Occupational Health Services

Here you will find information on who orders and who pays for the services of the Avonova occupational health care

The basic rule is that KI-wide activities and own call-offs as well as statutory services such as medical checks, exposure measurements and certain vaccinations are covered by the common funds, while individual cases, health tests and rehabilitation services are financed by local funds and determined by each manager.

Avonova's services (in Swedish only)

Learn more about which proactive, preventive and reactive services Avonova occupational health offers at individual, group and organisational level.

Services financed by common funds

These services are paid for from common funds. Some services can be requested by employees, others by managers and some by the HR department.

  • Own Anonymous Visit
  • Telephone counselling - general
  • Health mapping
  • Statutory medical checks (+ additional services)
  • Vaccination in case of exposure to infection at work (individual)
  • Ergonomic review of the workplace (group)
  • CPR training
  • CPR and L-ABC

Services funded by common or local resources

KI-wide services are contracted by central HR and paid for with common funds. Local services/activities are requested by the manager and paid for locally.

  • Health promotion counselling (organisation)
  • Training and seminars in health promotion (group)
  • Systematic work environment management (SAM)

Services funded from local resources

These services are paid for from local funds and are requested by the manager.

  • Continuation after two "own anonymous visits"
  • Investigation of victimisation, harassment, sexual harassment etc. (individual and group)
  • Health test (individual and group)
  • Work adaptation and rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle counselling (individual level)
  • Work capacity assessment
  • Counselling for managers
  • Assessment and support for substance abuse, at-risk substance use, addiction problems (individual and organisation)
  • Vaccination counselling - telephone counselling
  • Vaccination - influenza and other epidemic diseases (individual)
  • Small health screening (individual)
  • Major health examination (individual)
  • Ergonomic review of the workplace (individual)
  • Group support in case of conflicts
  • Support to groups in case of crisis
