Introduction to iLab

The core facilities at Karolinska Institutet are managed in a system called iLab. This system is specifically designed for the needs and workflows of core facilities.

Main system objectives

  • Increased transparency
  • Simplified processes for booking and invoicing
  • Increased efficiency by achieving a higher usage level and less administration
  • Enable structure and steering
  • Create a common CFM and invoicing process
  • Integrated towards SWAMID for identity management and UBW for financial data and project information

Common way of working

The core facilities were previously using different processes for bookings of instruments, requests for services and invoicing. By using iLab, a common way of working has been achieved for the core facilities. Reports are also available in order to follow up the usage of the core facilities.

Login procedure

To simplify the login procedure, iLab is connected to the identity management system used by KI. If you have a KIID, you are able to log in using your regular credentials. External users need to create an iLab account in order to book instruments and request services from the core facilities.


The integration between iLab and UBW (ERP system) makes it possible to generate invoices in iLab and send them for automatic handling in UBW, both for internal booking using project numbers and invoicing for external customers.


If you are a PI (Principal Investigator), you can manage your research group within iLab and give your team members access to the projects/funds you are managing. You and your team members will then be able to create bookings and request services using the projects/funds in iLab.
