Programme - Education Congress 2024

During this year's Educational Congress 2-3 October we delve into the theme of "Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education." Through this lens, we aim to embrace the intricate interplay between humanity and education within the healthcare domain.

Theme for the congress

Our conference unfolds across three subthemes, each offering insights into the nature of education. 

  • Human dimensions: How do we capture the essence of human dimensions and values in education? recognizing both students and educators as complete entities with multifaceted needs. 
  • Relationship between technology and humanity: We investigate the dynamic relationship between technology and humanity in education and healthcare, seeking to identify the core values essential for maintaining human-centered approaches amidst technological advancements. 
  • Methodologies and approaches: We ponder upon the methodologies and approaches crucial for investigating and researching the development of education, unraveling the pathways toward educational innovation and growth. Join us in this exploration as we navigate the tapestry of human dimensions within the realm of medical education.

The programme for Educational Congress is mainly held in English. 

Full programme

Speakers, workshops and details for the programme will be updated in August. 

Keynote speakers


KIPRIME winner 2024

We are proud to announce that this years' winner of the KIPRIME, Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education, will be one of the speakers at the congress.

The winner will be announced in August.


Introduction Day 1

Annika Östman Wernerson, President of Karolinska Institutet, and Maria Watter, Head of Unit Teaching and Learning.

Keynote: Gabrielle Finn

The Human Touch: Integrating Humanities into Healthcare teaching and research - Gabrielle Finn.


Art, humanities and health professions education: two skills based workshops - Jonas Nordquist & Lucy Glendinning.

Opening Day 2

Ewa Ehrenborg, Academic Vice president, KI.


MedEd research in Sweden and Norway, where are we and what may be next? Terese Stenfors, Monika Kvernenes and Samuel Edelbring.


Assessment and feedback in healthcare: A session on assessment and feedback with Riitta Möller -  The target audience for this session is  clinical teachers,  supervisor and those who train students in healthcare. You will lean about the latest research and have the opportunity to share your experiences. During the session, we will highlight the perspective of both students and healthcare professionals. This session is in Swedish.

When: 2-3 October, 2024. 
Where: KI Campus in Solna (Stockholm). 
Who: The Educational Congress is a meeting place for you who are involved in or interested in educational issues, both on campus and in the healthcare sector. 
Registration: Will open in the end of May.

The Educational Congress is organised by Teaching and Learning, on behalf of the Committee for Higher Education, and the Committee for Doctoral Education.

Decorative image.
Photo: Firefly.