Apply for funding for pedagogical development of doctoral courses in 2025

The Course and Programme Committee (KPK) is now accepting applications for funding for activities aimed at pedagogical development of doctoral courses. The activity must be carried out during 2025 (or the remainder of autumn 2024). The proposed activity must include the element of collaboration.

Theme of the activities

Applications can be made for activities that foster collaboration across multiple doctoral programmes, research schools, or groups of freestanding courses (e.g., statistical courses). 

Examples include:

  1. Workshops for doctoral students and postdocs: Covering relevant topics such as AI, sustainability, or specific methodologies.
  2. Teacher training workshops: Focusing on areas like assessment and learning, course or activity evaluations, accessibility in courses, or the use of didactic tools.
  3. Planning days: Coordinating courses or seminar series offered in collaboration between more than one doctoral programme, doctoral school or group of freestanding courses.

Who can apply?

Applications can be made by those who hold a doctoral degree, are involved in doctoral courses and are employed by or affiliated with a KI department.

About the application

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until approximately 31 October 2025 (applicants must allow time for decision-making and for funds to be paid out before the end of the year, see Requisition of funding below).

Please use the regular form for funding applications for doctoral education activities and send this including attachments to

Applicants are advised to inform the steering committee of a doctoral programme and/or research school, or (if the application pertains to freestanding courses) their head of division about their applications.

If the involvement of support from TL (Unit for Teaching and Learning) is included in the activity, the applicant must have agreed in advance with TL on the expectations of this support.


The Course and Programme Committee (KPK) decides on funding allocations as applications are received.

If more applications are received than the KPK can fund, the KPK reserves the right to prioritise, e.g. regarding the distribution of activities between different actors (programmes, research schools, etc.).

Activity analysis

Write a brief activity analysis (200 words max). This should be sent together with the requisition or, alternatively, no later than four weeks after the end of the activity to (see Requisition of funding below).

Requisition of funding

Amounts below SEK 5 000 can be claimed directly after the decision has been communicated. 

Amounts of SEK 5 000 or more can be requisitioned after the activity has ended. 

Requisition form  
