There is a shortage of rental accommodations in Stockholm, and waiting lists for a room or a flat are generally long.
KI Housing
KI Housing offers accommodation for international students/researchers at Karolinska Institutet. You should apply for KI housing accommodation as soon as possible. If you do not receive accommodation through KI Housing, you will have to find housing on your own, see other accommodation alternatives.
SBS in Spånga
Sign up first at Studentbostäder i Norden. Please note that the apartments are unfurnished.
Wenner-Gren Foundations
Wenner-Gren Foundations offer apartments for foreign scientists with a PhD-degree. You should sign up for the queue as soon as possible (e.g., even 18-20 months before your starting date) and no later than 6 months after you arrived to Sweden.
Stiftelsen Stockholms Studentbostäder (SSSB)
Stiftelsen Stockholms Studentbostäder (SSSB) provides student accommodation for members of SSCO associated student unions in the Stockholm area. You must be a member of an SSCO-affiliated union for the entire duration of your tenancy. At KI there are two student unions - The Medical Student Union (MF) and The Dental Student Union (OF). The current waiting list is about 2 years.
Bostadsförmedlingen/Svenska Bostäder and other rental apartments
You can apply for student housing for the time you study. Student housing is allocated on the basis of time spent in the housing queue so the sooner you register, the greater the chance to get an apartment. The fee is SEK 200 per year. More information and registration at Bostadsförmedlingen i Stockholm AB and Svenska Bostäder (in Swedish).
ByggVesta: student housing in Stockholm.
UNITY Kista: Furnished rental apartments for students and young professionals in Stockholm.
Subletting is a common way to arrange accommodation. Some of these websites are only in Swedish, so it is good to know that “bostad” is an apartment and “lägenhet” is a flat.
Ads from private persons willing to rent out to researchers and doctoral students at KI, see Housing for rent.
Stockholm Federation of Student Unions, SSCO run a subleasing agency called Akademisk kvart where private persons in Stockholm place ad's looking to rent out room, apartments and houses to students and guest researchers.
Samtrygg search among available accommodations for rent in Stockholm
For useful information when searching for housing in Stockholm, please see Other accommodation alternatives.
Buying an apartment or house
Home insurance
We strongly advise you to take out a home insurance (hemförsäkring) for your stay in Stockholm. If anything is stolen from your room, or if any property is damaged or lost during your rental period, you are responsible for covering the repair or replacement costs. In addition to personal property, home insurance should also cover liability, legal expenses and travel insurance.
- Home insurances
- Everyone needs home insurance
A home insurance policy is sold by most insurance companies in Sweden: