Organisation: Department of Dental Medicine

Postal address: OF Odontologi, OF Pedodonti, 171 77 Stockholm


Mahfuz Akhter Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria Anderson Affiliated to research
Kristofer Andersson Affiliated to research
Monica Barr Agholme Affiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ida Brännemo PhD student
Göran Dahllöf Affiliated to research
Luis Fernando Delgado Zambrano Affiliated to research
Stina Ekström Affiliated to research
Kaja Eriksson Affiliated to research
Carina Fei PhD student
Annika Julihn Affiliated to research
Anna Kats Affiliated to research
Therese Kvist lecturer
Tulay Lindberg researcher
Barbro Malmgren Affiliated to research
Gunilla Pousette Lundgren Affiliated to research
Nilminie Rathnayake Affiliated to research
Robert Schibbye psychologist
Eva Segelöv division administrator
Georgios Tsilingaridis senior lecturer/senior dentist