Call for funding for interdisciplinary KI networks in research

The Committee for Research hereby announces funding to support the development and operation of networks in research at the Karolinska Institutet (KI).

The call for proposals has concluded, and the award decision has been finalised.


The Committee for Research (KF) aims to enhance the quality of KI's research by bringing together researchers across department boundaries in networks and providing opportunities for collaboration within methodological and/or subject-specific areas. Through this announcement, KF intends to both provide existing networks with an opportunity to evolve and offer a chance for new networks to take shape. The networks should be interdisciplinary and inclusive, with broad engagement across several of KI's departments.


Call for Proposals

The funds should be used in the manner that the network deems best suited to strengthen both research and collaboration within KI. Examples of activities that can be funded within the network include:

  • Seed funding for innovative projects
  • Projects that enhance collaboration within KI
  • Collaboration with businesses, healthcare, or other public sectors
  • Researcher mobility
  • Support for research-focused events for the public or schools.
  • Conferences and seminars (the funds cannot be combined with the call for conference funding from the Committee for Research.

Up to 15% of the granted funds may be used to administer the network.

Networks can be funded for up to three years with a maximum of 750,000 SEK per year. KF can finance up to 10 networks per year. The networks are regularly monitored, and the Research Committee has the option to increase or decrease the amount allocated to each network. 


Eligible applicants are researchers with a doctoral degree employed at KI. The network may already be active today, but it is also possible to formalize a new network within the framework of this announcement. 

Assessment Criteria and Evaluation

The review panel, with members from the Committee for Research, is chaired by the Vice Chair of the Committee for Research.

The assessment criteria are:

  • Added value for KI's researchers within the proposed network area.
  • Potential to strengthen cross-institutional collaboration.
  • Quality and feasibility of the network's plans.

Applications from networks with representation from KI's different campuses will be prioritised.


The application must include the following attachments:

  • Description of the network including organisation (maximum 3000 characters)
  • Justification of how the network meets the assessment criteria (maximum 3000 characters)
  • Overview of budget and plan for activities during years 1-3 (maximum 3000 characters)
  • Letters of support from involved department heads (at least two department heads)
  • Concise letter of intent signed by five key individuals in the network (maximum one A4 page)

The application must be submitted electronically. The form is available in KI Prisma during the application period. Applications can be submitted in both Swedish and English.

Application Period: April 1st - May 30th 


Decisions on allocation will be made by the Committee for Research.


After the end of the allocation period, the main applicant must log into Prisma and confirm whether the funds have been fully, partially, or not at all utilised. If the funds have not been used at all or only partially during the allocation period, any remaining funds must be returned to the Committee for Research.

The Committee for Research will request regular reporting.


For questions regarding the announcement, please email:

Content reviewer:
Gustaf Cars