Our new Head of HR

Mona Hellstadius has recently returned after a little over year of parental leave. She now holds the newly established position as Head of HR at NVS.

Mona Hellstadius, Head of HR at NVS. Photo: Selma Wolofsky

What is it like to come back after a year of parental leave?

It is great and rewarding to be back, I am lucky to work with people that I appreciate very much. I must admit that it feels very special (although unusual) to be able to enjoy a cup of hot coffee during the day. Of course, a lot has happened over the last year, but at the same time it feels almost like I have not been gone at all.

How do you view your new role, how would you describe it?

I now have a more specific assignment for HR-related work at NVS from the Head of Department and Head of Administration, to be able to support our coworkers in that area. It feels good and stimulating to work in an organization where HR support is valued.

How long have you been working at NVS?

I started in 2014, so it has been seven years since my fist day.

What did you do before coming here? What is your background?

I worked as unit manager in Umeå kommun, where I also previously studied. I moved from Umeå when I started working at NVS.

What do you do to relax in your spare time?

I like nature and enjoy the northern Swedish mountains very much, where we often go when we have time off. We are approaching the lovely winter season, so I am hoping for some skiing.

What is the best thing that has happened in your life?

You can’t beat becoming a parent!
