Electronic Invoice Management (EFH)

All invoices received by KI are managed digitally in our finance and business system, UBW (formerly Agresso). Read more about how to review or certify invoices.

All invoices received by KI are managed digitally in our finance and business system, UBW (formerly Agresso). Read more about how to review or certify invoices.

EFH Handbook

The EFH Handbook provides support for electronic invoicing in our finance and business system UBW. For example, how you:

  • Process supplier invoices
  • Review invoices
  • Check invoices
  • Certify orderless invoices
  • Create reports in self-service

EFH Handbook (PDF) (In Swedish)

UBW accounts

For further information on how to apply for a UBW account.

FAQs regarding internal invoicing

When do I need to authorise/approve my invoices?

When you have received an invoice for authorisation or approval in UBW, please deal with it as quickly as possible, even if the due date is some days or weeks away.

Once you have reviewed the invoice, it will be sent to the Finance Office for certification. A payment report will then be created and passed on to the bank. Only then will the supplier receives payment.

As a public authority, our payment terms are 30 days net, which is a relatively short timeframe in the event that an invoice is held up with either the reviewer or certifier.

How do I change a project with multiple departmental affiliations?

User X is affiliated to two departments, Department A1 and Department B2. User X receives an invoice with their ZZ(A1) reference, meaning that the invoice ends up at Department A1. User X would like the payment to be made by Department B2.

In such a situation, the invoice should not be rejected so that we can change the department. Instead, you should select departmental affiliation B2 under project, then account, followed by approve. The project decides departmental affiliation and it will then be changed in accounts from A1 to B2.

What invoices should I reject?

Only incorrect invoices for cancellation should be rejected, i.e. an invoice that is not made out to Karolinska Institutet. If you have any questions regarding your invoices, you should ask your department accountant.

Should I request a credit note for incorrect invoices?

If you receive an incorrect invoice, you should contact the supplier and ask for a credit note. Park the invoice and enter a comment. When the credit note is received, select project, then account and approve. The same applies to debit notes.

NB! Enter a comment for both invoices so that accounts can link the two. For example, on the debit note enter a comment: Relates to Credit Note 123456. On the credit note write: Relates to Debit Note 78910.


If you have any questions regarding electronic invoicing, please contact ekonomiservice@ki.se.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K8.Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Log in with KI-ID
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