New educational organisation at FyFa

FyFa is creating a new educational organisation to meet a number of challenges for the department, both internal and those coming from Karolinska Institutet centrally. This page contains summarised information about the changes. The page is updated continuously.

The department has created a new organisation for education that provides greater clarity, both for the department and for the individual at FyFa. The new educational organisation aims to make FyFa sustainable in the long term for teachers, researchers and students, and aims to give us better opportunities to execute our teaching allocations with high quality. All in all, it will provide a good enviroment for increasing the sense of "we" and the FyFa spirit.

Changes to ensure long-term security for the department

FyFa needs to solve a number of challenges in order to ensure long-term security for the department and for those who work at FyFa. The main ones are financial challenges, resources, high workload, changing conditions from KI centrally and a generational change that will soon take place. FyFa needs a stable educational organisation to be able to create this long-term sustainability.

Everyone who teaches is getting involved

The work has begun and will affect everyone in the department to some degree. In a first stage, the management team has worked on an analysis of the problems in order to move forward with solutions in the form of a new model for the educational organisation. All staff who teach at FyFa are now beginning to be involved.

New teaching organisation at FyFa.
New educational organisation at FyFa. Photo: N/A

New educational organisation from 1 July 

The new organisation involves the creation of two new working groups, in addition to the existing Education Committee (UN). These two are the Steering Group for Education at FyFa (STUFF) and a team for undergraduate education (Team GUA). In addition to the existing undergraduate programme manager (GUA) and master's programme manager (PD) already in place, two deputy GUA’s and one deputy PD will be appointed. The new organisation also implies a reinforcement of the teaching administration with a team leader for the course administrators. The teams will thus be composed of the following functions:

STUFF: Chair (Johanna Lanner), GUA (Kent Jardemark), PD (Jessica Norrbom), team leader course administration (Gottfried Gemzell)

Team GUA: GUA (Kent Jardemark), 2 Deputy GUAs (Nico Pillon and Karima Chergui), Deputy PD (Ana Teixeira) Team Leader Course Administration (Gottfried Gemzell)

UN: GUA (Kent Jardemark), PD (Jessica Norrbom), 4 teacher representatives (Duarte Ferriera, Ellinor Kenne, Mattias Carlström and Gunnar Schulte), 1 student representative (TBD), 1 case manager (Sofia Pettersson), adjunct: Chair STUFF (Johanna Lanner), external teacher representatives (Nina Brodin, NVS and Jonas Sundbäck, MTC), 2 receivers from the Region (will be appointed)

With a clearer organisation and stronger and clearer administrative support, it will be easier to teach at FyFa. The new organisation will apply from 1 July 2024.

New resource allocation model underway

KI centrally is preparing a new model for resource allocation due to new requirements from the Ministry of Education. This, together with a need to increase the quality and efficiency of our own resource allocation model, means that FyFa also needs to make adjustments. A new model for both research and teaching is being developed for FyFa and will be clearly linked to mission, role distribution and requirement profile. The aim is a model that is sustainable and secure in the long term. More information will come.


Immediately after the summer, the focus will be on getting the new educational organisation in place and on holding the first meetings of the respective new groups. Later this autumn, a workshop will be held with PI’s, teachers and administrative staff who will continue to work on the new organisation.

During the autumn there will be a preliminary meeting structure, but in the latter part of the autumn more permanent meeting arrangements will be worked out in a workshop for PI’s and administrative staff.

Quality issues are already at the centre of the UN today and will continue to be an important part. They will be important also in Team GUA. We will be able to address this also in the autumn workshop for PIs and administrative staff.

Exactly how remains to be worked out in the autumn, but right from the start Team GUA will have a central role. The fact that we now have a team leader for course administration in place will also help to clarify what help all teachers will be able to receive. All course coordinators and course administrators will also participate in the autumn workshop.

The project group is the entire management team of FyFa. Additional members of the project group are Peter Alterling and Julia Spector who work with organisational development and communication respectively.

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Sophie Erhardt

Head of department
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