Examination of doctoral courses

Each course must have an examiner who sets grades after the course is completed. This page describes what is required to be a course examiner, how an examiner is appointed and what is important to keep in mind when it comes to examination.

Guidelines for course examiner

According to the Higher Education Ordinance, the university shall appoint an examiner to set grades upon completion of a course. As the course director, you are responsible for contacting your head of department / department management to inform about your planned course and provide a basis for decision regarding an examiner.

At KI the following applies for examiners:

  • The head of the course responsible department is delegated the right to appoint examiners for doctoral courses. The head can, if he/she wishes, delegate this right of decision to someone else.
  • Examiners of doctoral courses must have a doctoral degree
  • Examiners of doctoral courses must be employed at KI (see below about affiliated persons)
  • There must be a written decision on appointed examiners
  • One examiner per course

The department's written decision on appointed examiners

It is advisable to appoint an examiner for each specific course and for a limited time. The written decision about the examiner can, for example, consist of a list of all the department's courses during the current semester, with the examiner's name stated for each course. This list, or other collection of decisions, must be available to the department's Ladok administrator for doctoral courses.

The appointed examiner may in some cases belong to a department other than the one responsible for the course.

Additional teachers on a course can, by delegation, be responsible for formulating or marking examination assignments or for assessing students in oral or written examination, either partially or on the whole course. The assessing teachers are liable to hand over the documentation of assessment to the examiner who is responsible for setting the grade.

Affiliated and the role as examiner

An affiliated person cannot exercise authority on behalf of KI. In the event that an affiliated person is appointed as an examiner on a course, he/she shall be employed as an adjunct teacher/adjunct during the time period of the course, i.e. the same period for which the examiner is appointed.

The examiner's role in Ladok

Since a new version of  Ladok was launched in 2017 the examination is done directly in the system by the appointed examiner. 

New examiners must participate in an online course, see Ladok e-learning course for teachers and examiners. After completing the training, authorisation is granted in Ladok as an examiner for the specified department.

Authorisation to examine on a particular course is granted by the department's study administrator. It is the department's responsibility to ensure that written and updated decisions on appointed examiners exist.

See also Reporting and signing results in Ladok - doctoral courses.


The course syllabus shows how a doctoral course is going to be examined. It is important that intended learning outcomes, learning activities and examination are related and coherent. The examination must contain a summative (and when appropriate also a formative) assessment of each course participant.

Alternative exams

Alternative exams or extended examination time are adjustments that can be made for students with disabilities.

The prerequisite is that the student has applied for special support and obtained an approval, as well as requested it from the examiner at least two weeks prior to the examination.

Read more about targeted study support for students with disabilities.

Ouriginal anti-plagiarism system

Ouriginal is to be used at KI as an anti-plagiarism system for examinations in doctoral courses whenever the course director deems it appropriate. Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) is an automated system that checks the students' examination data against the internet, publishing materials and student materials. If something in an assignment sent via Ouriginal shows similarities with the content of the sources, the teacher is informed of this. See further information at Disciplinary matters.


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Anna Gustafsson

Administrative officer
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Anna-Karin Welmer

Chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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Vladana Vukojevic

Vice chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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