Examples & opportunities at KI
Strategic Research Areas
The Strategic Research Areas (SFOs in Swedish) are investments initiated by the Swedish government in certain selected areas that has been ongoing since 2010. KI has received funding for six fields: stem cells, diabetes, neuroscience, cancer, epidemiology, and health care science.
Outreach activities - examples
Cancer Research KI aims to inform about cancer research at KI by reaching out to both internal and external audience.
StratNeuro - Strategic Research Area Neuroscience
SRP Diabetes - Strategic Research Program in Diabetes
- Popular science presentations of SRP Diabetes researchers
StratRegen - Strategic Research Area Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Forskarfredag, outreach room, school program (Berättarministeriet)
Conversation – a news media opportunity for KI researchers
KI is a member of The Conversation, an international news platform that is changing the way academics interact with the media. The collaboration benefits researchers by boosting their international profile and sharpening their communication skills, both of which are great for funding applications.
An article in The Conversation written by a KI researcher broke a record in the number of readers. Associate Professor Karin Modig's article on centenarian biomarkers received almost 2.4 million reads and was translated into several languages.
ERC Public Engagement with Research Award
The Award was established to recognise those ERC grantees who successfully engage audiences outside their domain. The laureates selected by the jury and the winner of the public vote were revealed at EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) on 14 July 2022.
- Award category: Involve - citizen science
- Mariska Kret (Leiden University): RecognizeYourself - Bringing science to the zoo, involving the public into the study of great apes emotions
- Award category: Inspire - public outreach
- Jonathan Tennyson (University College London): Orbyts - Engaging students in original research, inspiring science careers
- Award category: Influence - media and policy
- Alpa Shah (London School of Economics and Political Science): CounterOppression - Challenging inequalities, countering oppression
KI Forskarskola: Klinisk behandlingsforskning
Karolinska Institutet i samarbete med Region Stockholm ger en forskarskola i klinisk behandlingsforskning med start höstterminen 2024. Forskarskolans övergripande mål är att kliniskt aktiva doktorander ska tillägna sig ett vetenskapligt, kritiskt, analytiskt och forskningsetiskt förhållningssätt och fördjupade kunskaper i praktisk klinisk forskningsmetodik för att kunna prioritera, planera och bedriva forskning inom områden som har patientnytta.
KI Workshop: Find the news potential in your research and write for The Conversation
The international news platform The Conversation arranges, in collaboration with the Communications Office at KI, a training session for researchers on how to find the news potential in your own research and write for the public.