Collaborate, Process & Analyse research data

Research Data Management in 5 steps:
Analyse data

SciLifeLab is a national resource of unique technologies and data analysis expertise

Store and analyse data: NAISS
National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) offers access and storage of active data.

Biostatistics Core Facility
Biostatistics Core Facility provides biostatistical collaboration and support to medical and public health research.

Medical Statistics Unit
Medical Statistics Unit (Medstat) at LIME is involved in teaching, assignments and research in the field of medical statistics.

Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Activities of the centre include mentoring for early-stage researchers (PhD students and postdocs), support for project planning and grant writing, as well as seminars and discussion groups around bioinformatics and biostatistics methods and their application to biomedical data.

Transcribe in Microsoft Word
You can use Microsoft Word to transcribe live recordings and existing audio files
Share data

Share data and collaborate
To add value to research it is important to share data with other researchers and society.

Store and share data
Use a KI approved system to store or share research data.

NIH Data Sharing portal
A portal with sharing policies applying to NIH-funded projects and with instructions to researchers looking to access scientific data from NIH-affiliated repositories.