Learning environment council

The Learning Environment Council's mission is to prepare and monitor issues related to the learning environment within education in first cycle, second cycle and doctoral education.


The council is chaired by Rune Brautaset. In addition, teacher representatives from education at first and second cycle level and doctoral level, student representatives and representatives from the Unit for Teaching and Learning and the Property and Facilities office are included.

  • Rune Brautaset, chairman
  • Rikard Becker, Facilities director
  • Matti Nikkola, teacher representative for doctoral education
  • Karin Garming Legert, teacher representative for first and second cycle education 
  • Björn Meister, teacher representative for first and second cycle education 
  • Sofia Vikström, teacher representative for first and second cycle education 
  • Maria Watter, representative for Teaching and Learning
  • Petra Björk, representative University Library  
  • Student representative


Profile image

Philip Malmgren

Administrative officer
Content reviewer:
Hien Ekeroth