What is a framework agreement?

A framework agreement is an agreement with one or more suppliers where successive orders can be placed as needed over an extended period, with predetermined conditions.

A framework agreement is an agreement between a procuring unit (KI) and one or more suppliers, specifying that they will provide a product or service with predetermined conditions over a defined period, usually 4 years. Framework agreements differ from regular contracts in that successive orders, known as call-offs, are made as needed during the contract period. Framework agreements are pre-procured contracts, meaning they can be used without the need to conduct a corresponding procurement process, saving time and resources.

Framework agreements should be procured 

There is a legal obligation for the state to coordinate purchases. Framework agreements are entered into by KI as needed for its own operations, sometimes jointly with one or more other universities. Framework agreements are also entered into by the State Procurement Center (Kammarkollegiet), and these agreements are typically common to all government agencies.

Framework procurement for KI may only be carried out by the Procurement and Sourcing Unit.

Framework agreements should be used if available and applicable 

All purchases must comply with procurement rules, and all purchases over SEK 100,000 must be competitively tendered. When framework agreements exist, a significant part of the procurement process is already completed, and much time can be saved by placing orders (call-offs) under these agreements. There are locally procured framework agreements and state framework agreements. Those procured by KI should be used first.

If existing framework agreements cannot be used, and if the value of the procurement exceeds the direct purchase limit of SEK 100,000, a direct procurement with competitive tendering must be carried out through the Procurement and Sourcing Unit. If the procurement exceeds the direct procurement limit (SEK 700,000), the alternative is to conduct a procurement with public advertising and invitation to tender.

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