About the environmental management system at KI

The environmental management system is the systematic work to reduce KI's negative environmental impact and increase the positive one. The system consists of different parts that together create structure and efficiency in the continuous work. The environmental management system should also lead to continuous improvement of the work.

All authorities in Sweden shall have an environmental management system (according to regulation 2009:907, in Swedish). The purpose is to ensure a systematic environmental work that is integrated into all activities. The system describes how to plan, implement, follow up and improve the work.

The parts of the environmental management system

The purpose of the environmental review is to identify KI's environmental impact and assess which environmental aspects have the greatest impact, so-called significant environmental aspects. KI should be aware of and plan measures to manage its significant environmental aspects, and work to increase positive environmental impact and reduce negative environmental impact. The environmental review should be reviewed when needed or at least every five years.

The environmental review carried out in 2023 shows that KI’s significant environmental aspects are:

  • Education at first and second cycle
  • Research
  • Purchase and use of consumables
  • Purchase and use of laboratory and clinical equipment
  • Purchase and use of risk-classified substances
  • Elictricity usage
  • Business travel

KI:s environmental and sustainability guidelines specify the overall objectives for KI:s environmental and sustainability work in a number of priority areas - research, education, energy, travel, procurement, purchasing, laboratory safety and waste.

These guidelines are KI:s environmental policy:

  • Through research and education contribute with knowledge on health and sustainable development
  • Use energy efficiently and in the future become climate-neutral
  • Reduce the climate impact of our business trips
  • Set environmental and ethical requirements for our procurements and purchasing
  • Minimize the health and environmental risks in the laboratory activities
  • Sort waste at source and reduce the amount of waste

KI's climate goals are outlined in the Climate Strategy 2030. To concretize the climate strategy and work with KI's significant environmental aspects, KI has an action plan for the environment and climate. The action plan specifies sub-goals for 2024 and identifies those responsible for each task/activity.

The president at KI has established an organization and responsibilities for KI's environmental and sustainability work. KI's department heads have ultimate responsibility for environmental and sustainability work at the departmental level. They have appointed one or more representatives for the environment and sustainable development to assist in this work. Delegation of tasks shall be made in writing according to instructions.

All employees at KI shall be aware of the overarching objectives of the environmental and sustainability work, as well as applicable regulations for their own work. It is therefore important that new employees receive an introduction to environmental and sustainability work as part of the introduction to the department/workplace.

A number of key positions have additional competence requirements.

Internal environmental audits

The purpose of the internal environmental audits is to verify if KI's guidelines for environment and sustainable development are being followed and if the activities comply with procedures and applicable legal requirements. The internal environmental audits can be seen as a tool to identify areas for improvement in environmental and sustainability work and help KI prepare for any external environmental audits.

According to the established environmental audit plan, KI's entire organization shall be audited during a three-year period.

Management review

The president at KI evaluates at least once a year that KI's management system for environmental and sustainability work is functioning properly and makes necessary adjustments to improve the system.

We need to be aware of and comply with the laws, ordinances and regulations that affect KI's environmental and sustainability work. KI subscribes to a web service where all binding requirements are listed. Employees can access the list via the link on the Swedish version of this page (in logged-in mode). The list of laws is being updated.


Lilia Daianova and Maya Petrén

Central environmental coordinators

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K6.Department of Women's and Children's Health
  • OF.Department of Dental Medicine
  • OV.University Dental Clinic
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