Academic Elections 2024 - everything you need to know

The academic elections are an important prerequisite for collegial influence at KI. By nominating and voting for colleagues you trust, you become an important part of strengthening collegial influence in the bodies that make important strategic and operational decisions that affect KI's future/development.

Why we hold academic elections 

The governance of higher education institutions is regulated by the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance. According to these provisions, an institution of higher education must be governed by a board of directors (KI's board) and a President. The Higher Education Act and Higher Education Ordinance also state that the higher education institution must design its internal organisation in the way that best suits its activities. Decisions involving an assessment of the organisation and implementation or quality of education and research must be made by persons with scientific or artistic competence who are appointed through, for example, academic elections.  

Academic election of faculty members to KI's Board 

During the period 14 May 2024 to 28 May 2024, staff and students have the opportunity to nominate candidates for the position of teacher member of KI's Board. The mandate period for the assignment is from 2025-01-01 to 2027-12-31. 

It is KI's Nomination Assembly and its appointed Election Committee that prepares the election for the electronic vote within the Academy that will be conducted in early September 2024.  

The Nomination Committee will review all nominations received and present its selection of potential candidates at the Nomination Assembly meeting on 17 June 2024. The candidates that the Nomination Assembly chooses to put forward in the election will be presented on the Staff Portal.    

Who is eligible to stand for election as a teacher member of the Board? 

Anyone who has completed a doctoral degree and is employed until further notice, or has an appointment at Karolinska Institutet (KI) for the entire term of office, is eligible for the position.  

How to nominate candidates 

Ask the person you intend to nominate and make sure they are willing to stand. 

 Nominations are then sent by e-mail to Please include the reference number 1-527/2024 in the subject line. It is important that you include the full name and institutional affiliation of the nominee. 

How to vote 

Anyone employed as a teacher or researcher at KI on 1 January 2024 is entitled to vote if their employment covers at least 50 per cent of a full-time position. If you are eligible to vote, you will receive an email to your KI address in early September 2024 with a link to the electronic system through which the vote will take place. Responses are anonymous. 

Nomination Assembly and Election Committee 

The Nomination Assembly consists of 49 members representing their respective institutions. The chairman is Michael Fored, Department of Medicine Solna and the vice-chairman is Catarina Almqvist Malmros, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 

The Nomination Assembly always appoints a Nomination Committee at its first meeting. Anna Karlsson, Department of Laboratory Medicine, leads the work of the nomination committee as she has been appointed as chair. 

The Nomination Assembly's term of office is currently four years with an end date of 2027-06-19.