Clear leadership and good atmosphere are important

Lina Adham is the controller for the Division of Nursing at NVS, with overall responsibility for education and research economy, a position she has held for about eight years.

Lina Adham, NVS Photo: Private

You will soon transfer to a new position, tell us more about that!

- I will soon be the accounting controller for the NVS central administration, Lina says. It’s an interesting position because of the combination of accounting and controlling, and also because it means both strategical and operational work within economy.

- My hope is to be able to give good and professional support to divisional economy functions for both education and research, together with my colleagues at central administration.

What is important to you at the workplace? What do you need to thrive?

- Clear leadership and a good atmosphere between colleagues are important, Lina stresses. Great relationships that create a feeling of well-being can motive me to feel excited about work, making me want to contribute and do my best.

What has kept you at KI?

- I feel that KI is a nice place to work, with a good personnel policy. Good collaboration at NVS and the Division of Nursing is a big reason for my commitment. I have a good deal of freedom with personal responsibility and can plan my own work.

What is your background? Where are you from?

- I am from Palestine, and came to Sweden in 2003, Lina continues. I have a degree in accounting and worked as an HR and finance manager at an international insurance company in my home country. As an active member of the finance union, I also presented Palestinian women’s issues at different international conferences. Before coming to KI, I worked at the University of Arts, Crafts and Design (Konstfack) in Stockholm.

What do you do in your free time?

- My hobby is my family! I spend a lot of time with my son and my husband. I socialize a lot with friends of different ages and with diverse backgrounds. Travel, excursions, cooking and baking are also my interests. During this pandemic, I try to keep part of my routine when possible, of course with the recommendations and guidelines in mind.

- I am concerned that working from home due to the pandemic will affect relationships with colleagues and friends and increase the risk of us not being able to combine work, family, private life, and free time.

What is the best thing that ever happen to you in life?

- Two things changed my life, Lina concludes. The first was coming to Sweden in 2003, and the second was having my son and becoming a mother in 2004.


Text: Annika Clemes
