Gym House Rules
Welcome to our campus gyms! We all have to take responsibility for the facilities, the equipment and respect each other.
Here you are expected to:
- follow our house rules and adhere to KI Code of Conduct.
- bring your KI card.
- be clean from alcohol, drugs and doping*.
* Doping substances that are illegal according to the Doping Act 1§d.
We do not tolerate inappropriate behaviour, theft or vandalism - this may result in you being suspended from the facility. In case of suspicion of violation of the Doping Law, the police will be informed.
House Rules
- Wear indoor shoes in the gym. Wear shoes that do not mark the floor (sports hall).
- Be responsible for your valuables.
- Put away and wipe the equipment after you.
- Wear workout clothes. Exercising in the buff is not allowed.
- Exercise safely. Ask if you need help.
- Avoid perfume. Many people have difficulty tolerating strong odours.
- Keep platforms clear of other equipment.
- Use magnesium blocks (liquid lime is not allowed).
- At the gym in Flemingsberg, no dropping of weights is allowed 6.30-17 on weekdays.
Our coaches have priority access to areas in the gym when they have instruction and classes.
Important about insurance
You are using the gym at your own risk. When you exercise in our facilities, it counts as leisure time and not working time. You must therefore ensure that you have private accident insurance.