KI's Facility system Pythagoras
KI uses the facility system Pythagoras for our rented premises and the administration is handled by the Facility Department (FA).
From January 2024, a new web platform (Pythagoras Web, PW) will be implemented to replace the older web platform PIM. (PIM will continue to be available)
PW will be launched to all institutions and the application for authorization for new PW is made through KI's authorization system IDAC. Instructions on how to apply for authorization are described under Documents (only in Swedish at the moment).
Information om nytt fastighetssystem - webbplattform PW (PDF, 213.38 KB)
Frågor och svar om Pythagoras webb PW (PDF, 111.67 KB)
Snabbguide att komma igång - lathund för Pythagoras Webb (PDF, 738.81 KB)