Contact Directors of doctoral studies and Administrators at the departments

Doctoral students with questions regarding their education should contact their Study Director ("studierektor") or Administrator for Doctoral Education at their department.

Departments A-Z:

Web page
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology

Director of doctoral studies
Matti Nikkola
Matthew Kirkham - vice director

Linda Lindell

Web pages
Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
Doctoral education at KIDS (in Swedish)

Director of doctoral studies
Håkan Wallén
Marika Möller - vice director

Nina Ringart

Course administrator - SPSS and GCP
Marzieh Javadzadeh (leave of absence)
Olivia Ekberg

Web pages
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Doctoral education at LIME
Unit for Bioentrepreneurship, UBE

Director of doctoral studies
Per Palmgren 
Stefano Bonacina - vice director

Ingrid Smedberg

Course administrators
Annelie Jonsson - for ethics courses
Nora Espahbodi - for statistics courses
Liisa Olsson - for courses provided by UBE

Web pages
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Doctoral education at MEB

Directors of doctoral studies
Paul Lichtenstein
Mark Clements - vice director
Fredrik Wiklund - vice director

Alessandra Nanni
Gunilla Nilsson Roos - main course administrator for the epidemiology programme

Web pages
Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Doctoral education at MedH

Directors of doctoral studies
Mattias Svensson
Karolina Szummer - vice director

Clara Demetriades
Monica Ahlberg - officer doctoral education 

Web pages
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Doctoral education at MTC

Director of doctoral studies
Velmurugesan Arulampalam

Gabriella Ondiege

Course administrators
Christina Johansson - for the course Basic Laboratory Safety
Anne Eklöf - for other courses

Web pages
Department of Neuroscience
Doctoral education at Neuro

Director of doctoral studies
Lennart Brodin
Ola Hermanson - vice director

Victoria Balabanova

Web pages
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Doctoral education at NVS

Director of doctoral studies
Ulrica Nilsson
Grégoria Kalpouzos - vice director

Heli Vänskä: 

Course administrator
Caroline Mattisson:

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • C8.Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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