Financial Conflict of Interest

US federal funding agencies require foreign institutions and their researchers to fully comply with the requirements of 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F, "Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which PHS Funding is Sought." and the Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) regulation.

FCOI policy 

KI has an up-to-date internal policy for managing FCOI in US federally funded research projects. The policy includes the enforced administrative process followed by KI to identify and manage potential FCOI and applies to all KI researchers, both PIs and key personnel who are expected to comply fully.  

As a KI researcher who receives US federal funding, you are expected to comply with the FCOI regulations and to disclose your (and your spouse’s and dependent children's) domestic and foreign Significant Financial Interests (SFI). The SFIs that you are expected to declare are those related to your institutional responsibilities and could influence the design, conduct, or reporting of US federally funded research. SFIs other than that, are not part of the FCOI declaration. 

FCOI declaration  

There are certain instances in which you are requested to complete your FCOI declaration as described below. Notice that beyond the instances below, you must submit an updated FCOI declaration within thirty (30) days of acquiring or discovering a new SFI or an SFI that was not disclosed timely. 

FCOI declaration at the pre-award stage

The Grants Office (GO) staff will be assisting you with your application, and as part of the internal documentation will ask you to submit an FCOI declaration before the submission. You can complete your FCOI declaration via RedCap following the link For questions contact: 

FCOI declaration at the post-award stage

When your application is awarded, the Compliance and Data Office (CDO) staff will ask you to resubmit an up-to-date KI FCOI declaration, and thereafter you will need to resubmit your FCOI declaration annually. You can complete your FCOI declaration via RedCap, following the link For questions contact: 

FCOI training

KI is also responsible for the researcher’s FCOI training and requires each researcher to complete mandatory training before engaging in US federally funded research and thereafter at least every four years. You can take the training via the CITI program website by choosing the course “Conflict of Interest” (COI). More information about the CITI program can be found on the Research Ethics and Compliance training page.

In addition to the mandatory CITI training, you can get more information about the federal FCOI regulations and your responsibilities as a researcher via NIH’s FCOI Training