Current postdocs

Make the most of your postdoc at KI!

Career Service for Postdocs

Welcome to Karolinska Institutet! We have years of experience supporting our researchers in the promotion/elevation of their careers. The KI Career Service provides career development for academics pursuing a career within academia, as well as for those who want to explore career options outside of our university.

Our number one career advice is to work hard and passionately on your research project, however, the expression “publish or perish” is well known to most researchers and the competition is high. At the KI Career Service web page we list some additional advice on topics that are important for your postdoc career development.

Core Facilities

Core Facilities for Research: Karolinska Institutet offers a wide range of core facilities, providing service, recourses and competence to academic research in Sweden.


There are a variety of courses available to KI postdocs.

Doctoral courses:
KI offers some 200 doctoral/third-cycle courses per year. KI postdocs can also attend these courses, space permitting, see selection criteria. Doctoral courses are applied to from the course catalogue. Deadline for application middle of November and middle of May. Doctoral courses are free of charge.

Courses & workshops: Endnote, ICT-educational tools for teaching etc.

Laboratory animal science:
Education in laboratory animal science is compulsory for those who intend to work and conduct research with laboratory animals at Karolinska institutet.

Information security

Information Security work is to ensure that information is not spread to unauthorized people, that it is always reliable, accurate and complete and that it is available when needed. For more information see Information security

Innovation support and IPR at KI

Karolinska Institutet offers innovation support to facilitate the transformation of research findings into products and services to the benefit of patients, health and society. In Sweden academic researchers own the rights to their patentable inventions (the Professor’s privilege or Lärarundantaget). This gives scientists a responsibility but also a great opportunity to exploit their findings in any way they see fit.

Karolinska Institute’s innovation system offers education, professional networks, financing, entrepreneurial expertise and business development, as well as incubation opportunities for projects and companies in life science.

KI Innovations help in all aspects of developing a commercial product from an idea or research results. An important aspect when commercializing academic research is to secure intellectual property protection before any publication. KI Innovations can give you free of charge advice regarding this as well as a broad panel of free resources for verifying the potential of research results. Within the incubator program, KI Innovations continues to support verification with increased focus on business development, so if you have a research based company you can get advice on business development in the DRIVE incubator program.

Education and research about entrepreneurship are organised by The Unit for Bioentrepreneurship.

You can contact any of the units in order to learn more about these questions or to get help with your project.

Laboratory safety

KI's rules and guidelines for work in the laboratory are available on the portal page Laboratory safety: up-to-date information, rules, training and tips. Contact information for KI's experts in biosafety, laboratory safety, chemical safety and radiation protection.

Library Research Support

The Karolinska Institutet University Library is the largest medical library in the Nordic region. It houses international medical and scientific information in journals and books, in both print and electronic format, and supplies access to a number of biomedical, and other relevant, databases.

The library consists of two service units, in Huddinge and Solna campus, and offers virtual access to the scientific literature from any computer on the KI network, or from outside KI via proxy.

For researchers, the library provides a wide range of services, for instance:

Open Access
Reference Management Softare
KI Open Archive
Search consultation
Courses & workshops

Please see the "Publish & analyse" page on the library website for more information. 

Research data management

See useful information about data management for your research projects 

Research funding

The Grants Office helps researchers at KI to identify, apply for and manage internal and external funding. The Grants Office provides information on possible sources of research funding, and seminars and workshops on various funding opportunities. The website Research funding offers a wealth of useful information about research funding including an overview of open calls. Grants Office also sends out information via a monthly newsletter with funding news (subscribe by emailing ) and has a Facebook page.

KI subscribes to Research Professional, a funding database, with a comprehensive list of funding opportunities and funding news where tailored searches can be created. Grants Office supports applications to prioritized Swedish programs and to international funding agencies. The Head of Grants Office is the authorized organizational official/legal associate representative for international grants.

Work environment & health

Read more about Occupational Health Service, Staff support at Work environment & health

KI alumni

KI Alumni is a professional and social network for everyone who is or has been engaged in Karolinska Institutet – students and employees. Through KI Alumni, you can catch up with old friends, attend seminars, reunions and other activities. Sign up at at KI Alumni

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