Initiating and establishing Peer learning

To initiate Peer learning as an educational model during workplace-based learning requires planning and that it is supported by both colleagues and management in the workplace. It also needs to be communicated with the students and preferably edorsed also by the learning institution. Peer learning can be used by a lot of professions in a lot of situations and in different ways. Hopefully the Peer learning guide will give you some tools and backgroud sufficient to get started!

Organising the implementation of peer learning

  • Decide in your work place if peer learning is a method to use or even just to try. Ensure that you have the support from managers and colleagues to try it out. Consider providing a short course or overview of peer learning and what it means, maybe during a workplace meeting.
  • Consider if there is anything in the workplace's learning environment that needs to be adapted to enable peer learning.
  • Contact the educational institution for any need of theoretical support to connect Peer learning to the learning objectives. In workplaces where there is an Adjunct Clinical Lecturer (AKA), Clinical Assistant (KlAss), or student coordinator, this person has coordinating responsibility for the supervision.
  • Inform the students in advance that peer learning will be used during the placement and what it means in your workplace, for example in an introductory email. If not before, discuss it at the beginning of the placement.

Peer learning in various learning environments

Workplace-based learning for health and medical education takes place where the profession is practiced. This means that there is a great variety of workplaces and learning environments in which students learn. Peer learning can occur in many of these environments such as in the home/residence, primary care, special accommodations, laboratories, dental clinics, radiology departments, as well as in hospital care.

Can be used at all levels

Peer learning can also occur in different ways and to varying degrees. In some placements, an entire period of workplace-based learning is conducted with peer learning as the educational model, and in other instances, there are singular planned peer learning activities.

Peer learning can be used at all levels, from beginner to specialist, as well as during the introduction of new colleagues. Peer learning can be conducted across an entire education ward.

Films with examples of peer learning

Please take part of some films in Swedish, with examples of peer-learning from clinical supervisors, to be inspired by. 

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