Climate Strategy for Karolinska Institutet

In 2019, KI signed the Climate Framework which aims to increase the climate action of our society.

The climate strategy is a way of clarifying KI's ambition in the climate area and was decided by the President in 2021. The strategy is based on the Climate Framework, which KI has signed together with 37 other higher education institutions in Sweden. KI has undertaken to conduct climate work that is in line with the Paris Agreement and the so-called 1.5-degree target. For KI, this means driving the development of knowledge about climate change and health, while at the same time minimising our own negative impact on the climate.

The strategy's goals will be broken down in an Environment and Climate Action Plan, which is an existing tool for working with the university's environmental management system. KI's environmental work is followed up annually and presented to the university's management. The climate strategy will be part of the systematic follow-up. The strategy will be reviewed annually and revised when necessary.

Overall goals for 2030

► KI shall markedly increase its educational and research efforts related to climate change and health.

► KI shall at least decrease by 50% its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with the ambition of becoming carbon neutral in accordance with international and national agreements. We will achieve this by:

  • achieving climate neutrality in energy consumption
  • cutting greenhouse gas emissions from travel by over 50%
  • greatly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from goods, services, food and waste


Goals in 2030:

  • KI is a leading medical university at the international forefront of education regarding climate change and health.

In 2024:

  • There are intended learning outcomes in all educational programmes where students will acquire knowledge and skills in the field  of climate change and health as part of teaching related to sustainable development.


Goals in 2030:

  • KI is a leading medical university at the international forefront of research into climate change and health, climate-friendly healthcare, as well as research into behavioural science and preventive healthcare linked to climate change.

In 2024:

  • KI is conducting more active research in the fields of climate change and health, climate-friendly healthcare, as well as behavioural science and preventive healthcare linked to climate change.
  • KI has one or more professorships, lectureships, or postdoctoral fellowships in one or more of the fields climate change and health, climate-friendly healthcare, or research into behavioural science and preventive healthcare linked to climate change.

Collaboration for utilisation

Goals in 2030:

  • Issues of climate change and climate change and health play an integral role in KI’s collaborations.

In 2024:

  • Climate issues are integral to KI’s collaborations with its most important partner, the healthcare sector.
  • Climate issues are included in all major collaborative projects in which KI participates.
  • KI contributes its expertise in health related to climate change to several broad societal projects
  • KI plays an important role in the higher education sector’s work on climate issues.

Business travel

Goals in 2030:

  • Carbon dioxide emissions per full-time-equivalent from business travel are 60% lower than in 2015.

In 2024:

  • Carbon dioxide emissions per full-time-equivalent from business travel are 40% lower than in 2015.

Energy consumption

Goals in 2030:

  • The production of the electricity, heating and cooling procured by KI is climate neutral.
  • KI’s energy consumption per square meter is significantly lower than in 2019

In 2024:

  • Carbon dioxide emissions from KI’s energy consumption is 50% lower per square meter than in 2019.
  • KI’s energy consumption per square meter is 15% lower than in 2019.

Goods and services

Goals in 2030:

  • Emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) from goods and services procured by KI are significantly lower than in 2021

In 2024:

  • KI has data about its emissions from the consumption of goods and services.
  • Wherever possible sustainability and climate requirements are included in all relevant procurements, call-offs and purchases. These requirements are followed up.

Waste management

Goals in 2030:

  • The total waste per full-time-equivalent generated on KI’s premises has decreased by 20% compared to 2019..
  • The amount of residual waste generated on KI’s premises has decreased significantly as a fraction.

In 2024:

  • The total waste per full-time-equivalent generated on KI’s premises has decreased by 10% compared to 2019.
  • Food waste is collected from all kitchenettes on KI’s premises.

Climate Strategy