Credit transfer - first and second cycle
Are you working with cases of credit transfer? This page covers information about the regulation covering credit transfer and directions for handling a case.
N.B. The Higher Education Ordinance has been revised and since March 1st, 2025, the former Chapter 6 Section 6 is no longer valid and the wording of Chapter 6 Section 7 has been changed.
Who can apply and what should an application be based on?
A student, defined as someone who is admitted and studying at Karolinska Institutet, is entitled to apply for credit transfer from previous education, other education, work experience or other prior learning. Crediting is regulated in Chapter 6, Section 7-8 of the Higher Education Ordinance.
For all previous education and prior learning through work experience the right to credit transfer is applicable. It does not apply if there is substantial difference between the referred previous knowledge and skills and the learning outcomes of the education for which they are intended to be credited .
Prior learning is the combined skills of an individual, regardless of formal evidence. (Sveriges Universitets & Högskoleförbund, Rekommendationer för arbetet med att validera reell kompetens inom högskolan, dnr 42/03)
För tolkning se beslut 2005-03-18 från Överklagandenämnden för högskolan.
Steps in a credit transfer case
- A student applies for a credit transfer
- The application is dated, registered and assessed as to whether it is complete
- Supplementary qualifications may have to be added by the student
- A decision-maker examines and decides on the case
- The student is notified of the decision
- The case is finished and archived
- A possible appeal of the decision is submitted by the student and then processed
Bear in mind that…
- A student is entitled to apply for credit transfer at any time
- The application must be dated and registered when the application is submitted
- The case should be handled urgently and not for longer than two months
Who is responsible?
Decisions regarding the exercise of authority towards an individual should be taken by a civil servant, who is entitled by delegation to take such a decision.
The examiner is the responsible decision-maker for credit transfer for a whole or part of a course. It is clear from the department’s delegation to examiners who it is.
The programme director or equivalent is usually the responsible decision-maker for credit transfer for several courses within a programme, elective courses or degree projects. The responsible decision-maker can be found in the delegation of authority of the programme committee.
Web information
Information for students who are potential credit transfer applicants should be as clear as possible to reduce administration.
There should be information on the course- or programme web on how to apply for credit transfer for prior learning.
General information aimed at students about credit transfer can be found under student rights at
Regulatory documents
It is important to be familiar with the underlying regulations when decisions are taken regarding credit transfers, since the decision outcome depends upon them. As a decision-maker you also need to make sure that the documentation submitted in the application is correct.
The check-list below can be used as a support for handling the case:
- Credit transfer regulations for first and second level studies at KI
- The Higher Education Ordinance. Regulations about credit transfers: chapter 6, section 6-8
- Swedish Council for Higher Education, information about prior learning, mostly in Swedish.
Other documents are available in Swedish only, for example: directions for accreditation in cases of prior learning, examination regulations, study administrative rules with Ladok as system support, the course and programme responsibility section on the website, the plan for handling documents for KI’s records, directions for handling appeals, and interpretations of The Higher Education Appeals Board.
Ask for help, if needed, from the departmental director of education or a Swedish speaking colleague. Alternatively contact Charlotta Cederberg or Christian Edling at the Secretariat of the Study programmes.
Decisions must be written in Swedish, which is explained by The Swedish Higher Education Authority. A summary is available in English.
Foreign education
Is the credit transfer based on foreign qualifications? Remember to ensure that the level and extent of the education is correct.
The Swedish Council for Higher Education evaluates foreign qualifications and can issue a recognition statement that an applicant may submit with the application for credit transfer. The recognition statement can help you in the assessment of level and extent of the education. You can also request the applicant to submit a description of the particular education system as well as his or her specific education.
The Department of Qualifications Recognition at The Swedish Council for Higher Education (ENIC-NARIC office) has a portal of foreign education and educational systems of the world, previous assessments of educations and exams and information about the assessment methodology they use. Via the portal there is also a forum for specific case questions.
A summary of possible documentation for assessment of level and extent of foreign education:
- Recognition statement from The Swedish Council for Higher Education
- Applicant description of educational system and education
- Information about educational systems, previous assessments and assessment methodology of The Swedish Council for Higher Education
- Direct communication with The Swedish Council for Higher Education (via the Naric-portal)
The Swedish version of information and regulations prevails over this translation which is written for informative purposes.