Further information and reading - Peer learning

Here we have attempted to gather some references for further reading about Peer learning, the list is extensive but not comprehensive. Please contact us if you are missing something!

Books and chapters

  • Boud, D., Cohen, R., & Sampson, J. (2001). Peer Learning in Higher Education: Learning from & with each other. Wellingborough Northants: JS Typesetting
  • Carlson, E., Peer learning och strukturerade läraktiviteter (2022), i Sandvik, A-H.& Ekebergh, M (red) Studenthandledning i vårdande verksamhet -Teoretiska utgångspunkter och didaktiska metoder, (upplaga 1:1, sid 194 - 207)
  • Silén, C., & Bolander Laksov, K. (2013). Att skapa pedagogiska möten i medicin och vård. Studentlitteratur. (Peer learning, s. 93 och 102)
  • Stenberg, M., Peer learning (2017), i Sandberg, H (red), Pedagogik för sjuksköterskor, (upplaga 1:1, sid 205 - 221) Studentlitteratur


  • Dyar. A. (2022) Peer learning on clinical wards: supervision, student activities and the learning environment, Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet

Scientific articles and reports

  • Burgess, A., McGregor, D. and Mellis, C. (2014). Medical students as peer tutors: a systematic review. BMC Medical Education, 14:115
  • Carlson, E., Stenberg, M., Chan, B., Ho, S., Lai, T., Wong, A., & Chan, E. A. (2017). Nursing as universal and recognizable: Nursing students’ perceptions of learning outcomes from intercultural peer learning webinars: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 57, 54-59
  • Carlson, E., & Stenberg, M. (2020). Peer learning-making use of sociocultural theory. Nurse Education in Practice, 46, 102819
  • Carey, C. M., Kent, B., Latour, J. M. (2018). Experiences of undergraduate nursing students in peer assisted learning in clinical practice: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(5), 1190-1219
  • Choong. R., Macauslan. F. (2020). How to be involved in peer teaching.  BMJ; 368 :l6897
  • Crawford, D., & Cannon, E. J. (2018). Peer learning across the curriculum. Nurse Education Today, 65, 239–241
  • Dyar, A., Lachmann, H., Stenfors, T., & Kiessling, A. (2019). The learning environment on a student ward: An observational study. Perspectives on Medical Education, 8(5), 276–283
  • Honychurch, S. L. (2021). The emergence of participatory learning: authenticity, serendipity, and creative playfulness. (Doktorsavhandling, University of Glasgow)
  • Karlsson, K & Vuckovic, V., Peer-learning. (2013). En pedagogisk modell för handledning av sjuksköterskestuderande under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i Psykiatri Skåne, Malmö. Rapport, Malmö Högskola
  • Ko, Y., Issenberg, S. B., & Roh, Y. S. (2022). Effects of peer learning on nursing students’ learning outcomes in electrocardiogram education. Nurse Education Today, 108, 105182
  • Ladyshewsky, R. (2002). A quasi-experimental study of the differences in performance and clinical reasoning using individual learning versus reciprocal peer coaching. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 18(1), 17-31
  • Lockspeiser, T., O’Sullivan, P., Teherani, A. and Muller, J. (2008). Understanding the experience of being taught by peers: the value of social and cognitive congruence. Adv. Health Sci. Educ. 13(3), 361–372
  • Mamhidir, A., Kristofferzon, M., Hellström-Hyson, E., Persson, E., && Mårtensson, G. (2014). Nursing preceptors’ experiences of two clinical education models. Nurse education in practice, 14:2012, 427-433
  • Markowski, M., Bower, H., Essex, R., & Yearley, C. (2021). Peer learning and collaborative placement models in health care: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(11–12), 1519–1541
  • Martin, C, Lind. S., (2008). Peer learning projekt i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning för sjukgymnaststudenter. Rapport Uppsala Universitet
  • Murdoch-Eaton, D. & Whittle, S. (2012). Generic skills in medical education: developing the tools for successful lifelong learning: Generic skills in medical education. Medical Education, 46(1), 120–128. 
  • Nygren, F., & Carlson, E. (2017). Preceptors’ conceptions of a peer learning model: A phenomenographic study. Nurse Education Today, 49: 12–16
  • Olaussen, A., Reddy, P., Irvine, S.,& Williams, B. (2016). Peer assisted learning: time for nomenclature clarification. Medical Education Online, 21(1), 30974-8.
  • Pålsson, Y., Mårtensson, G., Leo Swenne, C., Ädel, E. & Engström, M. (2017). A peer-learning intervention for nursing students in clinical practice education: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today 51, 81-87
  • Pålsson, Y. (2020). A pathway into the profession: The use, feasibility and outcomes of a peer learning intervention for nursing students and newly graduated nurses. (Doktorsavhandling Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Universitet)
  • Roberts, D. (2008). Commentary on Secomb J (2008) A systematic review of peer teaching and learning in clinical education. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 703-716. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(20), 2793-2794 
  • Secomb, J. (2006). A systematic review of peer teaching and learning in clinical education. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 703-716
  • Sevenhuysen. S., Haines. T.,  Kiegaldie. D., & Molloy. E. (2016). Implementing collaborative and peerassisted learning, The clinical Teacher 2016; 13: 325–331
  • Stenberg, M., Carlsson, E.(2015). Swedish student nurses’ perception of peer learning as an educational model during clinical practice in a hospital setting- an evaluation study. BMC Nursing 14:48
  • Stenberg, M., Bengtsson, M., Mangrio, E., and Carlson, E. (2020). Preceptors’ experiences of using structured learning activities as part of the peer learning model: A qualitative study. Nurse Education in Practice, 42, 102668–102668 
  • Stone, R., Cooper, S. & Cant, R. (2013). The Value of Peer Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A systematic Review. ISRN Nursing, 1-10  
  • Sevenhuysen. S., Haines. T., Kiegaldie. D., and Molloy. S., (2016) Implementing collaborative and peer assisted learning, The clinical Teacher 2016; 13: 325–331
  • Tai, J H-M., Haines, T.P., Canny, B.J. & Molloy, E.K. (2014). A study of medical students’ peer learning on clinical placements: What they have taught themselves to do. Journal of Peer Learning 7: (6) 57-80
  • Tai, J. H. M., Canny, B. J., Haines, T. P., & Molloy, E. K. (2017). Implementing Peer Learning in Clinical Education: A Framework to Address Challenges In the “Real World”. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 29(2), 162–172 
  • Ten Cate O. & Durning S. (2007). Dimensions and psychology of peer teaching in medical education. Medical teacher, 29, 546-552
  • Topping, K. J. (1996). The effectiveness of peer tutoring in further and higher education: A typology and review of the literature. Higher education, 32, 321-345 
  • Topping K. J. & Ehly, S. W. (2001). Peer-assisted learning: A framework for Consultation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 12, 113-132
  • Topping, K. (2005).Trends in Peer Learning. Educational Psychology. 25 (6)
  • Williams, B., and Reddy, P. (2016) Does peer-assisted learning improve academic performance? A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 42, 23-29
  • Zarifnejad, G.,Mirhaghi, A. & Rajabpoor, M. (2018). Does peer education increase academic achievement in first year students? A mixed method study. Journal of Peer Learning, 11:(7) 89-98
  • Öhrnberg, K.W., Jassim, T., & Grottling. K., (2017). Peer Learning som handledningsmodell för sjuksköterske-studenter under VFU på vårdcentraler (Rapport 2017:4). Allmänläkarkonsult, Primärvårdens Utbildningsenhet, Skåne.
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