Research internships ("Forskar-AT")

A research internship (in Swedish forskar-AT) provides financial support for a period of research during a clinical internship (in Swedish allmäntjänstgöring; AT). Conducting research at KI is a requirement for a research internship block.

About research internships

A research internship allows intern doctors to combine their regular clinical internship (18-21 months) with 12 months of research. The intern then takes leave from his or her clinical practice to do research at KI, and KI reimburses the department for the salary cost (a flat rate). The block begins and ends with clinical practice and the research period is inserted between the clinical education sections (thus adding 12 months of research to the internship).

Research internships are available for the university’s doctoral students and PhDs actively engaged in research at KI. Please note, that to be eligible for the internship, applicants must have necessary knowledge in the Swedish, Danish or Norwegian language.

Calls for application

Calls for research internship applications are issued twice a year. Find out more about calls for research internship applications.

Salary during the research period and current flat-rate payments

Salaries during the research period at KI are paid by the department in which the research is taking place. The department is then reimbursed with a flat-rate sum disbursed by KI, after a requisition form and KI’s employment contract for the research period in question have been submitted to Kia Olsson,, Grants Office, KI.

Information about disbursement of research internship (forskar-AT) funds

The flat-rate payments are related to the level of the contracted salaries for doctoral students and medical PhDs, and adjusted upwards in the event of any changes in KI’s salary ladder for doctoral studentships, Quick reference guide doctoral. The rate also includes remuneration for salary-related costs (LKP) and the department’s indirect costs (INDI).

Wage negotiations for those disputed are made with the respective institution.

PhD students will normally follow the local collective agreement for doctoral students.

Any queries?

Queries regarding the application process:

HR consultant, Karolinska University Hospital: Susanne Rodehav

Queries regarding scheduling:

Karolinska University Hospital: 
Christian Gustavsson and Johanna Lidegran at Huddinge and
Peter Bergmark and Agnieszka Popowicz at Solna. 

Danderyd Hospital: Director of internship studies Louise Hagander

Söder Hospital: Karin Viklund

Capio S:t Göran: Katarina Hallén Grufman, director of internship studies

Other queries regarding internships:

Karolinska University Hospital: Lotta Renström Koskela, head of internships

Danderyd Hospital: Louise Hagander, director of internship studies

Söder Hospital: Kristina Rydlund, head of internships

Capio S:t Göran: Katarina Hallén Grufman, director of internship studies

Queries regarding funding requisitions or flat-rate payments:


Administrative officer, Forskar-AT

Kia Olsson


Research internship programme (forskar-AT) and research residency programme (forskar-ST)

In the spring of 2021, an anonymous survey was sent out to those awarded forskar-AT or one of the “clinical career programmes” during the period 2006–2019. The “clinical career programmes” consist of four different financing programmes; the research residency programme (forskar-ST; for doctoral students), clinical post-doc, clinical researcher and higher clinical researcher.

Content reviewer:
Kia Olsson