Guide to teacher exchange in Erasmus+

There are certain procedures that are specific to teacher exchanges within Erasmus+.

Specifics for teacher exchange in Erasmus+

  • A bilateral Erasmus agreement must be in place.
  • You must teach KI students, i.e. be a teacher, a doctoral student or a clinical supervisor for KI students.
  • The teacher exchange has to comprise at least 8 teaching hours and at least two days.
  • You have to teach students at the partner university.
  • You must have a signed, written agreement with the partner university prior to the exchange (Teaching Programme).
  • The remuneration is based on the distance from the home university to the destination (Link to "Distance Calculator") and living costs in the destination country. The remuneration is fixed, regardless of the actual costs for the exchange.
  • You have to write two travel reports after the exchange, one internal for KI (a blog post is preferred) and one directly to Erasmus+ (will be emailed to you after the exchange is completed).
  • If you have been a patient, or been teaching at a foreign hospital, you are required to do an MRSA-test before returning to work, see document MRSA info.
  • You may also combine teaching with staff training. In that case the teaching requirement is four hrs.
  • Erasmus Programme Guide

Once you have followed the general procedures for teacher exchange, contact Kelly Grahn at the International Office. After registration, you will receive a travel document and other forms that need to be completed to meet EU requirements.

Remuneration levels 

The levels are determined by the rules of the specific scholarship fund from which the funds are taken. Since a breakpoint occurs 31 July, 2025, where new rules come into effect, you should use the table with standard amounts that corresponds to your planned exchange period – either before or after this date. The tables can be found on Erasmus+ - teacher exchanges and staff training.

Receiving incoming teachers within the Erasmus+

Incoming teachers are welcome to register at KI. The Erasmus exchanges of incoming teachers are administered by their home university. The teacher’s stipend also comes from their home university. Contact Kelly Grahn for more information.

Teacher exchanges outside Erasmus countries

From autumn semester 2022 there are some new options for teacher exchanges to countries that are not regular Erasmus countries. Minimum stay is five days, and there is remuneration per day, as well as for travel depending on the distance to the teaching destination. Please contact Kelly Grahn if you wish to discuss this option.

Contact KI's Erasmus coordinator

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Kelly Grahn

Project Coordinator;International Coordinator