Guidelines on intellectual property and corporate collaborations
These guidelines have been written to clarify how intellectual property, material and resources produced through research and education at KI are to be handled in accordance with prevailing regulations and practice, and the rules that apply to the utilisation of these assets.
- Diary number: 1-610/2017
- Dnr preg. version: 3-195/0360
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Until further notice
- Decision: Vice chancellor
- Document type: Guidelines
- Handled by department/unit: Research Support Office
- Preparation with: Legal Office
Department, HR Department, University
Director’s Administrative Council,
Board of Research, Deans, Heads of
Departments, Departements Head of
Administration - Revision with respect to: Completely adapted and now including handling of intellectual property
Summary of the guidelines
It is vitally important for Karolinska Institutet (KI) that the scientific findings generated by its researchers are put to public benefit through either corporate collaborations or commercialisation by the researchers’ own company or through licencing to a third party. In addition to research and education, KI’s mission is to interact with the surrounding society. Much of this interaction takes place in the business sector. For KI this entails the commercialisation and utilisation of intellectual property (IP) in order to develop new therapeutic methods and products of benefit to patients. Intellectual creativity, idea-sharing and transparency are the core values of an academic environment. Since intellectual property is a natural outcome of the work performed in this environment, every effort must be taken to ensure that the interests of KI and its employees do not compromise the principles of open access and knowledge sharing.