Supplier exhibitions in Neo

Suppliers who want to exhibit goods/products in Neo should be referred to the Neo manager.

The Heads of Administration at KI South has decided that supplier exhibitions should not be organised by the institutions themselves (see the decision in full below).

In addition, the following applies:

  • non procured suppliers must be given the same opportunity to exhibit at the same time, i.e. at larger coordinated exhibitions. 
  • procured suppliers are allowed to have exhibitions if they are located ‘outside the shell’, otherwise a person must ensure that they do not move around the premises unattended.


For supplier exhibitions, please contact the Neo manager.

The following decision has been made by the Heads of Administration at KI South

We – the Heads of Administration and part of departmental group KI South, i.e. LabMed, Clintec, MedH, NVS, DentMed and SÖS - have jointly decided that supplier exhibitions should no longer be arranged by the individual departments.

If suppliers contact you personally, please provide this information.

If you have questions, please contact the Head of Administration of your Department.

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