Reporting and signing results in Ladok - doctoral courses

Ladok is a national study documentation system common to all levels of education. It is web-based and has several user groups - students / doctoral students, examiners, administrators.

Course occasions in Ladok

Ahead of a new semester, the course catalogue’s course occasions including admitted students are transferred to Ladok . This is handled centrally at KI. For the research school courses, which normally are not advertised in the course catalogue, the Ladok system management group is responsible for creating the course occasions in Ladok, to which the research schools’ doctoral students can be admitted.

If you have late applicants for your course, please see Extended application period and late applications.

Registration in Ladok

Before course start, each admitted participant must register via the Ladok student interface. The registration period runs from 14 days before the start of the course, until the last day of the course. When needed, remind the students about this on the first day of the course.

Cancellation of a course place

Cancellation of a course place once accepted can be done by the student via the Ladok student interface. Remember to check in Ladok if any cancellations have been made. See the Ladok manual Återbud på kurs - när gjordes återbudet?(only on Swedish).

The examiner's role

The examiner will sign reported results for all participants directly in the system. It is also possible for the examiner to self-submit the results before signing. Otherwise a result list should be handed in to the study administrator at the course responsible department. This should be done within 14 days of completed course.

Read more at Examination of doctoral courses.

Study certificates

Doctoral students print out their study certificates themselves via the Ladok student interface. No other certificates should be issued, to avoid the risk of double registration of credits.

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