Manage your publications in KI RIMS

On this page you find instructions and best practices on how to manage your publications in KI RIMS.

Please note that you should always verify your publications in the bibliometric system first. Your verified publications are then automatically added to KI RIMS!

TIP: To read full-text articles via links in KI RIMS or publication lists from KI RIMS, we recommend that you install a browser extension.

Recommended workflow for handling publications

  1. Log in to the bibliometric system and verify your publications. The next day your verified publications are automatically included in your Claimed list of publications in KI RIMS.
  2. Log in to KI RIMS. Review your Search settings and confirm the researcher IDs associated with you to control which suggestions the system displays under Pending. These settings you typically only need to adjust once.
  3. Now you can start to manage your publications. Click on Claim now under Claim your publications on the homepage. Claim or reject publications by selecting Claim or Reject. Check that your publication list is complete by clicking on Publications on your homepage.
  4. Publications outside Web of Science and PubMed are not covered by the bibliometrics system. If you are missing a publication, you can add it manually
  5. You can also import your publications to KI RIMS from e.g. DiVA or EndNote. This may apply to those who have previously been employed at another university.

Claim or reject publications 

Click on Pending in the Publication box on your homepage and you will be taken to a new page where you can confirm or reject your suggested publications. You can confirm or reject several publications at the same time by checking the checkboxes.


Claim several publications in KI RIMS
Claim several publications at the same time in KI RIMS

Add publications manually

Publications that cannot be imported from an external data source can be added by manual registration.

Click + Add new in the Publications box on your homepage. Select the publication type you want to add. Start by searching for the publication to avoid creating duplicates. Enter the title, DOI or ISBN and click on Search. Now you can add publications from the result list. Select Skip if you cannot find the publication you are looking for.

Add book chapter in KI RIMS
Add bok chapter in KI RIMS.

Fill in the form that show up after clicking Add [Chapter.] Finish the registration by clicking Save.

Import publications from external sources

Publications that are not indexed in either Web of Science or PubMed cannot be verified in the bibliometric system, and thus they will not automatically show up in KI RIMS. If you have several such publications, you can choose to import them as a publication list to KI RIMS in the file formats .bib or .ris from, for example, EndNote or other external databases such as DiVA.

Click on the menu at the top left - My Profile and Tools. Under Tools, click on Import Publications.

Upload the file with publications in .bib or .ris format by dragging the file to the upload box or by clicking on Browse. Click on Upload. You will now see a drop-down list where you can review the publications you want to import. New publications that you want to add to your publications list are listed in the New publications list. Keep the default setting Import as new for these publications.

If the file you want to import contains publications that are already in your list of publications, they will appear in the list Publications with editable manual records. Keep the default setting Just add link for these publications to avoid duplicates.

Import publications to KI RIMS
Import publications from external sources to KI RIMS

Click on Import when you have reviewed the publications you want to import. You can now find the publications under Publications on your homepage and profile page. 

Making changes or additions to publications retrieved from external data sources

If there is incorrect information on any of your publications, it is generally best to try to correct it directly in the data source, by turning directly to, for example, Web of Science or PubMed. You cannot change information from external data sources in KI RIMS. If you still need to make changes or want to add missing information, you can enter this information in a manual record. Note that the manual record is common to all authors in KI RIMS who have a relation to that publication. 

Do as follows:

  • Access the record by clicking on the grey title bar.
  • Click on the Add manual record (plus icon) at the bottom right of the Data sources box.
  • Review the form and check that the pre-filled information is correct and that there is content in the required fields.
  • Add or change what is needed.
  • Finish by clicking on Save.

If you only want to change the Publication type, you can do so directly via the pencil icon next to the publication type.

Publications on

Please note that if you do not make any changes, all publications in KI RIMS will be visible in your publication list on your profile page on

In order for a publication to appear in the publication list on your profile page on you have to make sure that:

  • you have claimed the publication as yours in KI RIMS.
  • your relationship to the publication is Public.
  • the publication type must be one of the following: Journal article, Preprint, Book chapter, Book, Dataset, Software/code, Figure/visualisation, Conference publication, Report, Patent, Thesis or Other publication.

If you have chosen to set your relation to the publication to Internal, it will not be shown on your profile page and if no one else in the group has a Public relation to the same publication, the publication will not be shown on the group page on for the group you are part of. 

At the top of the publication list, the publications that you have marked as favourites in KI RIMS are displayed under the heading Selected publications. Then, under the heading Articles, publications with the type Journal article are shown if they either have Subtype set to Article or have no Subtype specified at all. Under the last heading All other publications all remaining publications are listed as long as they are not of the type Presentation (slides etc.), Media (audio-visual) or Newspaper article. They are instead displayed under the tab Public outreach and news on your profile page on

Under each heading, the publications are sorted chronologically with the most recent first.

Add keywords to your manually added publications

Publications retrieved from other databases usually already have plenty of subject words, but for publications you have added manually in KI RIMS, you may need to add keywords from MeSH and the Swedish standard for fields of research (SCB's/UKÄ's Standard for Swedish classification of research subjects) as well as Techniques, Methods, and Equipment (part of MeSH) to the publication in KI RIMS.

Publication lists in the Qualifications portfolio and other reports

In the publication lists that you receive via the reporting tool (Reporting hub), all publications that you have claimed are included, regardless of the visibility level you have for them. However, they are presented by publication type to make it easy to remove publication types that are not relevant for the purpose. Read more about what types of publication lists you can get from KI RIMS and how to do it on the page Generate Reports about yourself.

For the qualifications portfolio, you need to mark your ten most important publications as favorites and add information in the Brief summary fields (found at the bottom under Additional information). These articles will then also become your Selected Publications on your profile page on If there are more than ten, you need to either remove the mark as favorite when you run the report or edit the report afterwards.

Please note that if you need to make markings in the publication list for, for example, works included in the thesis, you need to do it manually after running the report.

More detailed instructions on the publication part in the qualifications portfolio can be found on the page Scientific portfolio in the Qualifications portfolio