SciShare: platform for fast and secure data management
SciShare is a new platform designed to support research groups and core facilities at KI. The platform offers secure and scalable management, storage and sharing of large amounts of data and is administered through a simple web-based interface or FTP client.
SciShare combines accessibility with high security and scalability, making it possible to grow the user base for specific projects as needed. The service was developed in collaboration with the Centre for Imaging Research to improve and streamline the management of collected image data in the organisation.
The platform will serve as a resource for research projects where secure and efficient data management is essential. It facilitates collaboration both inside and outside KI in a secure way, as all users are invited to specific areas and need to identify themselves through two-step verification when using the platform.
Key functions
- Secure data transfer: the platform allows data to be moved between multiple parties and platforms in a secure and efficient way.
- Centralised storage: all data is located in a central data centre at KI, ensuring that all data is protected, backed up and easily accessible to connected users.
- User interface: an easy-to-use interface where users can upload, download and share their data. The interface allows the administrator to manage permissions and rights to the content, to ensure that invited users only access the intended data.
- Authorisation management: based on a hierarchical authorisation model as shown below. Each user is assigned a role that controls the level of authorisation in the system and ensures that only authorised individuals access specific data.
Roles and permission levels
SciShare values secure and efficient project administration. To this end, we have developed a straightforward but flexible system of roles and permission levels, facilitating seamless collaboration while keeping sensitive information secure.
Core roles in SciShare
- Superuser: This central role creates the project structure and defines authorisation levels. The superuser also has the ability to assign roles and permissions to team members, to ensure a smooth start and continued operation of the project.
- Project manager: The project manager has a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and security of the project. By controlling access, the project manager ensures that only authorised individuals have access to important information and resources.
In addition to these main roles, SciShare allows the creation of customised roles to meet the specific needs of the project. This means that each member can have unique permissions that reflect their responsibilities and contributions to the project, whether it be uploading, processing, or just reading data. The image below illustrates an example of a permissions structure with assigned roles.
It is always the project manager's responsibility, together with the Superuser, to ensure that invited parties have the authorisation and role required for the specific purpose of the individual project. These authorisation levels are not controlled or managed in any way by the IT Office.

Contact and ordering
To start using SciShare, a Superuser needs to be appointed at the relevant facility, department or research group. As a very first step, your contact person from the Professional Relations, IT Research Support and Services team will book a meeting with the service manager to take a closer look at your needs and present the platform and way of working in more detail.
If you are interested in such an initial conversation, please contact the IT Office by creating a new case in KI Self Service, and we will get back to you as soon as possible: