Organisation: Department of Dental Medicine

Postal address: OF Odontologi, OF Pedodonti, 171 77 Stockholm


Mahfuz AkhterAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria AndersonAffiliated to research
Kristofer AnderssonAffiliated to research
Monica Barr AgholmeAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ida BrännemoPhD student
Göran DahllöfAffiliated to research
Luis Fernando Delgado ZambranoAffiliated to research
Kaja ErikssonAffiliated to research
Carina FeiPhD student
Annika JulihnAffiliated to research
Anna KatsAffiliated to research
Therese Kvistlecturer
Anna LevinssonAffiliated to research
Tulay Lindbergresearcher
Barbro MalmgrenAffiliated to research
Gunilla Pousette LundgrenAffiliated to research
Nilminie RathnayakeAffiliated to research
Robert SchibbyePhD student
Eva Segelövdivision administrator
Georgios Tsilingaridissenior lecturer/senior dentist