jenny SchulzeAffiliated to research
Filip SegerbergAffiliated to research
Arun Selvampostdoctoral researcher
Atif SepicPhD Student
Wenyang ShiPhD Student
Kerstin Silfverbergadjunct lecturer
Oscar Silléntechnician
Danijela SimonovicAffiliated to research
Kamlendra SinghAffiliated to research
Gaurav SinghAffiliated to research
Christin SisowathAffiliated to research
Hanna SjölundPhD Student
Lisa Sjöwalllaboratory engineer
Viktoria SkottPhD Student
Justin SlagerAffiliated to research
Edvard Smithprofessor, senior
Johanna SnällAffiliated to research
Vikas SoodAffiliated to research
Shreya SrivatsanAffiliated to research
Knut R. SteffensenAffiliated to research
Sara StenerhagAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Caroline StenlanderAffiliated to research
Nikolai StephansonAffiliated to research
Alexander StridhAffiliated to research
Stephen StromProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Annelie StrålforsAffiliated to research
Roger StrömbergProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anna StrömbergAffiliated to research
Juliette SuermondtPhD student
Rokeya Sultana Rekharesearch specialist
Jia Sunresearch coordinator
Yizhe SunPhD Student
Patrik Sundbladlecturer
Christina Sundqvistcommunications officer
Lara Sweetapplepostdoctoral researcher
Laszlo SzekelyAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Tímea Szekerczéspostdoctoral researcher
Matti Sällbergprofessor/biomedical analyst
Margaret Sällberg Chenprofessor
Karin Söderberg LöfdalAffiliated to research
Rajendra TangiralaAffiliated to research
Chaitanya Tellapragada Achyutha Krishnaresearch specialist
Anoop Ambikanpostdoctoral researcher
Chiara ThömmesAffiliated to research
Evelina Tidholm QvistAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Uwe Tietgeprofessor/clinical chemist
Veronika Tillanderlecturer
Ben TitmussAffiliated to research
Pernilla Tjärnströmdivision coordinator
Ana TomacPhD student
Jacek Stanislaw ToporskiAffiliated to research
Ulrica Tostaradjunct lecturer
Andrea TryfonosAffiliated to research
Filippo TutiAffiliated to research
Alexander AhlAffiliated to research
Anna TörringAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Brun UlfhakeProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Shahid UllahAffiliated to research
Måns UllbergAffiliated to research
Bayram UludagAffiliated to research
Tea UmekAffiliated to research
Anders VahlneProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Davide ValentiniAffiliated to research
Nicholas Valerieassistant professor
Jurgen van Den Heuvelresearch assistant
Ana VankovaPhD student
Mukesh Varshneyresearcher
Daria VaryvodaPhD student
Nora VestbergAffiliated to research
Quentin VicentiniPhD Student
Sara VikbergPhD student
Theresa Vincentprincipal researcher
Martin VondracekAffiliated to research
Sofie VonlanthenAffiliated to research
Massoud VosoughAffiliated to research
Hjalmar WadströmAffiliated to research
Mona Wahlströmeducational administrator
Emilie Wahren BorgströmAffiliated to research
Marita Wallenberg Lundgrendivision coordinator
Staffan Wallinlecturer
Helena WallinAffiliated to research
Qing WangAffiliated to research
Agata WasikAffiliated to research
Therese WennerstenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria Westerståhlsenior lecturer
Anna Wiikassistant senior lecturer
Oscar WiklanderAffiliated to research
Eva Wikstrom-JonssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sara Windahlassistant senior lecturer
Malin WinerdalAffiliated to research
Tsegaye Sewunet Wondimuresearch specialist
Anthony Wrightprofessor
Huajing WuAffiliated to research
Xiaojun XuAffiliated to research
Elin Xuadjunct lecturer
Jingyi Yanresearch specialist
Haidong Yaoresearch assistant
Yikai YinPhD Student
David YuPhD Student
Zhibing YunAffiliated to research
Rula Zain-Luqmanresearcher
Chrysoula ZalamitsouAffiliated to research
Ying Zhaoresearcher
Yufang ZhengAffiliated to research
Wenyi Zhengresearch specialist
Xiaoshan Zhouresearcher
Houze ZhouPhD student
Antje Zicklerresearch specialist
Jessica ÅkerlundAffiliated to research
Clara Öhresearch assistant
Anni-Maria Örmälä-Tiznadoassistant professor
Jennie ÖstervallAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Volkan Özenciadjunct professor