Local safety representatives and equal treatment at GPH

The Department of Global Public Health should be an inclusive and stimulating workplace characterised by diversity and participation. At the department, we actively and systematically work to promote equal treatment and to counteract discrimination and harassment.

The work on promoting rights and opportunities includes working on standards, attitudes and behaviours at all levels of the organisation.

Equal treatment representative

At the department, an equal treatment representative has been appointed by the Head of department to coordinate the work and activities regarding equal treatment and rights.

The representative for equal treatment does not pursue individual cases, but if you have general questions regarding equal treatment at the department or similar, please contact the equal treatment representative. 

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Karima Lundin

Education Officer

If you need someone to talk about a specific incident, contact your immediate manager, otherwise HR or your local safety representative.


Visiting address: GPH administration unit, floor 3, Widerström building
Tomtebodavägen 18A, Campus Solna

Local safety representatives

The local safety representative represents employees in issues regarding working environment and safety. The representative will, among other things, work for a good work environment within its area of protection as well as report shortcomings in the work environment to the employer.

Safety representative for employees at Widerström building

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Mariano Salazar

Principal Researcher

Representative for KI staff at Solnavägen 1E, Torsplan

Support for students at the department

The student ombudsperson and the doctoral students' ombudsperson are employed by the student unions. You can turn to them with matters relating to you as a student, such as if you feel unfairly treated by someone at KI or have problems in your dealings with other students or members of staff.

The doctoral student representatives are appointed to represent all doctoral students at the department. They represent you as a doctoral student in the department council and the working environmental group. Contact the current doctoral student representatives at the Department of Global Public Health 

Laws and regulations

In accordance with the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567), the department shall pursue an active and targeted work on equal treatment regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other beliefs, disability, sexual orientation or age.

In addition, the department is obligated to investigate and take action against harassment.

The law applies to the department both as an employer and educational coordinator. It includes all employees as well as all students at the undergraduate and advanced level and PhD students.

Equal treatment is also regulated by the Higher Education Ordinance chapter 4, Higher Education Act, Chapter 1 5§ and the Parental Leave Act, 16§. In addition, the Work Environment Act's regulation on Organisational and Social Work Environment (AFS 2015:4) is applicable.

More about equal treatment at KI.

'Widerströmska Equal Rights Network'

The network consists of the equal treatment representatives in the Widerström building. In addition to the equal treatment representative as GPH, the network includes representatives from:

The aim of the network is to exchange ideas and experiences and collaborate on activities, lectures and seminars. The network will meet twice per semester.

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