National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS)

National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) is a national research infrastructure that makes available large-scale high-performance computing resources, storage capacity, and advanced user support, for Swedish research.

Starting 1 January 2023, the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) is the new organization for high-performance computing, storage, and data services for academic users in Sweden. Linköping university is the host organization for NAISS, but NAISS acts independently with a national perspective and responsibility.

How to apply for access to a NAISS resources

You (the user) and the PI of the project (the researcher in charge of the research project) must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the national project management platform NAISS-SUPR and register an account there using your SWAMID credentials. Make sure that you don't already have an account at NAISS-SUPR since multiple accounts are not allowed.
  2. Become a member of a project:
    1. If you are a PI, apply for a project (round) in NAISS-SUPR
      • Specify objectives and the means to reach these
      • Specify which resources are required: compute time and storage space
      • Specify project timeframe
      • New or continuation project
      • Specify project members. This can be done at any time during a project's life span. Project members also need a SUPR account.
    2. If you are not a PI, apply for membership in a project you want to join in NAISS-SUPR and wait for the PI to accept your application. Alternatively, the PI can add you directly to the project. When the PI has accepted your membership application, you will receive an email.
  3. Depending on the resource you're applying for there might be an extra step involved, and that is to apply for a local account on the actual resource. If that's the case, the option should be available to you under the menu item "Accounts" when you're logged in to NAISS-SUPR. 

Applying for a NAISS SENS project

Bianca at UPPMAX is currently the only national resource that deals with sensitive data, and since the majority of research done here at KI involves sensitive data there are a few more things to keep in mind before applying for a project there:…

NAISS storage solutions

NAISS storage allocations must be applied for separate from the compute allocations.

Swestore provides central storage at the four Swedish compute centers.

Please complement your NAISS compute project by applying separately for storage by entering "Storage rounds" at the overview of NAISS services. NAISS storage divides storage into small, medium and large and also links to a few local storage resources that are not allocated via NAISS.

NAISS acknowledgement

The quality and number of published research articles is a common way to assess the impact and success of scientific work. NAISS therefore explicitly requests the acknowledgement of NAISS in scientific publications and presentations that required the use of NAISS resources, services or expertise.

SNIC acknowledgement templates

  • "The computations/simulations/[SIMILAR] were performed on resources provided by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) at [NAISS CENTER]." 

If applicable, share an acknowledgement for application support:

  • "[NAME] at [NAISS CENTER] is acknowledged for assistance concerning technical and implementational aspects [OR SIMILAR] in making the code run on the [OR SIMILAR] [NAISS CENTER] resources."


  • "We thank [NAME] at [NAISS CENTER] for [his/her] assistance with [describe tasks such as porting, optimization, etc.], which was made possible through application support provided by NAISS."


EuroHPC JU is an EU initiative where 32 European countries and 2 private partners are engaged to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe:

The gateway for Swedish researchers access to these resources is called The EuroCC National Competence Center Sweden (ENCCS)

ENCCS is crucial to make the Swedish research community ready for LUMI, the most powerful EuroHPC resource. Sweden participates in the LUMI consortium via the Swedish Research Council. 

There are two ways to apply for access to LUMI:

  • Applying through NAISS. LUMI is available as one of the resources in SUPR. Access is currently announced once a year.
  • Applying through EuroHPC/PRACE

The difference between the options above is that when you're applying through NAISS you are applying for the part of LUMI that is funded by Sweden, i.e. 3.5%. When you're applying through EuroHPC/PRACE you are applying for the part funded by EuroHPC, i.e 50%. So a much larger allocation, but in competition with the rest of Europe.  

More info on LUMI

NAISS current events and training sessions

Please see the following url for up to date information regarding current events and training sessions:

NAISS training newsletter No 28

Further reading regarding NAISS GPU resources

Tetralith at NSC retrofit with one Nvidia T4 GPUs per compute node

Alvis at C3SE is a new GPU resource for AI

Bianca at UPPMAX is a research system dedicated for analyzing sensitive personal data

Rackham at UPPMAX (and its storage system Crex) is for non-sensitive data

Dardel at PDC is the latest addition to the national HPC resources


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Mikael Carp

I work at central IT as a coordinator focusing primarily on supporting the researchers regarding all things IT and is the second SNIC coordinator at Karolinska Institutet
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